National Conference on Recent Trends & Challenges in Engineering
Rajive Gandhi Memorial College, AP, India
National Conference on Recent Trends & Challenges in Engineering
Rajive Gandhi Memorial College, AP, India
I. A. U. Elinwa, Y. A. Mahmood, “Ash from timber waste as cement
replacement material”, Cem Concr Compos, Vol.: 24, pp. 219-22, 2002.
II. B. Malek, M. lqubal, A. lbrahim, “Use of selected waste materials in
concrete mixes”, Waste Mange, Vol.: 27, pp.1870-6, 2007.
III. C. C. Ban, M. Ramli, “The implementation of wood waste ash as a partial
cement replacement material in the production of structural grade concrete
and mortar an overview”, Resour Conserv Recycl., Vol.: 44, pp. 669-85,
IV. F. F. Udoeyo, H. Inyang, D. T. Young, E. E. Oparadu, “Potential of wood
ash waste as an additive in concrete”, J Mater CivEng, Vol.: 18, Issue: 4 ,
pp. 605-11, 2006.
V. F. F. Udoevo, P. U. Dashibil, “Sawdust ash as Concrete material”, J Mater
Civ Eng, Vol.: 14, Issue: 2, pp. 173-6, 2002.
VI. J. Duchsene, M. A. Berubet, “Effect of supplementary Cementing material
on the composition of cement hydration products”, Adv Cem Based Mater,
Vol.: 2, pp. 43-52, 1995.
VII. K. L. Lin, “The influence of municipal soild waste incinerator or fly ash
slag blended in cement pastes”, Cem. Concr Res, Vol.: 35, pp. 979-86,
VIII. L. Etienni, A. G. Campell, “Physical and chemical characteristics of wood
ash”, Bioresource Technol, Vol.: 37, Issue: 2, pp. 173-8, 1991.
IX. M. Abdullah, “Characteristics of wood ash/OPC Concret”, Leonardo, Vol.:
8, pp. 9-16, 2006.
X. M. A. Monteriro, F. Pereira, V. M. Ferreira, M. Doondi, J. A. Labrincha,
“Light weight aggregate based industrial waste”, Ind Cream, Vol.: 25,
pp.71-7, 2007.
XI. M. Jafari, J. Jung, “Thermal properties of fly ashes and biomass ashes
includind wood bagasse ashes and sugarcane bagasse ashes”, J. Mater. Civ.
Eng, Vol.: 29, Issue: 3, pp. 266-11, 2017.
XII. S. Chowdhury, M. Mishra, O. Suganya, “The incorporating of wood waste
ash as a partial replacement material for making structural grade concrete:
An overview”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol.: 6, pp. 429-437, 2015.
XIII. S. Wang, L. Baxter, F. Fonseca, “Biomass flyash in concrete: SEM,EDX
and ESEM analysis”, Fuel, Vol.: 87, pp. 372-9, 2008.
XIV. T. R. Naik, R. N. Kraus, R. Siddique, “CLSM containing mixture of coal
ash and a new pozzaloanic material”, ACI Mater J, Vol.: 100, Issue: 3 ,
pp.208-15, 2003.
I. A. M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein, “Users of the world, unite! The challenges and
opportunities of Social Media”, Business horizons, Vol.: 53, Issue: 1,
pp:59-68, 2010.
II. A. Mollen, H. Wilson, “Engagement, telepresence and interactivity in
online consumer experience: Reconciling scholastic and managerial
perspectives”, Journal of business research, Vol.: 3, Issue: 9, pp:919 – 925,
III. B. J. Calder, E. C. Malthouse, “Media engagement and advertising
effectiveness”, Kellogg on advertising and media, pp. 1-36, 2013.
IV. F. Sabate, J. B. Mirabent, A. Cañabate, P. R. Lebherz, “Factors influencing
popularity of branded content in Facebook fan pages”. European
Management Journal, Vol.: 32, Issue: 6, pp:1001-1011, 2010.
V. J. V. Doorn, K. N. Lemon, V. Mittal, S. Nass, D. Pick, P. Pirner, P. C.
Verhoef, “Customer engagement behavior: Theoretical foundations and
research directions”, Journal of Service Research, Vol.: 13, Issue: 3,
pp:253-266, 2010.
VI. J. Wirtz, A. D. Ambtman, J. Bloemer, C. Horváth, B. Ramaseshan, J. V. D.
Klundert, J. Kandampully, “Managing brands and customer engagement in
online brand communities”, Journal of Service Management, Vol.: 24,
Issue: 3, pp:223-244, 2013.
VII. M. M. Mariani, M. D. Felice, M. Mura, “Facebook as a destination
marketing tool: Evidence fromItalian regional Destination Management
Organizations”.Tourism Management, Vol.: 54, Issue: 1, pp:321-334, 2016.
VIII. S. D. Vivek, S. E. Beatty, R. M. Morgan, “Customer engagement:
Exploring customer relationships beyond purchase”, Journal of Marketing
Theory and Practice, Vol.: 20, Issue: 2, pp:122-146, 2012.
IX. S. Jayasingh, R. Venkatesh, “Customer Engagement Factors in Facebook
Brand Pages”. Asian Social Science, Vol.: 11, Issue: 26, pp:19-21, 2015.
X. V. Kumar, , L. Aksoy, , B. Donkers, , R. Venkatesan, T. Wiesel, S.
Tillmanns, “Undervalued or overvalued customers: capturing total customer
engagement value”, Journal of Service Research, Vol.: 13, Issue: 3, pp:297
– 310, 2010.
I. A. A. Ghassami, S. M. Sadeghzadeh, A. Soleimani, “A High Performance
Maximum Power Point Tracker For PV Systems”, International Journal of
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.: 53, pp. 237-243, 2013.
II. A. I. M. Ali , M. A. Sayed, E. E. M. Mohamed, “Modified Efficient Perturb And
Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking technique For grid-tied PV System”,
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol.: 99, pp. 192-
202, 2018.
III. Ch. Kalpana, Ch. S. Babu, J. S. Kumari, “Design and Implementation of
different MPPT Algorithms for PV System”, International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Vol.: 2, Issue: 10, 2013.
IV. D. Hohm, M. Roop, “Comparative study of maximum power point tracking
algorithms using an experimental, programmable, maximum power point
tracking test”, Proc.28th IEEE conf. Rec. Photovoltaic spec, pp.1699-1702,
V. E. Bianconi, J. Calvente, R. Giral, E. Mamarelis, G. Petrone, C. Andres, R. Paja,
G. Spagnuolo, M. Vitelli, “Pertub and Observe MPPT algorithm with a current
controller based on the sliding mode”, International Journal of Electrical Power
& Energy Systems, Vol.: 44, Issue: 1, pp. 346-356, 2013.
VI. G. Sudhakar, J. S. Kumari, “Design and Analysis of P&O and FLC MPPT
Techniques for Photovoltaic System”, Vol.: 1, Issue: 1, 2013.
VII. J. S. Kumari, Ch. S. Babu, J. Yugandhar, “Design and Investigation of Short
Circuit Current Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic
System”, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Electrical and
Computer Engineering (IJRRECE), Vol.: 1, Issue: 2, 2011.
VIII. J. S. Kumari, Ch. S. Babu, T. R. Kullayappa, “Design and Analysis of open
circuit voltage based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system”,
International Journal of advances in science and technology, Vol.: 2, 2011.
IX. L. Liu, X. Meng, C. Liu, “A Review Of Maximum Power Point Tracking
Methods Of PV Power Systems At Uniform And Partial Shading”, Renewable
and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.: 53, pp. 1500-1507, 2016.
X. N. Bharath, R. Srinivasarao, “Advanced Hybrid Wind-Solar Power System with
Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms”, Imperial Journal of
Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol.: 2, Issue: 10, 2016.
XI. N. Femia, G. Petrone, G. Spagnuolo, M. Vitelli, “Optimization of Pertub and
Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Method”, IEEE Transctions On
Power Electronics, Vol.: 20, Issue: 4, 2004.
XII. P. Thakor, A. Chavada, B. Patel,” Comparative Analysis Of Different Mppt
Techniques For Solar Pv System”, Vol.: 03, Issue: 05, 2016.
XIII. T. Chaitanya , Ch. Saibabu , J. S. Kumari, “Modeling and Simulation of PV
Array and its Performance Enhancement Using MPPT (P&O) Technique”,
International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks, Vol.: 1,
Issue: 1, 2011.
XIV. T. Logeswaran, A. S. Kumar, “A Review Of Maximum Power Point Tracking
Algorithms For Photovoltic Systems Under Uniform And Non-Uniform
Irradiances”. Energy Procedia, Vol.: 54, pp. 228-235, 2014.
I. A. Bidram, A. Davoudi, “Hierarchical Structure of Microgrids Control
System”, in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol.: 3, Issue: 4, pp. 1963-
1976, 2012.
II. A. Chatterjee, K. B. Mohanty, “A nested control strategy for single phase
power inverter integrating renewable energy systems in a
microgrid”, National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), Bhubaneswar, pp.
1-6, 2016.
III. B. Mangu, B. G. Fernandes, “Multi-input transformer coupled DC-DC
converter for PV-wind based stand-alone single-phase power generating
system”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),
Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 5288-5295, 2014.
IV. B. Mangu, S. Akshatha, D. Suryanarayana, B. G. Fernandes, “Grid-
Connected PV-Wind-Battery-Based Multi-Input Transformer-Coupled
Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Household Applications,” in IEEE
Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol.: 4,
Issue: 3, pp. 1086-1095, 2016.
V. B. Mukherjee, A. Ghosal, “Design & Study of a Low Power High Speed Full
Adder Using GDI Multiplexer”, IEEE 2nd International Conference on
Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), pp:465-470, 2015.
VI. D. Debnath, K. Chatterjee, “Solar photovoltaic-based stand-alone scheme
incorporating a new boost inverter”, in IET Power Electronics, Vol.: 9, Issue:
4, pp. 621-630, 2016.
VII. D. E. Olivares., “Trends in Microgrid Control”, in IEEE Transactions on
Smart Grid, Vol.: 5, Issue: 4, pp. 1905-1919, 2014.
VIII. F. Nejabatkhah, S. Danyali, S. Hosseini, M. Sabahi, S. Niapour, “Modeling
and control of a new three-input DC-DC boost converter for hybrid
PV/FC/battery power system,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol.: 27, Issue:
5, pp. 2309-2324, 2014.
IX. H. Cai, J. Xiang, W. Wei, M. Z. Q. Chen, “V–dp/dv Droop Control for PV
Sources in DC Microgrids”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.:
33, Issue: 9, pp. 7708-7720, 2018.
X. H. C. Chiang, T. T. Ma, Y. H. Cheng, J. M. Chang, W. N Chang, “Design
and implementation of a hybrid regenerative power system combining gridtie
and uninterruptible power supply functions”, IET Renew. Power Gen.,
Vol.: 4, Issue: 1, pp. 85-99, 2010.
XI. K. Kant, C. Jain, B. Singh, “A Hybrid Diesel –Wind ¬PV-Based Energy
Generation System With Brushless Generators”, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, Vol.: 13, Issue: 4, pp. 1714-1722, 2017.
XII. M. Seyedali, A. Davoudi. “Distributed Tertiary Control of DC Microgrid
Clusters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.:31, pp. 1717-1733.
XIII. M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University
Science, 1989.
XIV. R. Zhao, A. Kwasinski, “Analysis of decentralized controller for multipleinput
converters”, Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition (APEC), Orlando, FL, pp. 1853-1860, 2012.
XV. S. K. Sahoo, A. K. Sinha, N. K. Kishore, “Control Techniques in AC, DC,
and Hybrid AC–DC Microgrid: A Review”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and
Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol.: 6, Issue: 2, pp. 738-759, 2018.
XVI. T. Narasimha Prasad, A. Lakshmi Devi,” Droop Control of Bi-Directional
DC-DC Converter for Improved Voltage Regulation and Load Sharing in
DC Microgrid”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and
Systems, Vol.: 12, Issue: 3, pp. 228-243, 2019.
XVII. X. Liu, P. Wang, P. C. Loh, “A hybrid AC/DC micro-grid”, Conference
Proceedings IPEC, Singapore, pp. 746-751, 2010.
I. A. G. Ganeshkumar, G. Ranganath, Channankaiah, Y. Libin, “Experimental
Analysis of Exhaust Fan Blade by using E-Glass Fiber Reinforced E-waste
Polycarbonate: Review Paper” EM International Pollution Research, Vol.: 33,
Issue: 02, pp. 353-358, 2014.
II. A. G. Ganeshkumar, G. Ranganath, S. S. H Jose, M. Sakthivel, B. Pounraj,
“Experimentation Of E-Glass Fiber And Flyash Reinforced With Recycled EWaste
Aluminium Alloy Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites” International
Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol.: VII, Issue: I, pp. 410-
412, 2016
III. A. G. Ganeshkumar, G. Ranganath, B. Pounraj, S. S. H. Jose , M. Sakthivel,
“Experimental analysis of E-Glass fiber and Fly Ash reinforced to E-Waste
aluminium, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.: 1 Issue:
4, pp. 138-140, 2014.
IV. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Standard D 790 – 00:
Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and
Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials, Annual book of
ASTM standards,. ASTM, West Conshohocken, pp. 01–09, 2001.
V. C. Fischer, “The development and achievements of EU waste policy”. J
Mater Cycles Waste Management, Vol.: 13, Issue: 1, pp. 2–9, 2011.
VI. F. Ronkay, “Effect of Recycling on the Rheological, Mechanical and Optical
Properties of Polycarbonate”. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol.: 10, Issue:
1, 2013.
VII. R. P.Singh, “India: A Matter of Electronic Waste; the Government
Initiatives”. Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research
(JBM&SSR), Vol.: 2, Issue: 4, 2013.