Special Issue No. – 2, August, 2019

National Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Science & Technology

Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India







In general, the graphical properties are studied mainly to apply them for network and computing applications. To reach such a state, researchers in graph labeling discipline made rich contributions. In that line here existence of Lucky edge labeling of Fire cracker , Twig ,and Spider graphs has been established.


Lucky edge graph,Fire cracker graph,Twig graph,Spider graph,


I. Gallian J.A. “A dynamic survey of graph labeling”. The electronic Journal of
Combinatorics, (2012) #DS6.
II. Jampachon , . Nakprasit and Poomsa-ard, “Graceful Labeling of some classes
of Spider Graphs with Three legs greater than one” Thai Journal of Mathematics
Volume 12 (2014) Number 3 : 621–630
III. Nellai Murugan, A. and Maria Irudhaya Aspin Chitra, R., “Lucky edge labeling
of triangular graphs”, International Journal of Mathematics Triends and
Technology, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2016.
IV. Nellai Murugan, A. and Maria Irudhaya Aspin Chitra, R., “Lucky edge labeling
of Pn, Cn and corona of Pn, Cn”, International Journal of Scientific and Innovative
Mathematical Research, 710—718, 2014.
V. Nellai Murugan, A. and Maria Irudhaya Aspin Chitra, R., “Lucky edge labeling
of some special graphs”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, April
VI. Ramya, M. and Meenakshi, S., “Labeling Techniques of some special graphs”,
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 116, 2017, 93102.
VII. Shalini Rajendra Babu A, Ramya N, Rangarajan K “On Lucky Edge
Labeling of Splitting Graphs and Snake Graphs” (IJITEE) Volume-8 Issue-5
March, 2019

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A Survey on Solid Waste Management in Tamilnadu by Using Sampling Techniques


R. Deepa,T.Surendiran,V.Sankar,




With rapid growth of population and avaricious attitude of industries and residents are generated huge amount of solid and E-wastages which causes an Environment and lands at high level. Due to these solid wastages, the health issues of people are uncontrolled and it become a big task to the government.. In this paper, we analyze the generation of solid wastages in and around Tamil nadu by using sampling techniques.


Chi-square test,solid wastages,sampling techniques,


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On Square Sum Labeling Of Cycle Related Graphs


K. Manimekalai,S. Manisha,P. Jagadeeswari,




A (p ,q)-graph G(V,E) is said to be square sum if their exist a bijection g: V→{0, 1, 2, …, p -1} such that the induced map g*: E→N defined by g*(xy) = [g(x)]2 +[g(y)]2 for every xyE is one to one. The H-graph H(r) = (V,E) is 3-reqular graph with V= {vi,j: i =1, 2, 3; j = 1, 2, …,2r}and E = , 4 1  k k E where E1={𝑣􀯜,􀯝𝑣􀯜,􀯝􀬾􀬵 |i =1,3 & 1j 2r-1}, E2 ={𝑣􀬶,􀯝𝑣􀬶,􀯝􀬾􀬵|1j 2r-1 & j odd}, E3 = {𝑣􀬵,􀬵𝑣􀬵,􀬶􀯥,𝑣􀬷,􀬵𝑣􀬷,􀬶􀯥 }, E4={𝑣􀯜,􀯝𝑣􀯜􀬾􀬵,􀯝 |i=1,2 & 1j 2r}. Here we examine the square sum labeling of Cycle of Cycle graphs Ct(Cn) for t,n≥3 and H(r).


Square sum labeling,Cycle of Cycle graphs and H(r),


I. Ajitha V., Arumugam S. and Germina K.A, “On square sum graphs”, AKCE
J. Graphs and Combinatorics, 6(1) pp.1-10, 2009.
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III. Gallian, J.A. “A dynamic survey of graph labeling” The Electronic Journal of
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Square Difference Labeling of Cycle, Path and Tree Related Graphs


P. Jagadeeswari,K. Manimekalai,K. Bhuvaneswari,




In this paper, we prove that the duplication of each vertex of a path by an edge, the duplication of a pendant vertex by an edge of CnʘK1, 2-tuple graph of K1,n , the switching of a pendant vertex in path admit square difference labeling(SDL).


Square difference graph,duplication,switching of vertex,2-tuple graph,


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Advancement in Engineering, Science & Technology
No.-2, August (2019) pp
g*(ei) g*(ej), ei  ejE(G).
Square Difference Labeling for 𝑇􀬶􀵫𝐾􀬵,􀬸􀵯
some special graphs of cycle, path and tree
quare labeling.
theory, Narosa Publishing House, 2001.
, , 1967), 349355.
, 0975-08887), 44(4) (2012).
, Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue
ISSN: 2454 – 9150, vol 4, Issue 12,
2–tuple graphs of

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Presentation On Choice Number Of Integer Distance Graph






We have various properties of the finite integer distance graph and arithmetical sequences as distance set are presented. Here analogous the edge coloring and total coloring of integer distance graph and upper bound of choice number established. Integer distance graph relative to the choice number and total choice number, choice index and total choice index discussed and various connectivity questions are also investigated. It is well known that with every nonempty ordinary graph G there is associated a graph L(G), called the line graph of G such that the edge chromatic of G is equal to the vertex chromatic number of L(G). We find it convenient to associate with every ordinary graph G called the total


Euclidean space,Choice number,Integer distance graph,


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J. Pavi,Silviya,




Assume we are given a Grothendieck, pseudo trivial, trivially Po´lya– Germain curve k. In [h], the main result was the classification of invertible, pairwise elliptic, prime equations. We show that Kummer’s conjecture is false in the context of Hilbert elements. Moreover, unfortunately, we cannot assume that F(X) > Ξ. Thus this could shed important light on a conjecture of Eratosthenes.


Null Homeomorphisms,conjecture of Eratosthenes,


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KL Rajashree,




Batch Activity Monitor System provides an easier way to monitor the transaction records within a warehouse and monitor the associated transactions. This system enables the administrator to isolate the transaction records that fails to process, thereby minimizing the time and cost overheads. It also helps the administrator to view the processing and arriving trend of all the transaction records in any particular batch. These trends can be monitored for any particular time interval. The deviation in any specific record can be viewed with a pictorial graph and the amendments to the deviating record could be rectified.


Batch Activity Monitor System,pictorial graph,


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A Special Class of Product Cordial Labeling Graphs


G. Subashini,K. Manimekalai,K. Bhuvaneswari,




In this work we study that D(k1,n), D(Bn,n) and D(Cn ʘ K1), n  3 admits product cordial labeling.


Duplication of a vertex by an edge,Product Cordial Labeling (PCL),Product Cordial Graphs (PCG),


I. Frank Harary, Graph theory, Narosa Publishing House, 2001.
II. Gallian. J.A, A dynamic
Combinatories, 17 (2010) #DS6.
III. Rosa A, On certain valuation of graph theory of graphs (Rome, July 1966),
Golden and Breach, N.Y and Paris (1967), 349
IV. Sugumaran, K. Suresh, A special class of prime
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Advancement in Engineering, Science & Technology
No.-2, August (2019) pp
D(C3 ʘ K1) shown below.
D(k1,n), D(Bn,n)and D(Cn ʘ K1) are product cordial
, survey of graph labeling, The electronics journal of
, 355.
cordial graphs, Internal
, 6, 2011.

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On L – Cordial Graphs


J. Arthy,K. Manimekalai,K. Bhuvaneswari,




In this paper we prove Ladder, Cube Q3 , Octahedron, K2 + mK1 and jewel graphs are L –Cordial Graphs.


L – Cordial Labeling (LCL),L – Cordial Graph (LCG),Ladder,Cube,Octahedron,


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Labeling of some graphs
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Experimental Investigation of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine By Diesel – Citrullus Vulgaris With n-Butanol And Its Blends


R. Sabarish,M. PremJeyaKumar,




Everyday a need for energy sources and fossil fuel is growing high. Also that this type of fossil fuel is not an eco-friendly. So it is necessary to look forward for alternate fuel for vehicles. The best and most suitable alternate source of fuel is Biodiesel. Because Biodiesel contain long chain alkyl esters. Also that it is prepared from renewable sources and it is bio-degradable. In this project citrullus vulgaris oil is used as a biodiesel. It is used due to its low cost and high availability. This biodiesel is prepared by using the process of transesterification process. Experimental investigation of diesel engine is carried away to find out the performance characteristics and Emission analysis of the CI (compression ignition) diesel engine, when using n-Butyl alcohol (n-butanol) as an additive with neat diesel and Biodiesel blends. This experiment consists of mixing of Biodiesel and Diesel with additive n-butyl alcohol (commonly known as n-butanol) in 80% of diesel, remaining 20% of Biodiesel and additives in mass basis. The final results yields that performance and emission characteristics of the single cylinder diesel engine can be improved slightly by using Biodiesel blend than neat diesel and it is compare with standard diesel. The performance characteristics were carried out the BTE, SFC, TFC, and at the same time the emission analysis and result getting the HC, CO, CO2 and NOx.


Performance,Emission analysis,n-butanol,Biodiesel,Diesel Engine,Transesterification,


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