Special Issue No. – 2, August, 2019

National Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Science & Technology

Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Elimination of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise in Video through Modified Cascaded Filter


B. Karthik,T.Krishnakumar,M.Sundararajan,M.Sriram,




Video are degraded through Impulse Noise (salt and pepper noise- SPN). This methodology that produces the noisy to noise free video frames. Median filters are recognized for their ability to eliminate impulse noise and protects original type. This system is to differentiate between noisy pixels and therefore the noisy free pixels. We have projected an algorithm known as modified Cascaded filter (MCF) algorithm for the restoration of color or gray scale video frames which could be significantly degraded by using salt and pepper noise. This planned algorithmic rule indicates higher results than few best algorithms. To verify the algorithmic rule with varied color video frames and it offers higher outcome with high IEF and PSNR.


Noise Elimination,MCF,IEF,PSNR,


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Enhancement of Digital Map using High Resolution Images






Geospatial data differ accurately and precisely in the attributes as well as their temporal and spatial dimensions. The two approaches proposed for are road extraction based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Fuzzy c means clustering. Image-based and vector-based algorithms are integrated for conflation. Road Intersections and Terminations of different types of are automatically detected by spatial contextual measure extraction algorithm. Iterative Relaxation Algorithm (IRA) is especially used point matching based at the comparative distance records in among the points. The Vector Road Intersections that is coordinated to removed factor sets by way of a Relaxation-Labeling Algorithm. A Rubber-sheeting Transformation is a neighborhood affined ameliorations, which splits the map parts into small sections and implemented nearby modifications on every piece, also preservative topology in the route. At the end of Rubber-Sheeting Transform there can be misalignment that's befell inside the Road segments. In order to clear up this trouble an energetic Contour Model (snake) that is used to address the outstanding dislocation mistakes. Road network extraction is analyzed and compared based on NDVI and Fuzzy C means clustering .This method can be extended for more information.


Normalized Difference vegetation index,Geographic information system,Fuzzy C means clustering,


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Underwater Image Enhancement and Object Detection Using Edge Preserving and Multiscale Contextual Neural Network


M. Meenakumari,Balaji S,John Paul Praveen A,S. Ramya,




The submerged perception circumstances cause incredible difficulties to the issue of article location from the low-goals submerged pictures. In this paper, we acquaint an effective strategy with improve the pictures caught submerged and corrupted in light of the medium dispersing and retention. It expands on the mixing of 2 pictures that are legitimately gotten from a shading redressed and white-adjusted adaptation of the first corrupted picture. In the wake of improving the submerged picture, plans to identify object that present in the submerged by utilizing novel edge saving and multiscale logical neural network. We concentrated for the most part on discovery of an item in the submerged that they are utilized to isolate them an article from the foundation by utilizing a mix of programmed difference extending pursued by picture number-crunching task, worldwide edge, and least channel. Our system could be a solitary picture approach that doesn't need particular equipment or information about the submerged conditions or scene structure. our upgraded pictures are described by better exposedness of the dull area, improved worldwide complexity and edge sharpness and our striking article recognition accomplishes both clear identification limit and multi-scale logical vigor at the same time in this manner accomplishes an enhanced presentation.


Underwater enhancement,Striking item revelation,edge safeguarding,multi-scale setting,RGB-D saliency identification,object cover,


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Analogous Contradict Planning of a CMOS using domino sense


R.Mohanraj,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,




The fundamental target of this paper comprises of the domino rationale way and checking path. A fast wide range parallel contradicts that accomplishes high working frequencies throughout an account pipeline segment demeanor utilizing just three undemanding redundant CMOS-rationale module types. The three essential module types are isolated by D flip failure. The three element types are set in an exceedingly dull constitution in the tallying way and Domino Logic way. Enthusiastic domino rationale circuits are broadly utilized in present day computerized VLSI circuits. These dynamic circuits are utilized in superior structures. Along these lines simultaneously refreshing the tally state with a consistent deferral at all tallying way module regarding the clock edge. This construction is versatile to self-assertive portion counter widths utilizing just the three module types. The deferral counter is contained the underlying module admittance times only, three-info AND-entryway delay and a D-type flip-flop. The motivation behind the project is to diminish the Power utilization and CMOS Technology in the counter way and Domino rationale way by utilizing DSCH in Microwind Tool. The proposed Counter way is structured utilizing 0.10μm TSMC Digital cell library and its expended 0.215mW.


CMOS Parallel counter design,Domino logic,Counter path,


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Congestion Avoidance-Data replication in Mobile Adhoc Network


S. Philomina,M.Jasmin,




In the data transformation in networks, the fast increase in thedevelopment, fast growth in the amount of the basestations, and power utilization in the rapid growth ofinformation technology the spending expenditure is increasing. In the network environment many organizations are viewing the data storage, techniques thereby to optimizethe powersaving system. Data replicationtechnique to minimize the storage system can vital role in minimizedata, thereby optimizepowerusage alsominimizeheat loss. Data replication can reduce disks numbers used in the work to optimize disk power usagerate. By analyzing the data replication strategy,processes, and methodology for the further process lay the base of the work.


Data Replication,Power rate,Disk number,powerstorage,


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Performance Analysis Of Efficient Carry Select Adder


M. Sangeetha,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,




Carry Select Adder(CSA)has multiplexer and also Ripple Carry Adder(RCA).Logical operation in traditional CSLA and BEC depends on CSLA is used to analyze the dependence in data and logic operations which is redundant is identified. Operation speed is an constraint which is obtained when multipliers are designed. Electronic components require more battery backup. A proposed adder speeds 40% to 90%. The reported work decreases the area and delay by the use of 2:1 mux. And implement the result by using FPGA.


CSLA,delay performance,low power design,arithmetic unit,Area,


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RF Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna For Effective Communication To Measure Heart Beat Rate Of The Person






Theoretical RF circularly enraptured patch radio wire for viable correspondence to be plan utilizing Comsol multiphysics recreation programming and it is reproduced under different scope of working frequencies (433 MHz, 1.6 GHz and 2.45 GHz). Because of the reception apparatus' adaptability, power and light weight it can be effortlessly coordinated into garments. An impedance and radiation design as elements of recurrence for a circularly energized patch radio wire with a limited ground plane end a transmission line impedance 50 ohm coaxial food has leeway of minimal effort, little size and better execution is likewise accomplished. The trial results are to some degree better with the reenactment results gave by the Comsol multiphysics programming. The structure of the single conductive layer is basic and a solitary food to create roundabout polarization. The primary point of the undertaking is to coordinate patch radio wire into garments for medicinal application to screen the heart beats per minute. Photo plethysmograph (PPG) sensor is utilized to break down the blood stream rate which along these lines is used to gage the heart beat per minutes. The deliberate heart beats per minutes is transmitted and got by utilizing patch radio wire. At that point they got sign is send to portable through Global System for Mobile (GSM) modem. The heart beat rate esteem got in the portable as a message. The worth demonstrates a man heart beat rate is ordinary/basic.


Circular polarization,Comsol ultiphysics,textile antenna,single-feed,Photoplethysmograph,Global System for Mobile,


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Robust Hand Gesture Recognition for Computer Application


S. Saravana,Balaji.S,S. Arul Selvi,M.Sowmiya manoj,




The undertaking exhibits a programmed motion acknowledgment utilizing shape and surface investigation for human PC interface framework. The proposed framework will be utilized for executing different ongoing applications, for example, PC applications, robot control and auto controlling control through human motions. Programmed motion recognizable proof is done utilizing picture handling procedures, for example, Pre-preparing, Segmentation, Feature extraction and Classification. At first the motion formats are made as a source of perspective examples for programmed ID of info motion sort. At pre-handling stage, a procured picture from web camera will be used into picture resizing and dimensionality diminishment. After that, a picture division calculation called versatile thresholding is utilized here to stifle the foundation for distinguishing closer view object. From the divided item, composition and shape highlight are extricated to perceive the signal sort with help of formats. Here, Discriminative nearby twofold example is utilized to concentrate diverse article surface and edge shape highlight extraction process. Separating boondocks or outskirt from the surface composition brings extra unfair data in light of the fact that the limit contains the shape data. Alongside that, geometrical elements are additionally separated utilizing associated segment investigation.


Discriminative local binary pattern,Camera,Computer interface system,surface texture,


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Novel Broadband Antenna Design For RFID Tags


Sowmiya Manoj. M,Arulselvi. S,Saravana.S,Hemalatha. B,




The UHF RFID system removes the requirement for manual processes, by improving inventory visibility performs workflows automation but these RFID tags cannot perform well in the existence of metallic items. In this paper , a unique UHF RFID tag antenna which can be suitable for metallic objects is put forward. The micro strip antenna is composed of two substrates isolated by an air layer the upper substrates is implemented with a folded dipole and two slots inserted at the end of the dipole. Second substrate is double-faced, parallel bars and metal plane on upper and lower face respectively. The printed parallel bar is to enlarge the bandwidth of the antenna by employing multi resonant bands. The main aim of the proposed antenna is to improve the antenna gain and to bring the return loss better than -10dB.


Antenna,UHF,RFID,Substrate,Metallic objects,gain,


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K. Subbulakshmi,Balaji S,John Paul Praveen A,G. Angelo Virgin,




Waste management has turned into a challenge that is faced by the developing, developed and precocious countries. The three main entities that are involved from the overall waste management are users who generate waste, who collects the waste& city administration, stakeholders. The main aim is to set up an intelligent system to control the waste management that helps to notify the waste status in-time to collect the waste. At the same time the stakeholders knows about the type of waste in what quantity is coming up at what particular time in a timely fashion. We see it many times in our city trash cans or garbage cans placed in the public places are always overloaded. This results in unhealthiest environment for people as well as leave the place dirty. These situations can be avoided by implementing a project called smart waste and IoT waste Collection containers .These holders are interfaced with Microcontroller based framework with remote IR frameworks with focal framework that indicates current condition of waste using Wi-Fi. So the state will be refreshed on the html page. The majority of our own the task relies upon the activity of Wi-Fi module; fundamental for its usage. The primary target of this venture is to diminish assets and endeavours with progress of a savvy city vision.


IoT waste collection containers,WiFi,Microcontroller Based Framework,Arduino UNO,


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