Special Issue No. – 4, November, 2019

International Conference on Applied Science, Technology and Engineering. IPN Education Group, Malaysia & Scientific Research Publising House, Iran

Microstrip Antenna Synthesis Using an Application Programming Interface


I. Bouchachi,A. Reddaf,K. Ferroudji,M. Boudjerda,K. Hamdi-Cherif,S. Satta,




For the synthesis or the modeling of passive microwave structures like antennas, filters, adapters...etc, the simulation plays a very important role. It allows us to get precise estimation of the structure response without having to realize it. In order to synthesis a micro-strip antenna, we create an Application Programming Interface (API) between two softwares. The first one is MATLAB and the second is Ansys HFSS. The error rate between obtained and desired results is used to estimate the optimal dimensions of the structure using Practical Swarm Optimization technique. This method proofs to be effective in synthesizing a micro-strip antenna even for complicated geometry.


Application Programming Interface,Microstrip Antenna,Optimization Algorithm,


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Vol. 6. John Wiley & Sons.

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Real-Time Attitude Quadcopter Control By NMPC


Merabti Halim,Lebcira Abdelkader,Bouchachi Islem,Belarbi Khaled,




In previous works, it has been demonstrated that the NMPC-PSO provides a fast solution and can be used in real time applications. In this paper, the quadcopter attitude is controlled by a nonlinear model predictive controller. This algorithm is implemented on the DJI F450 Quadcopter and executes instructions arriving from the radio controller. Knowledge-based Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem of the NMPC. Simulation and experimental results are presented for the studied controller with performance analysis in terms of the computation times and quality of tracking.


Quadcopter,Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm,NMPC Simulation,


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III. Juan L J., Paul J G., Stefan R., George A C., Eric C K., and Manfred M.
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Speaker Verification Using Autoregressive Spectrum of Speech Signal in Composite Vector Stochastic Processes Model Representation


NatalijaV. Chmelarova (Kudriavtseva),Vyacheslav A. Tykhonov,Valerij M. Bezruk,Pavel Chmelar,Lubos Rejfek,




This paper deals with the speaker verification system similar to a fingerprint or an eye scanner. For these purpose a long-term words’ model and its spectral characteristics were used. The speaker verification method uses the word’s sound parametric spectrum factorization in composite vector stochastic process representation based on the multiplicative autoregressive model. The developed method enables to receive the words’ features with stable characteristics for the same speaker and differ for different speakers. During the training phase speaker's etalon frequencies has to be estimated for a pronounced word repeated several times. In the verification phase a speaker pronouncing the same word, word's frequencies are estimated and compared with the etalon frequencies database to find the best match or his deny. The results presented in the paper showed the high correct identification probability.


Composite Vector Stochastic Processes Autoregressive Models,Power Spectrum Density,Speaker Verification,


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XIII. Sahidullah M., and Saha G. (2012) Design, analysis and experimental
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models of combining vectorial stochastic processes, Eastern-European
Journal of Foremost Technologies, pp. 17-20

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An Overview On the Protection Against Corrosion of Steels


N. M. Yakupov,S. N. Yakupov,M. Rynkovskaya,G. E. Okolnikova,




In paper, mostly unknown problems of corrosion in the presence of mechanical strain and physical fields, as well as the problem of determining the stiffness characteristics of thin-film coatings and adhesive properties of the coating binder which are the barriers against corrosive wear, are considered. To assess the stiffness characteristics of the thin-walled circular samples with a complex structure, the experimentally-theoretical approach is used. There is also a designed experimental - theoretical method for determining the adhesion of coatings. It is noticed that there is an effect of the magnetic field for reducing the corrosive wear, and a new way to protect structures from corrosion is presented as well. Besides, active overlays that create local regions of compression are offered to reduce corrosion levels, as well as a protective coating with shells of complex geometry and a shielding membrane forming blowing film channels.


Adhesion,Corrosion protection,Magnetic field,Protective coating,Thin-walled element,


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Analysis of the Work of Nailed Connections Modified by Fiberglass Bushings from the Point of the Fracture Mechanics


G. E. Okolnikova,M. Rynkovskaya,




The article analyzes the stress-strain state arising in the middle of a wooden element of a double-sectioned nailed connection on metal plates. The mortise of the wooden element is reinforced with a pressed-in fiberglass bushing. Wood cracks development has been analyzed from the point of fracture mechanics (at different angles between the direction of the acting force and the direction of the wood fibers). The values of stress intensity factors for pine wood have been determined. The graphic dependencies between the stress intensity factors for various crack opening models have been developed. There are recommendations for the calculation of nailed connection modified with a pressed-in fiberglass bushing by the methods of fracture mechanics.


Fracture mechanics,Stress intensity factor,Crack resistance,Timber,Nailed connection,


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Dynamic Evaluation of Single Minutes of Exchange Die (SMED) Using Network Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)


M.A.Mansor,M.N Ab Rahman,S.S. Sulaiman,N.A.M.A.Zainal,





Single Minutes of Exchange Die,Network DEA,Performance Measurement,Dynamic Evaluation,


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Self-Regulated Learning Straegies And – Mathematics Achievement : The Mediating Influences of Students Attitude Towards Mathematics, Deferred Gratification, And Engagement in Mathematics


Eddiebal P. Layco,Aldrin D. Parico,




The study examines the inter-relationship among students` self-regulated learning strategies, deferred gratification, engagement, attitude, and academic achievement in mathematics Furthermore, the mediating effect of the respondents` deferred gratification, engagement in mathematics, and attitude towards the subject are studied in the relationship of the predictor variable which is students` SRL strategies and dependent variable which is the mathematics achievement. The data obtained from a sample of 150 senior high school students of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University indicates the significant relationship among the said variables. Results showed that SRL strategies employed by the students in learning mathematics in relationship with their mathematics achievement are accepted. This implied that SRL strategies in mathematics affect the students` willingness to delay gratification, engagement, and attitude towards the subject which in turn affects their performance in mathematics.


Self-regulated Learning Strategies,Deferred Gratification,Engagement in Mathematics,Attitude towards Mathematics,Mathematics Achievement,


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Biofertilizers for Agriculture and Reclamation of Disturbed Lands: An Eco-friendly Resource for Plant Nutrition


AM Quoreshi,MK Suleiman,AJ Manuvel,MT Sivadasan,S Jacob,R Thomas,




The interest in using microbial inoculant-based biofertilizers is growing in recent years for sustainable agriculture and seedling production systems. Currently, nutrient management and fertilization practices in agricultural sectors are mainly dependent on extensive use of inorganic chemical-based agrochemicals. The use of traditional chemical fertilizers and pesticides may cause a danger to the environment, human health, and pollution of natural resources. Biofertilizers are composed of beneficial microbial inoculants, either alone or in consortium including bacteria, fungi, algae, actinomycetes, and mycorrhizas. Biofertilizers can be regarded as ecofriendly constituents of organic crop production methods and function to improve long-term soil fertility, soil health and sustainability. Furthermore, adding biofertilizer in revegetation programs for degraded land may combat against the loss of biodiversity and destruction of soil microbial communities. Microbial inoculation studies with Kuwait native plants demonstrated a successful inoculation of arbascular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal, rhizobial, and free-living Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and exhibited a positive response in seedling growth and nutrient uptake when compared to non-inoculated seedlings.


Biofertilizer,Soil fertility,Crop productivity,Microbes,Nitrogen fixation,Nutrient management,


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Efficiency of SDSSU – Cantilan Campus Faculty in Application Software Utilization in Teaching: Action Plan


Nelyne Lourdes Y. Plaza,




The main purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of faculty members of Surigao del Sur State University (SDSSU) – Cantilan Campus, College of Engineering, Computer Studies and Technology, in the utilization of various application software in teaching students during the Academic Year 2017-2018 and to develop and design an action plan for guiding instructors in the efficient use of various application software in teaching their students. In this study, the descriptive method using questionnaires and follow-up interviews were utilized in analyzing pertinent data. Data were collected and gathered from student-respondents and instructor-respondents. Follow-up interviews with the instructors were also done to verify and supplement certain data. The results of the study showed that both instructor and student respondents found utilization of application software as effective in teaching. It was also found that the instructors are efficient in the utilization of various application software in teaching, with room for further improvement.




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Evaluation of Various Growth Conditions for the Cultivation of Microalgae Species in the Arid Regions


V Kumar,S Al-Momin,VK Vanitha,H Al-Aqeel,L Al-Musallam,H Al-Mansour,AB Shajan,




Microalgae are gaining interest due to nutritional advantages and potential to feed an ever-growing population. Also, there is a growing interest in microalgal research to enhance the sources of renewable fuels. The climatic conditions and limited fresh water sources in Kuwait greatly hinders food and feed production through large-scale agriculture. Hence, alternative sources of animal feed and bioproducts can be of great benefit for the aquaculture and livestock industry in the arid regions. Mass production of microalgae has been gaining global attention among researchers and policymakers. Microalgae is considered as a good source of high quality protein and various other bioproducts. Our research aims to screen local and other well-established algal isolates for producing protein-rich biomass for potential use in aquaculture and animal feed supplementation and to establish algal cultures for the production of high-value metabolites using seawater or treated wastewater. A locally isolated Chlorella sp and Haematococcus pluvialis were tested for their growth performance in lab scale experiments. A brief overview of the application of algae in the arid regions and the results of our research will be discussed.


Algal Biotechnology,Microalgae,Phytoplankton,Secondary Metabolites,


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Modeling Supply Chains Using Colored Petri Nets: Application in A Phosphate Supply Chain


Azougagh Yassine,Benhida Khalid,Elfezazi Said,




To evaluate the performance and dynamic of a supply chain and to better understand its behavior, it is necessary to start a modeling process. For this purpose, various tools and approaches are used. Among these tools, we can use the Petri nets. With this background, the scientific literature mentions some studies using Petri nets for modeling and performance analyzing of industrial systems such as production, procurement, distribution systems... However, taking into consideration all aspects of supply chain, there were a few studies focusing on this kind of tools in supply chains modelling. The aim of this investigation was to complement the existing works, by applying the Petri nets tool, specifically colored Petri nets, for modeling a real phosphate supply chain.


Supply chain,Modelling,Colored Petri nets,Phosphate industry,


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Thermal Surface Analysis of Multi-storey Apartment Buildings in Penang, Malaysia


Ahmad Sanusi Hassan,Asif Ali,




The objective of this study is to compare thermal surface performance on west façade of two multi-storey apartment buildings, between Arte S and Plaza Ivory located in Penang, Malaysia. The data was collected from a fieldwork survey during three consecutive sunny days in July from 12 pm to 7 pm in the evening at hourly interval. Fluke Ti20 was used to measure the surface temperature. This device captured thermal images of the front facade of the buildings. The result of the analysis illustrates the surface temperatures of these two case studies influenced by the design of the building forms, materials and envelopes. The finding shows that the Case Study 2 has warmer building surface temperature than Case Study 1 due to its elliptical building plan's form, a glass material and lack of shading devices on its facade. The result also reveals that the architects who design these buildings have an unsatisfactory level of awareness in reducing the surface temperature which causes heat gains to the indoor areas.


Thermal surface temperature,Multi-storey apartments,Thermal performance,Topical Climate,


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Modelling Driver Injury Severity at Signalized Intersections in Malaysia


Mohamad Raduan Kabit,Melissa Lee May Syn,Norehan Zulkiply,Zayn Al-Abideen Gregory,




Risky driving behaviors have been reported as one of the leading factors contributing to traffic crash severity. As research investigating the relationship between various driving behaviors and road crash severity has been predominantly conducted in developed countries, published literature pertinent in the context of developing countries such as Malaysia is still limited. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between risky driving behaviors and other driver-related factors on crash severity at signalized intersections in Malaysia. A four-year historical crash data set comprised of 400 reports obtained from the Malaysian Royal Police were analyzed using binary logistic regression. The results indicated that traffic crashes were dominated by passenger cars, accounting for 78.0%, followed by light commercial vehicles, 17.0%, and motorcycles, 5.0%. Rear-end crashes were found to be the most frequent type of crashes occurring at signalized intersections. Binary logistic regression results revealed that risky driving behaviors, passenger car, PM peak hour, rear-end crash and sideswipe crash were statistically significant in contributing to the driver injury severity of traffic crashes. As the results provide insight on the effects of risky driving behaviors on traffic crash severity, the design and implementation of policies and strategies to bring a positive change in such behaviors should comprehensively consider its contributing factors.


Risky Driving Behavior,Crash Severity,Signalized Intersections,Binary Logistic Regression,


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Effectiveness of Laboratory Approach in Teaching Oblique Triangle Trigonometry


Rhodora P. Arreo,




This study endeavored to investigate the effectiveness of laboratory approach in teaching oblique triangle trigonometry in the fourth year high school of Saint Michael College, Surigao del Sur. Specifically, it deemed to look into the average grade profiles of the students and the comparative pretest – posttest result of the experimental and control groups on basis of the two different teaching strategies, the laboratory approach and the teacher – centered approach. The subject of the study were the fourth high school students of Saint Michael College, Surigao del Sur, of the three section in the fourth year, two were subjected in the study. Section Saint Benedict was exposed to the Teacher Centered Approach while the student s in Section Saint Matthew comprised the experimental group, were exposed to the laboratory approach. This study made use of two -group design. The instrument used to evaluate student’s performance was the 30 item reach – made test which was divided into three parts, 10 – items per set. Validity of the test was through expert validation. The reliability index was determined through the use of split – half reliability design. Posttest was conducted on the same date, by the researcher following the same time allotment as in the pretest. Parallel lessons were given by the researcher to both groups. Mean, standard deviation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Analysis of Covariance (ANOVA) were used in the analysis of the data gathered. Results of the study show that the students of both groups seemed to perform poorly in the Trigonometry as revealed in their mean Grade point Average. On the other hand, students comprising the experimental group had higher mean score in the posttest than the control group. However, the posttest scores of both groups are higher than their pretest scores, and were found to the differ significantly. Consequently, the difference in the posttest mean achievement of the control and experimental groups remain constant when their average grade was controlled. Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that an average fourth year student in the respondent school seem to exhibit poor performance in the Trigonometry class. Also, the use of laboratory approach in teaching oblique triangle trigonometry is more effective over Teacher-centered Approach (TCA). Students highly prefer the use of laboratory approach because it offers a wide range of opportunities for them to think about the concept discussed, and act out the application or proof of the concept. Through the given activities, the students are able to see mathematical concepts in different perspectives. They enjoyed doing the activities, which eventually improve their performance as well as attitudes in dealing with mathematical problems.


Effectiveness,Oblique Triangle Trigonometry,Mathematics,Teacher – Centered Approach,


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Comparative Analysis on the Effectiveness of Teaching Strategies in Teaching College Algebra


Francis Isidore B. Ambray,




The study examined the comparison of the performance of the students in College Algebra between those who were exposed to CAI, cooperative learning and conventional strategy. It also compared the performance of students in College Algebra who were taught using the three teaching strategies and when grouped according to their mathematical ability. It further investigated the interaction effect on the achievement of students when they are exposed using the three teaching strategies and when grouped according to their mathematical ability.The posttest results were analyzed for the students’ performance in selected topics in College Algebra. The Two– Way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), means and standard deviation were the statistical tools employed to analyze the data. The findings of the study had revealed that the subjects in the conventional group had shown high performance in their posttest mean score. It also revealed that there is a significant difference in the students’ performance in selected topics in College Algebra when taught using three teaching strategies. The findings also showed that there is no significant difference in the achievement of students when taught using three teaching strategies and when grouped according to their mathematical ability. Furthermore, it has shown that there is a significant interaction effect in the achievement of students when taught using the three teaching strategies and when grouped according to their mathematical ability. In view of the findings, it is recommended that Conventional Strategy of teaching shall be used by the instructors in teaching College Algebra.


College Algebra,Cooperative Learning,Conventional Mathematical Ability,Computer – Assisted Instruction,Academic Performance,


II. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA: Author
III. Montero, J. (2010).Effectiveness of Four Methods of Teaching College
IV. Patan, R. (2010). Effectiveness of Four Methods of Teaching on the
Achievement in Basic Mathematics(Unpublished Dissertation, SDSSU

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