Language of Manuscript :
Language of Manuscript must be in the English language only
Quality :
- Rigorous peer review by international experts
- Editorial support and guidance
- Professional copy-editing, typesetting, and proof-reading
Visibility :
- Inclusion in major science and engineering databases
- Optimized for discovery in Google and scholarly search engines
Advocacy :
Promoted to selected audiences, international conferences, and through science and engineering social networks
Anti-Piracy Policy :
JMCMS proactively screens websites for illegal download links of JMCMS and subsequently requires hosts of such download sites to remove and delete the files or links in question to protect our authors´ rights and interests,
A collective effort between the JMCMS and legal teams together with an external IT partner has put efficient methods to detect illegal download links of JMCMS. Automated searching by special algorithms as well as acting on tip-offs and information from JMCMS authors and editors are common measures to detect and remove illegal download files. We have been pleased to observe immediate positive results in the number of links that have been disabled.
The anti-piracy policy has been successfully adopted by the latest technology to the piracy cases reported by authors or editors.
Sanctions :
JMCMS Publishing reserves the right to subject an author to sanction if found in breach of good editorial/publishing practice. Articles may be retracted, published with a note of correction or apology or no longer welcome to submit work to our journal for two years at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Responsibility of Author(s) :
While submitting your article to a journal, JMCMS, you are requested to confirm your agreement in line with your responsibility as an author. These must be written truthfully to the best of your knowledge.
When an author(s) submitting an Article to JMCMS, please ensure the following points :
- The submitted article is the authors’ original work.
- The article is not currently under review/ submitted elsewhere.
- The article has not been previously published.
- All authors have seen and approved the manuscript and have agreed to its submission to JMCMS Publishing.
- Any conflicts of interest should be declared on submission.
- All relevant publications that have been used in or have helped in the production of the submitted work have been cited as references.
- Permission has been sought and granted to use any figures included whose copyright belongs to someone.
Version of record :
Once published either in print or online, your work will be the version-of-online record in the public domain. Changes cannot be made to articles after publication.
Acknowledgment of sources :
Report to us immediately regarding the following points :
1. If you can download content without any barriers such as installations etc., it is likely that you have discovered a case of piracy. Get in touch with the JMCMS editorial team immediately.
2. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks (torrents) need to be differentiated: they are not run by one host but by a network of private computers. Though they rarely present a threat to journal content, you should be extremely cautious.
3. Downloading content automatically means uploading content from your PC. This can cause legal problems. We strongly recommend avoiding it. Don’t install sharing clients such as “Utorrent” or others.
4. JMCMS links from P2P networks cannot be deactivated. But when detected, the individual file-sharer will be sued.
JMCMS will put all sorts of efforts to target illegal download files and supports, new developments, and initiatives to prevent journal piracy. If you are a JMCMS author and have encountered illegal versions of your JMCMS, please get in touch with the JMCMS editorial team and help us to protect your rights.