Special Issue No. – 2, August, 2019

National Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Science & Technology

Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Modeling and Simulation Capacity Analysis of MIMO Wireless Sensor Network






In conventional wireless conversation device the problematic of approximating the parameters such as coherence time, coherence band width and so on. Continues to be not correct. This problematic is especially owing to the circumstance that the mobile receiver may be in movement and additionally obtained signals can attain alongside a couple of pondered paths. In this paintings, the channel modeling, most efficient location scatterers and reflectors with appreciate to the region of receiver and transmitter and the surest valve of pointed range with the course of movement of the cell receiver are to be travelled. The consequence of the multipath fading both over the years and frequency is also to be careful. The algorithms and arrangements projected in this articles shall gain within the (i) choicest location of scatterers everywhere a receiver transferring at an adjustable velocity (ii) practical modeling of MIMO declining channels overwhelming the conventional assumption that fading coefficients among exclusive transmit and get hold of antennas are unbiased unsystematic variables.


Mobility models,Multipath fading,Channel uncertainty,MIMO fading channel,


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Object Co-Segmentation Using Image Processing


Balaji. S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,




Given a lot of pictures that contain objects from a typical classification, object co-division goes for naturally finding and sectioning such regular articles from each picture. In the proposed structure, we initially present the idea of association foundation and use it to improve the power for smothering the picture foundations contained by the given picture gatherings. At that point, we likewise debilitate the necessity for the solid earlier learning by utilizing the foundation earlier. For the feeble foundation earlier, the model which is called the MR-SGS model is utilized. This is characterized as complex positioning with a self-learned diagram structure.it can derive the reasonable chart structures as opposed to fixing diagram structures in a given plan.


Picture division,Image co-division,managed learning,Interactive learning,PC vision,


I. Liangliang Cao and Li Fei-Fei, “Spatially coherent latent topic model for concurrent segmentation and classification of objects and scenes,” in Computer Vision, 2007. ICCV 2007. IEEE 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2007, pp. 1–8.
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VI. Yukalov V.I., Probabilistic Approach to Pattern Selection. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 291, 1-4, March 2001.

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IOT Based Industrial Air Pollution Control System Using Microcontroller


Sowmiya Manoj.M,Arulselvi.S,Hemalatha.B,Saravana.S,




Air contamination has critical impact on the grouping of constituents in the climate prompting impacts like an unnatural weather change and corrosive downpours. Due to the harmful industrial gases and To cancel such adverse un equalences in the environment, an air pollution control system is mostly important. This paper makes to form an effective main solution for industrial air pollution controlling system by use of IOT on a real implemented time based scale named true time wired less industrial air polluted control design. A less weighted and a web ( IOT ) communicate to see the real mechanical air contamination information as counts, diagrams of proving grounds were created and accessible anyplace on the web Other elements like temperature and mugginess likewise detected alongside gas fixations to empower information investigation through information combination systems. Experimentation completed utilizing the created remote modern air contamination control framework under various physical conditions demonstrate that the framework gathers dependable wellspring of continuous fine-grain contamination information.


IOT,Air Pollution,ARM GSM,GPRS,


I . Chaudhari. A.N., and Kulkarni. G.A. (2017), ‘IoT based Environmenal Pollution Monitoring System’ , IRJET. Vol. 04 , pp. 1823-1829.
II. Chu. D.A., Kaufman. Y.J., Zibordi. G., Chern. J.D., Mao. J., Li. C., and Holben. B.N. (2003), ‘Global monitoring of air pollution over land from the Earth Observing System Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)’. pp. 1-8.
III. Chaitanya H P1, H. Prasanna Kumar2 “Automated system for air pollution detection and control of speed in vehicles International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Aug., 2016.©IJAET ISSN: 22311963.
IV. C. Balasubramaniyan* and D. ManivannanIoT Enabled Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) using Raspberry PiISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(39), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i39/90414, October 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
V. Khedo. K.K., Perseedoss. R., and Mungur. A. (2010), ‘A Wireless Sensor Network Air Pollution Monitoring System’ , IJWMN. Vol. 2 , No. 2., pp. 31-45.
VI. Navreetinder Kaur1, Rita Mahajan2, Deepak Bagai3 “Air Quality Monitoring System based on Arduino Microcontroller International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 5, Issue 6, June 2016”
VII. Saha. H.N., Auddy. S., Chatterjee. A., Pal. S., Pandey. S., Singh. R., Singh. R., Sharan. P., Banarjee. S., Ghosh. D., and Maity. A. (2017), ‘Pollution Control using Internet of Things (IoT)’ , Vol. 10 ,pp. 65-68.
VIII. Vaishnavi V. Daigavane and Dr. M.A Gaikwad Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT “Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications. ISSN 0973-6972 Volume 10, Number 5 (2017), pp. 1107-1116 © Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com “
IX. Okokpujie. K., Noma-Osaghae. E., Modupe. O., John. S., andOluwatosin. O. (2018), ‘A Smart Air Pollution Monitoring System’ , IJCIET. Vol. 9 , pp. 799-809.

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Detecting and Disabling Digital Cameras using Image Processing Techniques


G. Angelo Virgin,Balaji S,K.Subbulakshmi,John Paul Praveen A,




In this paper, we discuss about the equipment has the ability to recognize and disabling digital cameras. The camera is positioned and neutralized by the system CCD is the image sensor available in every camera which is retro reflective and transmits light back to its source at the same angle. Infrared light is emitted by the device which is not visible to human eye at a distance of about 20 feet. Camcorder is used to accumulate the video of reflection. Then the video of the reflections is transmitted to a computer connected to the equipment , where it is sent through imageprocessing algorithms that acquires infrared light bouncing back an invisible infrared laser is projected into the camera's lens once the camera is identified, thereby overexposing the photo and providing it useless. Digital camera are neutralized by low level IR lasers but are neither a health danger to homosapiens nor physical damage to cameras. We review the simplified design of the device that can utilized in theatres to block piracy. The research areas being covered here are optics and image processing.


Camcorder,CCD,LED,Retro reflector,Hough Transform,


I. Arjun Venugopal, Antony Vibin, Gokul Raj, Surekha Mariam Varghese, Ani Sunny,” International Research Journal (IRJET),Vol.:5, Issue: 5, pp.2813
II. C. P. Reshma Chand, J. Dheeba, “Automatic Detection of Exudates in Color Fundus Retinopathy Images”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8 issue 26, pp. 566
III. Debajit Sensarma, Samar SenSarma, “A Survey on Different Graph Based Anomaly Detection Techniques”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol:8,issue.31 ,Nov2015
IV. J. Manasa, J.T. Pramod, S.A.K. Jilani, S. Javeed Hussain, “Real Time Object Counting using Raspberry pi”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 4, no. 7, July 2015.
V. K. H. Hemalatha, G. Babu, R. Sivakumar, “Lesion Area Detection (LAD) using Super pixel Segmentation”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8 Issue 15, July2015
VI. P. Sujatha, K. K. Sudha, “Performance Analysis of Different Edge Detection Techniques for Image Segmentation”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol:8,issue 14 ,July 2015
VII. Panth Shah, TithiVyas, “Interfacing of MATLAB with Arduino for Object Detection Algorithm Implementation using Serial
Communication”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1069-1071, Oct 2014.

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Google Assistant Controlled Home Automation


B. Hemalatha,Balaji. S,Sowmiya manoj. M,Kanjula Hrushiekesh Reddy,




“The system is implemented using ordinary household appliances Natural language voice commands are given to the Google Assistant and with the help of IFTTT (If This Then That) application and the Blynk application the commands are decoded and then sent to the microcontroller, the microcontroller in turn controls the relays connected to it as required, turning the device connected to the respective relay On or OFF as per the users request to the Google Assistant. The microcontroller used is NodeMCU (ESP8266) and the communication between the microcontroller and the application is established via Wi-Fi (Internet).”


NodeMCU ESP8266,IFTTT -If This Than That Application,(IoT),Google Assistant,Voice Control,Smartphone,


I. Aayush Agarwal , Anshul Sharma , Asim Saket Samad , S Babeetha, IJARIIE, “UJALA- Home Automation System Using Google Assistant”, Vol-4 Issue-2, 2018
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III. Manish Prakash Gupta,. Department of Electronics and Communication, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India, “Google Assistant Controlled Home Automation” Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018
IV. Mummaka Sai Srinath, Manepalli Nanda Kishore, M.D. Anto Praveena, Interactive International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, “Home Automation System With Google Assistant”, Volume 119 No. 12 2018, 14083-14086
V. Mhanta Prasad, Mayuri Ghodke, Swati Gaikwad, Prof. N. V. Kurhade, IOSR Journal of Engineering, “Controlling Home Appliances on Google Assistant and Monitoring Data” , PP 58-62.
VI. Niharika Shrotriya, Anjali Kulkarni, Priti Gadhave, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), “SMART HOME USING WI-FI” December 1996.

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Data Deduplication in Wireless sensor network


M. Jasmin,S.Philomina,




In the data transmitting from node to node, increase the speed in the development, rapid growth in the total number of the basestations, rate of utilization of power in the vital growth of information technology the sponsor amount is large. In the transition environment many companies are observing their information storage, techniques thereby to optimize the power saving system. Data deduplication strategy to limit the capacity framework can indispensable job in reduce data, consequently improve settings use additionally limit heat reduces. Data deduplication can decrease circles numbers utilized in the work to improve plate control absorb rate. By breaking down the data deduplication procedure, produces, and system for the further procedure lay the substation to the work.


Data Deduplication,Power rate,Disk number,power storage,


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Gesture Controlled Quad copter Using RF Technology


John Paul Praveen A,Balaji. S,Mohanraj R,




Gesture recognition technologies are much growing in the world of today. At this time there is much effective analysis in the terrain and limited in the way of openly available implementations. Many techniques have been implemented for sensing gestures and controlling quad copters. Glove based technique is a wellknown methods of recognizing hand gestures. A Gesture Controlled quad copter is a kind of quad copter which can be regulated by hand gestures and not the older way by using remotes. The user needs to wear a glove on his hand which comprises a sensor which is an Flex sensor in our case. Sensors convert physical movements into electrical signals. Also sensor converts different gesture movements of hands into electrical signals. Other commonly used transducers are Accelerometer and Gyroscopes. The user need wear a gesture device which includes flex sensor. A flex sensor is a sensor that measures the amount of bending. The sensor will document the drive of hand in particular direction which will result in the movement of quadcopter


Quad-copter,Flex sensor,Motion capture system,UAV,


I. Jinay S. Gadda1, Rajaram D. Patil, „Quad-copter (UAVS) For Border Security With GUI System‟, 2013, ISSN 2231-1297.
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III. Kumar Kawale, Supriya Kolhe, Gauri Katale, Dhanashri Hemane, “Fighter Quad-copter Control Using Computer System”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ,Vol. 4, Issue 11, November 2016.
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VIII. Oywind Magnussen, Kjell Eivind, Skjonhaug “Modeling Design and Experimental Study for A Quad-copter System Construction” University of Agder Department of Engineering Faculty of Technology and Science

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Health Care Monitoring UsingLi-Fi


John Paul Praveen A,Balaji. S,Mohanraj R,




Reliable checking of the patient's health condition in the prosperity center is either manual or remote unfaltering quality (Wi-Fi)- based structure. A Wi-Fi-based system winds up lazy in pace as a result of exponentially copied versatility. In this circumstance, delicate precision (Li-Fi) finds the spots wherever Wi-Fi is material to various highlights of quick data compose. Beside the pace factor, Li-Fi is increasingly critical fitting in sanatorium utility for watching the patient's conditions despite repeat impedance with the human body. This paper proposes an execution of Li-Fi social order in the crisis center for controlling the patient's essentials, for instance, temperature, heartbeat, and respiratory conditions using specific sensors. The gathered substances from the sensors are transmitted to the sink, and further, this information has dealt with the usage of a microcontroller and sent to an introduction unit as mechanized. Given the thinking of seen light correspondence, a model mannequin is created with the microcontroller and essential sensors as peripherals and attempted it is working. Thusly, the utilization of Li-Fi as health watching device exhibited probably.


Social insurance checking,Light transmitting diode light,Medical hardware,Patient condition,Visible light correspondences,


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WPAN Communication Using Rssi For Locomotives Prediction For Transferable Rostrum


G. Kanagavalli,Balaji.S,John Paul Praveen A,Mohanraj R,




By victimization embedded system we've got an inclination to face live about to develop a high quality platform. Every time when the train arrives the platform, mechanically it can open by intimating a warning to the passengers those who live victimization the mobile platform. Using wireless communication this may be done. All the train is connected with RF transceiver, so that it send a knowledge of arrival before it reaches the platform of the station. If the train leaves from the platform, then automatically the mobile platform square measure visiting be bridged between a try of platforms to form a path between them. This project is supposed with PIC18F45J11 Microcontroller. The PIC18F45J11 Microcontroller will work of partaking the input from the RSSI and it offers command to the motor to run therefore on tackle the modification within theposition of the quality Rostrum.


PIC18F45J11 Microcontroller,MRF24J40 MiWi,RSSI,WPAN,


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Implementation of Wind Mill Monitoring System Using IoT and Wi-Fi through GSM Protocol






This undertaking presents contemplations of utilizing remote sensor systems for checking conditions inside wind ranches, enchanting into contemplations the particular of such submissions. In these situations, which are planned to make a great deal of progress or even work in troublesome radio conditions with solid lessening, the basic and straight correspondence among source and goal isn't constantly conceivable, because of the separation confinement. To beat these actualities, we propose a framework which constantly screens the parameters of the windmill framework and transmits those information's to the cloud utilizing IOT. This framework disposes of the Range compel for passing these parameters to the checking framework.


Wireless sensor networks,attenuation,windmill system,Internet of Things,


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