Special Issue No. – 8, April, 2020

“Modern Approaches in Applied Mathematics” organized by ACADEMIE PAPER, LLC, Russia.



Petr V. Senin,Aleksei V. Stolyarov,Sergey V. Chervyakov,




The use of hydrostatic steerage in agricultural and construction vehicles shows that, compared to traditional hydromechanical steerage, it has better balance and no steering wheels vibrations. But in certain environments, these automobiles have to work in severe conditions and the steering breaks down rather quickly. There can be multiple reasons for this – dirt, wear, excessive turn effort. The analysis of defects of the XY 145 0/1 hydraulic steers has demonstrated that 100% of breakdowns are caused by the wear of the slide valve-housing pair, i.e. this contact is limitative. Therefore, complete wear of these parts lead to the situation when turning the vehicle requires the effort exceeding normal. To find out how to increase durability of the valve-housing pair, we conducted a research of its stress-strain state. The strains in the contact can be studied with the help of the finite-element method which allows high-precision modeling of any components and mechanisms in operation. As a result, we generated a finite-element mesh with the minimal, average and maximal pressure values, transitions and deformations in elements; pressure values were presented as a graphical file with a diagram. The model of the strain state of hydraulic steer XY-145 slide valve-housing contact can be used in selecting the materials which, applied to the worn surfaces, will increase the general durability of hydraulic steers.


Steerage,hydraulic steer,fault,wear,finite-element method,


I. Burumkulov F.Kh., Ivanov V.I., Velichko S.A., Ionov P.A., Suldin S.P. (2005), Increasing of reliability of NSh-U hydraulic pumps by electric spark alloying of the working surfaces of friction couples, Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov, Vol. 41, No. 6, 13–18 (in Russian).

II. Burumkulov F.Kh., Velichko V.I., Ivanov V.I., Ionov P.A., Okin M.A., Stolyarov A.V. (2009), Electric spark nanocomposite coatings and their wear resistance, Machinery in Agriculture, № 1, 11-13 (in Russian).

III. Burumkulov F.Kh., Ivanov V.I., Velichko S.A., Denisov, V.A. (2014), Plasticity of electrospark. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, Vol. 50, No. 2, 106–110.

IV. Galkin V.O. (2011), Analysis of mathematical models. Binom, Мoscow, Russia. (in Russian)

V. Mamaev V.B. (2013), Analysis of tense and deformed state in elementary unit on the example of precipitation process. Izvestia BMSTU. Retrieved from http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-napryazhennogo-i-deformirovannogo-sostoyaniya-v-elementarnom-obeme-na-primere-protsessa-osadki (in Russian).

VI. Senin P.V., Davydkin A.M., Chervyakov S.V. (2013), Malfunction causes of dosing pumps and hydraulic steers (on the example of a hydraulic steer of the XY 145-0/1 trademark). Traktora i Selkhozmashiny, №12, 38-40 (in Russian).

VII. Stolyarov A.V. (2009), Increasing TBO of axial-piston hydraulic pump with slanting sheave block for restoration and hardening of worn surfaces of components. Dissertation. Saransk, Russia(in Russian).

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Denis G. Plotnikov,Anna S. Pakhomova,Vladimir M. Pitolin,Oksana V. Pozdysheva,Dmitry N. Rahmanin,Sergey A. Ermakov,




The essence of the problem is that modern communications have a pronounced network character, that causes a dramatic increase in the risk of network conflicts. It has been shown that the traditional conflict with its conceptual and analytical framework in the description of conflicts in general and of information conflicts in particular is not focused on the network and the formalization of network conflicts needs to be developed. In this regard, it is expected to build on the evaluations of weighted networks, bearing in mind that the modern network is a graph with a disjoint set of vertices (users) and edges (links) on which the network filler is circulating. Its volumes and values form a statistical (accumulated) resource (filler) on the vertices of the network and a dynamic (traffic) resource (filler) passing through the edge in a unit of time. The maximum values of these resources indicate the capacity of network elements. Even the resources dynamics of conflicting networks are considered in the context of a bilateral conflict. And the changes are proposed to be evaluated by the relative sensitivity functions that provide an inseparable assessment of the parameters of interest. Evaluations of the fundamental conflict from this approach are proposed through the deflection of the conflicting resources at the appropriate time sampling. As a result of the proposed approach, analytical expressions of the sensitivity factors that allowed for a weighted classification of network conflicts were obtained. Consideration was also given to the value and volume of fillers that make up the resources of network elements. The stages of the dynamics conflict have the same interpretation. Possible attacks by the parties in the course of their conflict interaction are also being considered. Then, the article deals with the practical value of the results obtained. In this regard, we consider the possible applications for the proposed methodology. Information networks are growing in popularity, that is why we analyze the application of the results in the context of the use of malicious software and destructive content in conflicts, where a step-by-step assessment of the dynamics of conflicting resources will make it possible to produce the necessary conflict analysis. At the interconnectivity level, a possible field of application of the article results can be a competing social network, as well as a intranet impact of antagonistic content within those networks.


Information network,network conflict,network potential,network resource,sensitivity,


I. Byrd, To. War with many unknowns / K. Byrd//Computerra. – M.: 2009. – No. 20. – 5 p.
II. Grinyaev, S. Russia in global information society: threats, risks and possible ways their neutralizations / S. Grinyaev, – Electron. it is this. – Access mode: http://www.noravank.am/upload/pdf/419_ ru.pdf.
III. Newman, M. E. J. A measure of betweenness centrality based on random walks/ M. E. J. Newman //Soc. Networks. 2005. – № 27. – P. 39–54.
IV. Newman, M. E. J. Ego–centered networks and the ripple effect / M. E. J. Newman //Soc. Networks. 2003. – № 25. – P. 83–95.
V. Newman, M. E. J. Finding and evaluating community structure in networks/ M. E. J. Newman, M. Girvan // Phys. Rev. E 69. 2004. – P. 72–93.
VI. Newman, M. E. J. Mixing patterns in networks / M. E. J. Newman // Phys. Rev. E 67. – 2003.
VII. Newman, M. E. J. Power laws, Pareto distributions and Zipf’s law / M. E. J. Newman. – Electronic resource. – URL: https://vk.com/dev/openapi_api.
VIII. Newman, M. E. J. The structure of scientific collaboration networks / M. E. J. Newman // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98. 2001. –P. 404–409.
IX. Newman, M. E. L The structure and function of complex networks/ M. E. J. Newman // SIAM Rev. 45. 2003. –P. 167–256.
X. Novoseltsev, V. I. System conflictology / V. I. Novoseltsev, – Voronezh: Quart, 2001. – 176 p.
XI. Ostapenko, G. A. Information transactions and the attacks in the sotsiotekhnicheskikh systems: organization-legal aspects of counteraction: Education guidance / G. A. Ostapenko, E. A. Meshkov; under the editorial office Yu.N. Lavrukhina. – М: The hot line – the Telecom, 2007. – 295 p.
XII. Pastor–Satorras, R. Absence of epidemic threshold in scale–free networks with connectivity correlations / R. Pastor–Satorras, A. Vespignani// Phys. Rev. Lett. – Pub.:American Physical Society. 2002. – Vol. 90, Iss. 2. – P. 1 – 4.
XIII. Pastor–Satorras, R. Epidemic dynamics, endemic states in complex networks / R. Pastor–Satorras, A. Vespignani//Phys. Rev. E. 2001. – P.101 – 104.
XIV. Pastor–Satorras, R. Epidemic spreading in complex networks with degree correlations / R. Pastor–Satorras, A. Vespignani// Contribution to the Proceedings of the XVIII SitgesConference “Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks”. – Berlin, 2003. – P. 165 – 170.
XV. Pastor–Satorras, R. Epidemic Spreading in Scale–Free Networks / R. Pastor–Satorras, A. Vespignani// Phys. Rev. Lett. 86. 2001. – P.45 – 56.
XVI. Pastor–Satorras, R. Topology, Hierarchy, Correlations in Internet Graphs / R. Pastor–Satorras, A. Vespignani//Lecture Notes in Phisics. 2004. – Springer – P. 425 – 440.
XVII. Prilepsky, V. V. Conflicts in information telekommunika-tsionnykh systems/ V. V. Prilepsky//Education guidance. Voronezh: Voronezh. state. техн. un-t, 2004. – 144 p.
XVIII. Rozenvasser, E. N. Chuvstvitelnost of management systems of / E.N. Rozenvasser, R. M. Yusupov, – M.: Science, 1981. – 464 p.
XIX. Ruby of. Social conflict: Escalation, the deadlock, permission / D. Rubin, D. Pruyt, H. Kim — SPb.: Prime-EVROZNAK, 2001. — 325 p.
XX. Savin, L. V. Setetsentrichnaya and network war. Introduction in the concept. / L.V. Savin. – Euroasian movement, 2011. – 130 p.
XXI. Ostapenko, G.A. Analytical estimation of the component viability of distribution automated information data system / G.A. Ostapenko, D.G. Plotnicov, O.Y Makarov, N.M. Tikhomirov, V.G. Yurasov // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – 25 (3). – P. 416-420.
XXII. Ostapenko, G.A. Analytical models of information-psychological impact of social information networks on users / G.A. Ostapenko, L.V. Parinova, V.I. Belonozhkin, I.L. Bataronov, K.V. Simonov // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – 25 (3). – P. 410-415.
XXIII. Ermakov, S.A. Optimization of expert methods used to analyze information security risk in modern wireless networks / S.A. Ermakov, A.S. Zavorykin, N.S. Kolenbet, A.G. Ostapenko, A.O Kalashnikov // Life Science Journal. – 2014. – № 11(10s). – P. 511-514.
XXIV. Radko, N.M. Assessment of the system’s EPI-resistance under conditions of information epidemic expansion‏ / N.M. Radko, A.G. Ostapenko, S.V. Mashin, O.A. Ostapenko, D.V. Gusev // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. – 2014. – Vol. 11 (3). – P. 1781-1784.
XXV. Radko, N.M. Peak risk assessing the process of information epidemics expansion / N.M. Radko, A.G. Ostapenko, S.V. Mashin, O.A. Ostapenko, A.S. Avdeev // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. – 2014. – Vol. 11 (Spl.End). – P. 251-255.
XXVI. Ostapenko, A.G. Flood-attacks within the hypertext information transfer protocol: damage assessment and management / A.G. Ostapenko, M.V. Bursa, G.A. Ostapenko, D.O. Butrik // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. – 2014. – Vol. 11 (Spl.End). – P. 173-176.
XXVII. Islamgulova, V.V. Discreet risk-models of the process of the development of virus epidemics in non-uniform networks / V.V. Islamgulova, A.G. Ostapenko,,N.M. Radko, R.K. Babadzhanov, O.A. Ostapenko // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. – 2016. – P. 306-315.

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Valentin N.Tkachev,




Architectural morphogenesis has a cyclical nature.The time of existence of each cycle is connected - not necessarily when the absolute coincidence - with epochs of the civilization development, wherein technological achievements, economy, forms of the social organization and the aesthetic worldview are joined together, realized as the cultural integrity, visually ascertained by the architectural style. Each style has phases of the birth, the golden age and the stagnation. The detector of morphological changes is the minor,at first glance, signs of the object congestion of architectural forms withprominent decorative features: symbols, plastic figures and color, which are necessary or redundant. The redundancy of equipping facade surfaces with ornamental elements and decor discredit the architectural form, which takes on the label of agglutination, when elements of decor are stuck on a facade - symptoms of the style diminishment phase. The abundance and the compositional meaninglessness of agglutinates give a signal to changing the architectural paradigm and restructuring the aesthetic worldview, shortening the time frame for the architecture renewal, ultimately aimed at establishing the priority of the pure form. The pure form, out of which the ancient architecture, the international architecture and high-tech had begun, is constantly threatenedwith the agglutination. Maybe it is high time to stop the reincarnation process?


Tectonics,the expressiveness of an architectural form,phases of the style development,agglutination,agglutinates psychology of vision,


I. Banham R. A look at the modern architecture. An epoch of masters. M.: Stroyizdat, 1980, 172 p.
II. G. W. F. Hegel, Aesthetics. Lectures on Fine Art, trans. T. M. Knox, 2 vols.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975, 611 p.
III. Ilyin I. A. Collected Edition. Vol. 6, book 1. M.: Russkayakniga, 1996, 560 p.
IV. Leonardo da Vinci. Selection. M.: State fiction publishing house, 1952, 258 p.
V. Melvyn J. Architecture. Guide to Styles. M.: Kladez-Books, 2007, 158 p.
VI. Nikolaev B. Physical fundamentals of architectural forms. Experience of the study of the chronical deformation of buildings. St. Petersburg: 1905, 163 p.
VII. SiegfriedGiedion, Space, Time and Architecture, vol. 4th (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1962), 360.
VIII. Tarasova L. G. Interrelation of management processes and self-organization in the development of large cities. Saratov, Publ. House of the Saratov University, 2009, 141 p.
IX. Tasalov V. I. Essay on aesthetic ideas of the capitalist society architecture. M.: Nauka, 1979, 336 p.
X. Tkachev V. N., Semeshkina T. V. Associations in the architecture and the design. M.: MGSU Press, 2011, 224, p.

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Sergey S. Kulikov,Vladimir N. Derevianko,Dmitrii O. Karpeev,Mikhail I. Bocharov,Ekaterina A. Moskaleva,Nikolai M. Radko,




This paper proposes a method of transformation of network models, taking into account their topological properties and weight characteristics. The method is intended for the networks with a large number of vertices. Social information networks, mustering millions of users, should be considered as the most illustrative example of such. Simulation of similar networks structures takes tremendous calculation expenditures and, therefore, the authors set themselves a task to transform the initial network by means of size reduction, yet retaining its properties. Since modern corporate and global networks are suspended (all vertices and arcs have different weights – specific traffic) and heterogeneous (the number of vertices bonds varies significantly), therefore, the authors aim to (when transforming the graph) preserve all above-mentioned topological properties and weight characteristics of the analysed network. Some equivalent transformations are formalized in the form of algorithm of the researcher’s actions. Software based on this algorithm confirmed efficiency of the proposed approach. Adduced examples illustrate the peculiarities of the proposed algorithm of transformation of networks models. Emphasized results of the research are the following: for the first time an algorithm of similarity transformation offers an opportunity to reduce an initially large network into a considerably smaller network that is convenient to use in the analysis of social networks and epidemic processes of content distribution; resulting assessments of metrics and characteristics of suspended networks, in contrast to analogues, give an opportunity to consider weight properties of the network and present an apparatus for studying properties of harmful content distribution in suspended heterogeneous social networks; in this case, discrete macro-models of the epidemic process differ from the analogues, they specifically simulate a suspended heterogeneous social network, including filler of the vertices (agents quality) and network bandwidth (the traffic that passes along the communication lines of the network).


Suspended graph,vertex,traffic,algorithm,


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VIII. Islamgulova, V.V., Ostapenko, A.G., Radko, N.M., Babadzhanov, R.K., &Ostapenko, O.A. (2016). Discreet risk-models of the process of the development of virus epidemics in non-uniform networks. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 306-315.
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XII. Ostapenko, A.G., Bursa, M.V., Ostapenko, G.A., &Butrik, D.O. (2014). Flood-attacks within the hypertext information transfer protocol: damage assessment and management. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11(Spl.End), 173-176.
XIII. Ostapenko, A.G., Plotnikova, D.A., &Guzev, U.N. (2016). Weighted Network Metrics. Information and Security, 19(2), 258-261.
XIV. Ostapenko, G.A., Parinova, L.V., Belonozhkin, V.I., Bataronov, I.L., & Simonov, K.V. (2013). Analytical models of information-psychological impact of social information networks on users. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(3), 410-415.
XV. Ostapenko, G.A., Plotnicov, D.G., Makarov, O.Y, Tikhomirov, N.M., &Yurasov, V.G. (2013). Analytical estimation of the component viability of distribution automated information data system. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(3), 416-420.
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XX. Radko, N.M., Ostapenko, A.G., Mashin, S.V., Ostapenko, O.A., &Avdeev, A.S. (2014). Peak risk assessing the process of information epidemics expansion. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11(Spl.End), 251-255.
XXI. Radko, N.M., Ostapenko, A.G., Mashin, S.V., Ostapenko, O.A., &Gusev, D.V. (2014). Assessment of the system’s EPI-resistance under conditions of information epidemic expansion. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11(3), 1781-1784.
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Denis G. Plotnikov,Grigory A. Ostapenko,Vasily I. Borisov,Larisa V. Parinova,Nikolay M. Tikhomirov,




Terrorist attacks and their probable consequences in networks are explored with the account of the network character of the modern terrorism. By using the network resources, the structure of a network conflict of terrorist character is formalized including the metrics of its depth. Probability and entropy models of a network conflict of terrorist character are proposed, taking into account the analytical estimations and regulation of risks of conflict situations occurrence. Viewing such characteristics as the value of a filler volume unit and the network bandwidth, the authors propose analytical expressions for risk, damage, chance and durability of the critical infrastructure elements.


Information network,network terrorism,network conflict model,risk analysis,critical infrastructure,


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VI. Ermakov, S.A., Zavorykin, A.S., Kolenbet, N.S., Ostapenko, A.G., & Kalashnikov, A.O. (2014). Optimization of expert methods used to analyze information security risk in modern wireless networks. Life Science Journal, 11(10s), 511-514.

VII. Grinyaev, S. Russia in the global information society: threats, risks and possible ways of their neutralization. Retrieved from: http://www.noravank.am/upload/pdf/419_ru.pdf.

VIII. Islamgulova, V.V., Ostapenko, A.G., Radko, N.M., Babadzhanov, R.K., & Ostapenko, O.A. (2016). Discreet risk-models of the process of the development of virus epidemics in non-uniform networks. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 306-315.

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XXI. Ostapenko, A.G., Bursa, M.V., Ostapenko, G.A., & Butrik, D.O. (2014). Flood-attacks within the hypertext information transfer protocol: damage assessment and management. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11, 173-176.

XXII. Ostapenko, A.G., Yermilov, E.V., & Kalashnikov, A.O. (2013a). Risks of lameness, chances of usefulness and component resilience of automated systems under conditions of information threats impact on them. Information and safety, 16(2), 215-218.

XXIII. Ostapenko, A.G., Yermilov, E.V., & Kalashnikov, A.O. (2013b). Innovative trends and information risks of development of the IT sphere in the context of providing crucial objects. Information and safety, 16(3), 323-334.

XXIV. Ostapenko, G.A. (2006). Stochastic Models and the Secondary Effects Analysis of the Informational-Derivative Action in the Sociotechnical Systems. CSIT 2, 32-34.

XXV. Ostapenko, G.A., Karpeev, D.O., Plotnikov, D.G., Batishchev, R.V., Goncharov, I.V., Maslikhov, P.A., et al. (2010). Risks of the distributed systems: techniques and algorithms of assessment and management. Information and safety, 13(4), 485-530.

XXVI. Ostapenko, G.A., Linets, A.L., Guzev, Yu.N., & Chapurin, E.Yu. (2015). Characteristics of the network conflict and capacities of networks. Management of information risks and safety of infocommunication systems, 4, 72-92.

XXVII. Ostapenko, G.A., Parinova, L.V., Belonozhkin, V.I., Bataronov, I.L., & Simonov, K.V. (2013). Analytical models of information-psychological impact of social information networks on users. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25 (3), 410-415.

XXVIII. Ostapenko, G.A., Plotnikov, D.G., Makarov, O.Y., Tikhomirov, N.M., & Yurasov, V.G. (2013). Analytical estimation of the component viability of distribution automated information data system. World Applied Sciences Journal, 25 (3), 416-420.

XXIX. Ostapenko, O.A. (2005). Methodology of a risk assessment and securities of systems. Information and safety, 8(8), 28.

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XXXVI. Radko, N.M., Ostapenko, A.G., Mashin, S.V., Ostapenko, O.A., & Avdeev, A.S. (2014). Peak risk assessing the process of information epidemics expansion. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11, 251-255.

XXXVII. Radko, N.M., Ostapenko, A.G., Mashin, S.V., Ostapenko, O.A., & Gusev, D.V. (2014). Assessment of the system’s EPI-resistance under conditions of information epidemic expansion. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 11 (3), 1781-1784.

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Andrey V. Parinov,Nikolay N. Tolstyh,Yuri K. Yazov,Vladimir I. Belonozhkin,Olga A. Ostapenko,




This paper considers the varieties and peculiarities of content perception in social networks. It analyzes the data about communication topology and the probability of user’s infection. The methodology of the representative sampling is suggested. The authors focused on discrete simulation of the epidemic process. In this connection, the topological models were used as a triadic predicate (vertex-arc-vertex) describing the incidence and communication strength of social network users. In this context, the matrices have been built: of the vertices degree, the weighted centrality of the network elements, and the specific balance of the content volume. These matrices characterize the topological properties of the weighted (taking into account the traffic of its arcs and vertices) of the network from which then the sampling takes place. This is due to the need to reduce the size of the network being analyzed and therefore its representative truncation is carried out, i.e. the conversion of the original data to a form suitable for later simulation of epidemics. The paper introduces a fairly detailed review of the variety of content circulating in social networks. For its intended purpose, content is divided into entertainment, useful, news, user, reputation, interactive, and commercial. Special attention is paid to destructions in content as well as the ways to draw attention to it. All of this constitutes an information base for modeling the diffusion processes of content in social networks. The above matrices serve this purpose. In addition, the paper introduces the results of the proposed methodology use in application to the development of information support required for the modeling of social networks. In this context, an example of a three-dimensional illustration of the source network and its representative sample by level of specific traffic is given. The issue of the mutation of the distribution law of verteces degrees during representative sample was discussed. In the discussion of the results obtained in the paper, the directions of further improvement of the methodology has been formulated which could be used as a basis for other researchers. First of all they are the following: structural and parametric details of social networks descriptions, comprehensive research of the content constructs and ways of its promotion in the network, taking into account the change dynamics of analyzed network parameters, and users participation in several information communities at the same time. This would greatly enrich the information support for social networks modeling.


Social network,epidemic,content,probability of infection,representative sample of data,


I. Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers. – Электрон. дан. – Режимдоступа: http://buzzsumo.com.
II. Большая инструкция для начинающих SMM специалистов Точка доступа: http://www.terehoff.com/the-best-smm-manual.html
III. https://habrahabr.ru/post/286662/.
IV. Neil Patel. How Long Should Each Blog Post Be? A Data Driven Answer –https://www.quicksprout.com/2014/03/31/how-long- should-each- blog-post- be-a- data-driven- answer/.
V. KONECT (the Koblenz Network Collection) Social Network statistics and analysis. –http://konect.uni-koblenz.de
VI. https://ru-ru.facebook.com.
VII. https://vk.com.
VIII. http://androidconnect.ru/statistika-facebook- kolichestvo-aktivnyh- polzovatelej-naschityvaetsya- okolo-1- 7-milliarda-ezhemesyachno- 2.
IX. https://plus.google.com.
X. https://soundcloud.com.
XI. https://www.youtube.com.
XII. https://www.flickr.com/
XIII. http://ratengoods.com.
XIV. https://ru.foursquare.com.
XV. http://tourout.ru.
XVI. http://www.wikireality.ru/wiki/4pda.
XVII. http://forum.xda-developers.com.
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XXIII. https://slashdot.org.
XXIV. http://www.bibsonomy.org.
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XXVIII. Ostapenko, G.A. Analytical estimation of the component viability of distribution automated information datasystem / G.A. Ostapenko, D.G. Plotnicov, O.Y Makarov, N.M. Tikhomirov, V.G. Yurasov // World AppliedSciences Journal. – 2013. – 25 (3). – P. 416-420.
XXIX. Ostapenko, G.A. Analytical models of information-psychological impact of social information networks on users /G.A. Ostapenko, L.V. Parinova, V.I. Belonozhkin, I.L. Bataronov, K.V. Simonov // World Applied SciencesJournal. – 2013. – 25 (3). – P. 410-415.
XXX. Ermakov, S.A. Optimization of expert methods used to analyze information security risk in modern wirelessnetworks / S.A. Ermakov, A.S. Zavorykin, N.S. Kolenbet, A.G. Ostapenko, A.O Kalashnikov // Life ScienceJournal. – 2014. – № 11(10s). – P. 511-514.
XXXI. Radko, N.M. Assessment of the system's EPI-resistance under conditions of information epidemic expansion‏ /N.M. Radko, A.G. Ostapenko, S.V. Mashin, O.A. Ostapenko, D.V. Gusev // Biosciences Biotechnology ResearchAsia. – 2014. – Vol. 11 (3). – P. 1781-1784.
XXXII. Radko, N.M. Peak risk assessing the process of information epidemics expansion / N.M. Radko, A.G. OstapenkoS.V. Mashin, O.A. Ostapenko, A.S. Avdeev // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. – 2014. – Vol. 11(Spl.End). – P. 251-255.
XXXIII. Ostapenko, A.G. Flood-attacks within the hypertext information transfer protocol: damage assessment and
XXXIV. management / A.G. Ostapenko, M.V. Bursa, G.A. Ostapenko, D.O. Butrik // Biosciences Biotechnology ResearchAsia. – 2014. – Vol. 11 (Spl.End). – P. 173-176.
XXXV. Islamgulova, V.V. Discreet risk-models of the process of the development of virus epidemics in non-uniformnetworks / V.V. Islamgulova, A.G. Ostapenko,,N.M. Radko, R.K. Babadzhanov, O.A. Ostapenko // Journal ofTheoretical and Applied Information Technology. – 2016. – P. 306-315.

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Andrey V. Parinov,Alexander G. Ostapenko,Oleg N. Choporov,Konstantin A. Razinkin,Andrey Yu. Savinkov,




In this paper, the micromodels of processes infection with the social networks users content as well as users in the process of two contents conflicting have been substantiated. The methodological support is suggested for epidemic risk analysis of social networks. The methodological approach is based on the probabilistic representation of the user's infection process, where its different states takes place during the content perception. For the assessment of the values of the transition probabilities between these states, the results of statistical studies obtained for networks were used : communication, media-content exchange, reviews and insights, group discussions, authors' accounts, social bookmarkings, according to interests. Moreover, the topics of content were taken into account: music, food, scenery, people, goods, restaurant, tickets, stocks, health, nuclear weapons, war, business, society, cooperation, etc. In addition, there was a recalculation in conditional probabilities when considering the problem of collision of competing contents, including the specifics of social network analysis from the point of view of risk assessment of the spreading the destructive content and the user's chances to perceive positive information. This approach actually considers the situations being relevant to network confrontation when there is a collision of competing contents in the network, and their diffusion takes place under influence of the conditional probabilities of the   network vertex transition into one or other  state of perception of these contents. In this regard, the models taking into account the loss and retention of immunity in relation to the impacted contents were considered . At the same time, the model of contents confrontation offered in the paper is arised from the capabilities of multiple states of network vertex. For this purpose, the appropriate analytical expressions for conditional probabilities of transition from the state to the state of network user have been obtained. To discuss the possible practical application of the proposed methodology,  this paper considers the analytical assessment of risks and chances of content diffusion in the network  This approach is based on the weighting of the network elements, where their  specific traffics are logically used, easily computed from these publicly available social networks. The weighted sets of infected and other vertices characterize in this case the results of the epidemic process at its different stages. The corresponding analytic expressions are also suggested for the case of several contents collision in a network.


Social network,epidemic,micromodels of the epidemic process,microfractal,


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IX. Islamgulova, V.V. Discreet risk-models of the process of the development of virus epidemics in non-uniform networks / V.V. Islamgulova, A.G. Ostapenko,,N.M. Radko, R.K. Babadzhanov, O.A. Ostapenko // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. – 2016. – P. 306-315.
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XV. Ostapenko, G.A. Analytical estimation of the component viability of distribution automated information data system / G.A. Ostapenko, D.G. Plotnicov, O.Y Makarov, N.M. Tikhomirov, V.G. Yurasov // World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – 25 (3). – P. 416-420.

XVI. Ostapenko, G.A. Analytical models of information-psychological impact of social information networks on users / G.A. Ostapenko, L.V. Parinova, V.I. Belonozhkin, I.L. Bataronov, K.V. Simonov//World Applied Sciences Journal. – 2013. – 25 (3). – P. 410-415.

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XVIII. Radko, N.M. Peak risk assessing the process of information epidemics expansion / N.M. Radko, A.G. Ostapenko, S.V. Mashin, O.A. Ostapenko, A.S. Avdeev // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. – 2014. – Vol. 11 (Spl.End). – P. 251-255.

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Yakov I. Soler,Chi Kien Nguyen,Van Canh Nguyen,




Abrasive wheels are normally classified by the various signs that have to be assured at the manufacture stage. Until now, there has been a lack of the information on the assessment of the impact of abrasive wheels on output parameters of the part surface quality. This study uses the cluster analysis method to group subjects or phenomena under consideration subject to the measures of position (means, medians) and dispersion. Abrasive wheels of 14 types are classified into three groups that have similar cutting power in terms of the quality of 1933Т2 high-strength aluminium alloy ground parts. The first cluster comprises the following wheels:37C46I12VP, 37C(46,60,80)K12VP, 39C(46,80)(I,K)12VP, 08C(46,70)12V01(P01,P02), 63C40L7V; second – 5SG46K12VXP, TGX80I12VCF; third – 39C(46,60)K8VK.It has been established that, other than Russian abrasive tool 63C40L7V, the first cluster comprises high-porous wheels (HPW) by Norton and Molemad of 12th structure that yield the most precise forms and micro-hardness of parts. Cluster 3 comprises two Norton wheels with normal pores (grade 8) that yield the cleanest surface:one-two categorial values (GOST 2789–79) lower than HPW. Cluster 2 wheels were tested and showed the lowest performance.


Flat grinding,abrasive wheels,nonparametric statistics,median,measure of dispersion,cluster analysis,


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Vyacheslav N. Fedorov,Nikolay D. Malutin,Nikolay B. Drobotun,




Specific features of the operation of ultra-wideband power dividers based on coupled lines under the influence of picosecond impulses are considered. The divider consists of seven links: a single-stage splitter on a three-wire strip line and six cascades of quarter-wave transformers on two-wire coupled lines. The possibility of using dividers as combiners of pulse signals fed to the outputs of the dividers is shown. It is shown that the decoupling of the output ports and the transmission factor between the input port and the output ports, measured in the pulsed mode and under the influence of the chirp signal, are significantly different. Conditions for increasing the decoupling of the divider outputs in the pulsed mode are given.The divider is made on a ceramic substrate with an area of 5.5×1.2 mm and provides decoupling in the frequency band from 10 GHz to 67 GHz not worse than 18 dB, and maximum return losses not worse than 12 dB at insertion loss from –3,5 to –4.4 dB in frequency range.


A super-broadband divider,the combiner of impulses,picosecond and nanosecond impulses,divider model as a six-pole,ABCD-matrix of divider/combiner,boundary conditions for the incident and the reflected waves in microwave devices,


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Olga E. Zheleznikova,Sergey V.Prytkov,Andrey M. Kokinov,




Correlated color temperature (CCT) is a value that characterizes thechromaticity of radiation and it is also used for calculation of color rendering according to the metrics CRI and CQS and also in the theoretical researches. And if in the first case the specific accuracy is not required during its estimation because there are chromatic thresholds within the limits of which CCT is accepted to be the same, in the second and the third cases the accuracy of the methods cannot be neglected. Also, due to the fact that there are several methods of the CCT calculation, all of them possess different degree of complexity and accuracy and the researchers face the problem what method and in what case they shall prefer.The above mentioned determines the urgency of the studied problem. The objective of the article is to determine the distribution of the CCT absolute error in the field of its determination for the most well-known methods: Robertson’s method, Yoshi Ohno’s method, Javier Hernandez-Andres’ method, McCamy’s method. The leading approach to the research of this problem is to use the coordinates of chromaticity located on the lines of the constant correlated color temperature with the further evaluation of the absolute error as the initial data for the CCT calculation. As a result of the research it was revealed that the numerical methods of Robertson and Yoshi Ohno are significantly more precise than the analytical methods of Hernandez-Andres and McCamy in the whole CCT definition domain. On the base of the obtained distributions of the absolute error the recommendation can be given to use the different methods of calculation for different cases. The work compares the “classical” variant of Robertson’s method using the 31 isotherm and the variants with a bigger number of isotherms. It is shown that when the step between the isotherms is reducing the error is decreasing too. The developed method of estimation of the CCT calculation is universal and can be applied to other methods apart the methods considered in the article.


Correlated color temperature,Planckianlocus,blackbodylocus,line of constant correlated temperature,chromaticity coordinates,absolute error,


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