Special Issue No. – 8, April, 2020

“Modern Approaches in Applied Mathematics” organized by ACADEMIE PAPER, LLC, Russia.



Aleksander M. Mezhuev,Ivan I. Pasechnikov,Aleksandr S. Nazarov,Dmitry V. Rybakov,




This paper discusses the multi-loop adaptation of a telecommunication network and shows how this problem can solved in the network’s variable operation conditions by applying generalized indices of information exchange efficiency evaluation (information efficiency indices), tensor methodology, spectral theory of graphs, and coherent models and considering accepted assumptions. The model representation of multi-loop adaptation is structured by levels, proceeding from the commonality of the problems being solved. The elaborated generalized algorithm and tensor orthogonal and imitative models for the telecommunication network of various topologies allow deriving information efficiency functions and evaluate this efficiency on the basis of generalized indices, including information transmission performance coefficient, inflow bandwidth, and band efficiency angle tangent. The modeling results confirm the feasibility and functionality of the suggested methodological tools for organization adaptation on the basis of the integral approach and the system of generalized indices in the context of inflow changes and under destabilizing influences.


Telecommunication network,multi-loop adaptation,integrated approach,information efficiency,performance coefficient,bandwidth,


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XVII. Mezhuev AM, Pasechnikov II, Korennoy AV. Analyzing efficiency function of in-formation network and algorithm of evaluating information exchange modes on the basis of derivatives of generalized indicator [Analizfunktsiieffektivnostiinfor-matsionnoyseti i algoritmotsenkirezhimovinformatsionnogoobmenanaosnove-proizvodnykhobobshchennogopokazatelya]. Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems 2017; 5; 12-22.
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Irina A. Ivkova,Olga V. Scryabina,Dina S. Ryabkova,Yuliya A. Diner,Irina P. Ivanova,




One of the most important economic tasks is the provision of the population with safe high-quality food products. Milk and dairy products are socially significant products in the population diet. Social-economical programs of the development of food processing industry target primarily small-scale processing industry. Taking into account geographical peculiarities ant climate conditions in Russia, the studies on the improvement and development of new technologies of milk and dairy-containing preservatives with enhanced nutritional value and long shelf life have high priority. The first aspect provides the main properties of products, the second – preserves them during all the period of storage with minimum risk of quality reduction.    The evaluation of the quality and safety of preserved dairy products is performed by a number of organoleptic, physicochemical, and microbiological parameters. Taking into account constant improvement of the existing and the development of new innovative technologies, the increase in the range of the produced products, the strengthening of the requirements to shelf life, and other factors, the evaluation criteria of the quality and safety are constantly expanding and new methods are developed, which are introduced into the official registration documentation for new types of products. The analysis of the grounds for the development of dairy products with an extended shelf life showed that there are still ways to improve the traditional technologies for the increase in their effectiveness. Besides, the problem of the improvement of the stability of preserved dairy products is acute because of the increase in the volume of milk-containing preservatives and the increase in the self-cost and the deficit of natural dairy sources.     The development of new products provided the required conditions of their production and storage: a fine method of dehydration, optimization of the content and technological modes, stabilization of fatty bases with antioxidants, correction of fatty acids content, and sealed packaging. The developed technologies of the production of preserved milk and milk-containing products allow for the adaptation of the chosen method for the development of safe preserved milk products and the prognosis of their economic, social, and strategic significance.  


High-fat dry cream powder,flavonoid antioxidants,antioxidant complexes,inhibition,quality parameters,secondary products of lipid oxidation,shelf life,


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Alexander M. Mezhuev,Ivan I. Pasechnikov,Evgeny V. Konovalchuk,Dmitry V. Rybakov,




The present research is devoted to developing a method of structural adaptation of network information systems (NIS) in conditions of high unstable input flow and the influence of destabilizing factors (interference) based on the current values ​​of the generalized parameter of evaluating the effectiveness of information exchange (information efficiency) in the basic and reserve structures. Applying the abovementioned method allows determining the boundary value of the input traffic for implementing structural adaptation, as well as forming an unambiguous condition for the transitions between the basic and reserve topologies of the system. The method can significantly increase the efficiency of information transfer and significantly expand the bandwidth of the NIS. Simulation and analytical models for evaluating the effectiveness of information exchange in NIS using the obtained method of structural adaptation were developed. During the simulation, the feasibility of the developed method and the reliability of the results obtained on its basis were confirmed, as well as recommendations were given on its practical application as algorithmic software for the monitoring controller of the system.




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