Special Issue No. – 7, February, 2020

14th International Conference on Intelligent System and Control (ISCO’20)
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India



Arun Kumar P M,Kannimuthu S,




The impact of good driving and rode safety plays a major role in automobile sector. Though autonomous driving and modern driving techniques are improving worldwide, the study of driver behavior and characteristics become indispensable. The research on driving science has taken long strides since its inception.  Driving behavior analysis requires more valid attributes and the evaluation process requires better prediction models .The role of Artificial intelligence and machine learning in driver-behavior prediction have given new dimension to extract valuable results. This paper deploys a novel scheme to predict the driver behavior using advanced machine learning technique.


Driver behavior,Drowsiness detection,Machine learning,Traffic accident analysis,


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P. Murugeswari,




In recent years several classification techniques have been proposed which are classified into supervised and unsupervised classifications. In unsupervised classification, fuzzy clustering analysis is a most common technique since it never needs training data for fuzzy clustering algorithm. Nevertheless, different clustering algorithms have different initial conditions to generate different partitions and use different parameters in order to produce different results. Thus, the partitions generated by fuzzy clustering algorithm are in need to validate. Many cluster validity indices have been proposed in the last three decades for validating type-1 fuzzy based FCM algorithm. Recently many type-2 fuzzy based applications were presented due to its extract degree of fuzziness. But its computational complexity is very high, so interval type-2 fuzzy system is widely used in many applications. After the updation of cluster centriods in type-2 fuzzy based FCM algorithm, the   type-2 fuzzy membership function is taken as unreliability of type-1 membership function. Therefore there is a need for a new method to validate the cluster validity index for interval type-2 fuzzy system based applications. In this paper, we have presented a new approach of validating the 14 cluster validity indices and performed extensive comparison of the mentioned indices in conjunction with various interval type-2 fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms. For experimental analysis we have taken the number of widely used datasets and Berkely image database. 


Cluster validity indices,IT2FCM,Extended IT2FCM,IT2FCMα,


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C. Priya,C. Ramya,




In the real time scenario, image encryption has been carried out early to the compression for maintaining the safety of the image. In this paper, a highly efficient image Encryption-Then-Compression (ETC) system has been designed, where the lossless compression is taken into account. The proposed image encryption method is operated with image encryption AES and RSA algorithm with Set Partition in Hierarchical tree(SPIHT) which shows logically high security compression technique. The ETC method  is proved  to be more simpler and efficient method while analyzing the parameters like Compression Ratio (CR), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR).


Compression,Encrypted Image,Decrypted Image,Decompression,


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C. Bharathipriya,B. Swathi,X. Francis Jency,




Recently customers are exposed to large variety of products and information on Internet, there is a necessity to filter, prioritize and personalize appropriate information to increase e-commerce demand. Using Recommender system, Business to Consumer (B2C) relationship can be benefitted and optimal, product selection is generated by solving voluminous data dynamically .In this work, a collaborative filtering is proposed to achieve top N recommendation about products to the consumers for purchase. In this work, the proposed recommender system focuses on obtaining similar group of customers using novel method. Personalized customer product recommendation is obtained by using classification and clustering algorithms. Good product evaluation is done using metrics like root mean square error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE). Recommender system has proved to enhance quality of decision making procedure and it gives a great impact on people’s decision making. This work gives a recommender system which increases the value of e-commerce websites and worthiness in encountering best products for customers. 


Recommender system,Collaborative filtering,decision making,Business-Consumer,


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C. Bharathi Priya,Sreeja B. P,Madhumitha Ramamurthy,




Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) comes under a kind of ad-hoc networks where network nodes hold sensors on board and sense diverse factors around deployed region. WSN turns to be extremely popular owing to its diverse applications nature comprising cyber-physical systems, disaster relief, precision agriculture, rescue operation, healthcare and object tracking in terrestrial environment to examine physical factors of space applications, human and so on. Enormous applications utilize sensor nodes based location information as inherent features. This information is more essential to recognize spatial co-ordinates of data origination. Extensively, localization approaches are categorized into range free and range based approaches. In this busy world, it is difficult for the parents to control child movements in crowded places.  There is a substantial risk that the child may get lost in the crowd. This has motivated to propose a solution to track the child movement in the crowded area like shopping mall, theatre, Play station etc. This proposed system helps to track the location of the child in In-Door environment using range-based localization technique.  RSSI is a parameter used to estimate the child location and communicate its position to parents.  Child and parents are considered as nodes, child would be wearing ZigBee  and GSM modules which periodically sends signals to the parent node. If the child gets moved away from parent, then parent receive the accurate location of the child and track the children within a range. With the use of distance measurement, position of children will be computed, and location of child is informed to parents.


ZigBee,Cyber-Physical Systems,RSSI,Parent node,


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Sindhu V,Nivedha S,Prakash M,




The subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Machine Learning.  Machine Learning (ML) has a rapid growth in all fields of research such as medical, bio-surveillance, robotics and all other industrial applications. Improvements in accuracy and efficiency of ML techniques in bio-informatics have steadily increased for solving problems in medicine. The aim of this paper is to give brief note about applications of ML in bio-informatics and science research. Bioinformatics involves the interaction of biology, computer science and statistics. In bioinformatics, Data were extracted, analyzed and classified for the prediction of various diseases. This process is time consuming and expensive. To reduce the cost and time, traditional techniques for extracting and analyzing the data were replaced by machine learning techniques.



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S. JothiLakshmi,M. Thangaraj,




In a higher education system, student faces a difficulty in choosing a right course from the large pool of courses in the institution. The course recommender framework provides necessary guidance to student network to choose a course in their scholarly schedule. This paper explores the potential of Educational data mining for course selection recommendation by predicting student’s course selection which involves analysing admission data of student in the institution. The proposed framework was designed as agent based recommender system to improve the efficiency of recommendations. There are three agents in this model, Pattern discovery agent generates the course selection pattern which is filtered by filtering agent. The recommendation agent provides recommendation. The proposed model was analyzed and tested using admission data collected from the higher educational institution. More specifically the model is applied on 10000 student admission data in the distance learning programme. The model is evaluated by three experiments, the experimental results indicates that this recommender system can more accurate predictions of course selections.


Data mining,classification mining,collaborative recommendation,course selection,EDM,


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III. E K Subramanian, Ramachandran “Student Career Guidance System for Recommendation of Relevant Course Selection” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7, Issue-6S4, April 2019
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J. Nandhini,K. Mahalakshmi,K. K. Savitha,A. S. Narmadha,Ms. G. Kalaiarasi,




MANET is an emerging technology that allows the users to interact without physical infrastructure irrespective of geographical location.  In particular, energy efficient routing is the most important design for network operation due to the effect of increased data rates in wireless networks. The security aspects are to be considered for an efficient routing. The main challenge and research area in MANET is a route path identification, intrusion detection and energy consumption. Energy maintenance is the most important issue to be handled in order to avoid the excess usage of resources by mobile nodes which lead to route path breakup. Due to the lack of central server and infrastructure in MANET, security problems are to be addressed in order to preserve the network from attackers. In this work, techniques are proposed to handle energy efficient routing in the clustered environment while maintaining trustworthiness and security under emergency rescue conditions. Nodes are simulated using NS 2 and performance parameters are compared with existing algorithms.


MANET,Security,Authentication,Routing,Energy efficiency,Clustering,


I. AmolBhosle&YogadharPandey 2013, ‘Applying Security to Data Using Symmetric Encryption in MANET’, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 426-430.

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III. Elhadi M Shakshuki Nan Jang &Tarek R Sheltami 2013, ‘EAACK: A Secure Intrusion Detection System for MANETs’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 1089-1098.

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VII. HaiyingShen&Lianyu Zhao 2013, ‘ALERT: An Anonymous Location-Based Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs’, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1079-1093.

VIII. Iftikhar Ahmad, HumairaJabeen& Faisal Riaz, 2013, ‘Improved Quality of Service Protocol for Real Time Traffic in MANET’, International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (IJCNC), vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 75-86.
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XIV. MenakaSivakumar 2018, “Secured Routing Deterrent to Internal Attacks for Mobile AD HOC Networks”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 11 (1) 1 – 9.

XV. MenakaSivakumar 2018, “Secured Routing Deterrent to Internal Attacks for Mobile AD HOC Networks” Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 11 (1) 1 – 9.

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XVII. Mohamed, MEA Mahmoud &Xuemin (Sherman) Shen 2013, ‘A Secure Payment Scheme with Low Communication and Processing Overhead for Multihop Wireless Networks’, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 209-224.

XVIII. Pradip De, Yonghe Liu &Sajal K Das, 2010, ‘Energy-Efficient Reprogramming of a Swarm of Mobile Sensors’, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 703-718.

XIX. Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno, Tat Chee Wan &RahmatBudiarto 2011, ‘Energy Efficient Cluster based Routing protocol for MANETs’, International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, IPCSIT, vol. 2, pp. 380-384.

XX. Shengrong Bu, Richard Yu, F, Xiaoping Liu, P & Helen Tang 2011, ‘Structural Results for Combined Continuous User Authentication and Intrusion Detection in High Security Mobile Ad hoc Networks’, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 3064- 3073.

XXI. Sourav Bhattacharya, HenrikBlunck, MikkelBaunKjærgaard&PetteriNurmi 2015, ‘Robust and Energy-Efficient Trajectory Tracking for Mobile Devices’, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 430-443.

XXII. SurendranSubbaraj&PrakashSavarimuthu 2014, ‘Eigen Trust-based non- cooperative game model assisting ACO look-ahead secure routing against selfishness’, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 1-120.

XXIII. Tao Shu& Marwan Krunz 2010, ‘Coverage-Time Optimization for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks: A Power-Balancing Approach’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 202-215.

XXIV. YuvarajKumbharey, SuweshShukla&SushilChaturvedi 2013, ‘Renovated Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET’, International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 206-211.

XXV. Zhongyuan Qin, Xinshuai Zhang, KerongFeng, Qunfang Zhang &Jie Huang 2015, ‘An efficient key management scheme based on ECC and AVL Tree for large scale Wireless Sensor Networks’, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2015, pp. 1-7.

XXVI. Ziane Sara &MekkiRachida 2015, ‘Energy-Efficient Inter-Domain Routing Protocol for MANETs’, Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 52, pp. 1059-1064.

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Vinothkumar. P,Jayanthi.R,Mohankumar. G. B,Rathanasabhapathy. G,




Authentication protocol is a very important protocol for Communication protocols like NFC(Near Field Communication). Its working recurrence is 13.56 MHz with the transmission speed go from 106 Kbps to 424 Kbps. In light of the common idea of remote communication frameworks, there are a couple of sorts of security vulnerabilities. Beginning late, a pseudonym based NFC convention (PBNFC) convention has been proposed to withstand the security traps found in the prohibitive security protection security custom. Regardless, this undertaking encourage analyses PBNFCP and exhibits that in any case it fails to keep the ensured security properties, for instance, pantomime assaults against a foe, who is a poisonous selected customer having a significant name relating private key.The proposed SEAP is repeated for the conventional security attestation utilizing the extensively perceived AVISPA (Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications). SEAP is secure and effective when contrasted with the related existing verification conventions for NFC applications.


Short range communication,life time based,Restrictive Security,AVISPA,


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Vidhya. D,Subha. E,




The notion of the paper has to investigate  new set named as nano g*b-closed sets(Ng*b) in nano topological spaces(NTS). Some importantresults of Ng*b-closed sets are analysed. Also, we examine  the relationship of Ng*b-closed sets with other sets in NTS.




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Karthick R,Vijaya Kumar R,




This paper presents the transient performance of Wind-Diesel hybrid power system. Induction generator is used for wind power plant and synchronous generator is used for diesel system, combining both, named as hybrid system, is subjected to step load variation for analysing stability issues. The small signal model of synchronous generator with excitation system, induction generator of wind turbine and UPFC is obtained based on the requirement. The system reactive power is monitored and controlled by a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) which improves the voltage profile of the system and thereby the stability. The system performance is investigated for both constant wind speed and varying wind speed. The complete system is modelled and built using MATLAB Simulink and the results are verified for various cases with and without UPFC controller.


Induction Generator (IG),Synchronous Generator (SG),Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC),Wind-Diesel Hybrid system,Diesel Generator set,


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M. Senthamil Selvi,K. Deepa,Mrs. S. Jansirani Sankar,




In recent years, Deep Learning technologies are more popular and used in many fields like agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing etc. One of the areas in deep learning is image classification and the results are useful, successful with more accuracy. Deep learning algorithm for image classification is CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). This paper uses the leaf image dataset like Good leaf images, leaf with worms and leaf with insect images. It is very important to classify the leaf in the agriculture field to spray the pesticide or insectides. Sometimes, some leaves are good in particular areas; those areas need only water for growth. This paper deals with deep learning techniques such CNN, used to classify leaf images using MATLAB. The objectives of the work is to classify leaves as Good, Worms, Insects for better understanding and spray of Pesticides, Insecticides, this helps farm owners for better yield and it indirectly increases the economic growth of the country.




I. A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and G. E. Hinton, “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks,” Adv. Neural Inf. Process. Syst., pp. 1–9, 2012.

II. H. Durmus¸ E. O. Gunes ¨ ¸ and M. Kırcı, “Disease detection on the leaves of the tomato plants by using deep learning”, In Agro-Geoinformatics, IEEE 6th International Conference on, pp. 1-5, 2017.
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Ramakrishnan K,Gowrisankar L,




In the present study, interdependency between Physico-Chemical parameters of Bhavani River water samples collected from three stations of Coimbatore district, Tamilnadu, India is carried out.   For the water quality parameter under consideration, Descriptive Statistical model is developed for each station. Cross correlation coeffienct between the parameters of three stations are calculated and the parameters with high significant level of Cross correlation are identified. To identify the interdependency between the parameters, regression analysis is used for highly cross correlated water quality parameters. The few water quality characteristics are very high in station III compare to other two stations. It is observed that the collision of human action was rigorous on only some of the parameters and leads to deterioration in water quality, due to the lack of proper sanitation, unprotected river sites and high anthropogenic actions.


Bhavani River,Descriptive Statistics,Regression Analysis,ANOVA,


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A. Kalamani,




In this paper, the concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy weakly g″-closed sets and intuitionistic fuzzy weakly g″-open sets and its properties in intuitionistic fuzzy topological space is introduced.


Intuitionistic fuzzy topology,intuitionistic fuzzy weakly g″ closed sets ,intuitionistic fuzzy weakly g″-open sets,


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A. Sanjeevi Gandhi,P. Kingston Stanley,




In textile spinning mills, the quality of yarn depends on twist and hence needs to be monitored continuously in online.  Ring spinning machine is used to produce yarn in textile industries, twist of yarn has been calculated by measuring spindle speed, measured at the common drive shaft and delivery speed of yarns is measured at front roller. Here, individual speed variation of spindle caused due to looseness or tightness of belt cannot be monitored separately. In this paper, the problem has been addressed by providing a hand-held device to the operator, which can measure individual spindle speed by Hall Effect sensor. Through wireless technology, the handheld device receives delivery speed from machine mounted controller unit which measures delivery speed. Handheld device will then calculate twist based on individual spindle speed and common delivery speed received from machine mounted unit. This device is highly needed in the industries, so that quality, production and maintenance can be improved.


Dynamic C,Ring spinning machine,Twist,Rabbit microcontroller,


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