Special Issue No. – 10, June, 2020

“Quantative Methods in Modern Science” organized by Academic Paper Ltd, Russia



MaralZh.Yergazina,Rudolf Yu. Tsun-Shu,Zhanagul I. Rysbayeva,




The relevance of the present study is explained by the fact that periodontal diseases appear in younger age and their aggressive forms develop in childhood, as well as high sensitivity of parodont structures in children to the impact of factors of the external and internal environment. The aim of the present study was to identify the peculiarities of cytological alterations in the parodont ofprimary school-aged children who live in the crisis zone of the Aral Sea region. The studies of morphology and functions of the organs ofthedentoalveolar apparatus in the population of the crisis zone of the Aral Sea area in the age-related aspect were not performed.  The leading approach to the investigation of this issue was a comparative analysis of a cytogram of gingival fluid in children with chronic periodontitis who live in the Aral Sea region and in an ecologically favorable region of Talgar city. It was established that, cytologically, chronic localized periodontitis in the examined children who live in the polluted zone of the Aral Sea region was characterized by a higher degree of the parodont damage than in the comparison group. The identified peculiarity of the parodont damage in children was explained by a complex influence of unfavorable factors in the Aral Sea region on a child organism (increased content of sulfates and chlorides, heavy metals and pesticides in the environment and food products). Materials of the article can be important for the diagnostics, therapy, and monitoring of inflammatory conditions of parodont and can be useful for dentists. Based on the obtained data, a program of the prevention of periodontal diseasesin ecologically unfavorable regions of Kazakhstan will be developed.


Cytogram,parodont,gingival fluid,chronic localized periodontitis,ecology,


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Elena Simonova,Musheg Ayrapetyan,Irina Denisova,Natalia Vertiy,




Natural ultraviolet radiation is one of the major environmental factors that have an impact on plant organisms. The article shows that the use of artificial sources of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, mercury-quartz lamps, such as BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 in crop production accelerates the processes of germination and increase the germinating power by activation of enzymes. The use of UV radiation sources for the stimulation of germinating seeds is relevant and highly-demanded, as it is an environmentally safe technology for pre-sowing seed stimulation in agricultural production. The use of a BNPO 2-30-001U3.5 mercury-quartz lamp to stimulate physiological and biochemical processes in germinating seeds allowed us to identify different levels of enzyme activity depending on the time of exposure to irradiation. After soaking the winter wheat seeds in distilled water, they were irradiated using a BNPO 2-30-001U 3.5 mercury-quartz lamp, and, as the seeds swelled and germinated, the activity of amylase, catalase and peroxidase was determined. During the experiment, optimal regimes of seed irradiation by an UV source were established. The seeds exposed to radiation for three and five minutes, showed a 8.2 and 10.5% increase in laboratory germination compared to the control, and a 27.8 and 29.5% increase in germinating power, respectively. Comprehensive studies of the effect of UV radiation on enzyme activity during the germination of wheat seeds under different irradiation regimes showed the maximum increase in amylase activity on the fourth day from the beginning of germination and the increase in this indicator by 58.6 and 64.1%, respectively, compared to the control condition. Catalase activity reached its maximum ​​by the fourth day from the beginning of seed germination in variants that had been exposed to a three- and five-minute irradiation and was higher than that in the control variant by 14.7% and 17.7%, respectively. The peak of peroxidase activity was observed on the eighth day from the beginning of the germination of winter wheat seeds in all variants of the experiment, but in the variants with three- and five-minute irradiation, the peroxidase activity was higher than the control values by 50%, and with a five-minute irradiation – by 55%.  


Winter wheat,seed quality,enzymes,amylase,catalase,peroxidase,seed material,ultraviolet irradiation,


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Galina Yu. Rabinovich,Daria V. Tikhomirova,




The Department of Biotechnologies at the VNIIMZ (Tver oblast’, Russia) has developed the method of making new organic biofertilizerBiGuEM based on chicken (poultry) manure and turf. The peculiarity of the new method is that it involves alkalizing the turf-manure mix, followed by adding various kinds of biostimulants. The basic method of making BiGuEm has been patented, and its modified versions are currently being patented one by one. This work was aimed at evaluating the results of screening assays for choosing the best way of producing BiGuEm that had gained an edge on the other processes upon the addition of the new biostimulant to the initial fermented mass. In the end, that biostimulant demonstrated the highest efficiency. The choice of the most efficient BiGuEm production process was made by a set of methods of biochemical, microbiological, and agrochemical analyses conducted, considering their behavior. Three variants of producing BiGuEm were studied, and it was recognized that the best one was a modified process called S3 and run using a complex-component stimulant, including the combination of citric acid and acetic magnesium. That process corresponded to the maximum reductive-oxidative coefficient (ROC) that indicated the active catabolic orientation of transformative conversions, reached 0.91 at the end of bioprocessing, and signaled, through mobilizedmicrobial flora, about the accumulation of available nutrients in the biofertilizer. In addition, a significant increase in the level of invertase activity was observed by the end of fermenting at thesynchronousrecedingactivity of cellulase,which pointed at the advancing replacement of substrates for its activity with low-molecule compounds. It was found out that the highest fractions (% per abs.dr.subs.) in the biofertilizer produced by S3 belonged tosuch fertilizer elements as phosphorus(Р2О5) (2.52) and potassium (К2О) (1.44). The high carbon content of up to 31.85 indicated that the resulting biofertilizer possessed a considerable energy potential. According to the interpretation of the set of the results, the production of BiGuEm using citric acid and acetic magnesium was related to one of the most prospective processes for further elaboration and testing on different agricultural crops.  



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Liudmila V. Kireicheva,Ekaterina A. Lentyaeva,




The paper contains an assessment of the possible coming of polluting biogenic substances into the water bodies of the Upper Volga basin from the functioning reclaimed lands, the area of ​​which is 961.12 thousand hectares or 44% of the total reclaimed land in the region. Drainage systems are located mainly on the floodplain lands of the tributaries of the Volga river, from which the surface and drainage runoff are uncontrollably discharged into the river network, which causes significant damage to the water bodies of the basin. The calculation of surface runoff is made on the basis of the natural reclamation zoning of the territory, which made it possible to identify homogeneous reclamation subzones and provinces characterized by the same type of the surface runoff formation.To calculate the content of biogenic substances in the drainage runoff, a justification of its volume was made depending on the amount of precipitation, the discharge of flood waters and drainage parameters. Assessment of pollution of diffuse runoff was performed using empirical dependencies for each biogenic substance and its form in the soil: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The calculation took into account the content of this biogenic element in the soil, its rate of application with mineral and organic fertilizers, solubility and transition into mobile forms, the washout of the absorbed substance by solid runoff and of the dissolved substance with the surface runoff, as well as absorption of biogenic elements by agricultural plants during the growing season.It was shown that nitrogen and potassium compounds play the main role in the pollution of both surface and drainage waters, the amount of which is 98% of the total amount of pollution, while phosphorus compounds have a lesser impact. The total annual volume of surface runoff in the Upper Volga basin for average long-term conditions is estimated at 216,698 thousand m3, drainage water - 1,564,436 thousand m3, which is 7.3 times more. The washout of biogenic pollutants approximately amounted to 12.32 thousand tons/year, of which the main share of 8.08 thousand tons/year (65%) falls on drainage waters, which requires the development of protective measures to reduce and clean the drainage runoff.


Pollution,reclamation,surface runoff,drainage water,nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,biogenic elements,water bodies,


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Natalya M. Mudrykh,Svetlana A. Semakova,




Modern society is paying more and more attention to healthy nutrition. Urgent issues are the spread of diabetes and the possibility of reducing its negative impact on the human body. According to statistics, more than 4 million patients in Russia have been registered with this disease, the overwhelming majority suffering from type II diabetes. Therefore, scientists worldwide are studying the products containing inulin, and one of its sources is the Jerusalem artichoke. Interest in this plant lies not only in the fact that its tubers contain functional nutrient in the form of inulin (2-20%) but also in the fact that they are rich in dietary fiber, macro-, microelements and contain almost all the essential amino acids that allow keeping the body at a high immune level. The present research studies the influence of the storage conditions and period of Jerusalem artichoke tubers on its chemical composition. The correlation coefficient helped establish linear structural relationships between quality indicators and storage conditions, according to which the carbohydrate, vitamin C and dry matter content primarily depend on the temperature regime (r = -0.8 - (- 0.4)). The information-logical method made it possible to confirm the previously established correlation interrelations. The obtained models for assessing the quality of tubers (including inulin content), depending on the storage and temperature regime, allow promptly changing the storage conditions, if necessary. The analysis made it possible to single out a promising variety for industrial processing as an additive in the preparation of soft drinks such as sbiten. The authors established the optimal shelf life of the beverage so that it does not change from the category of non-alcoholic concentrates to fermented beverages; this allows preserving the size of tariffs.


Tubers,quality,processing,storage conditions,correlation coefficient,statistical indicators,information and logical analysis,


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Irina A. Ivkova,Mikhail V. Zabolotnykh,Ekaterina A. Zubareva,Sergey A. Konovalov,Elena V. Yudina,Anastasia S. Pilyaeva,




Presently the importance of fulfilling such elements of cost management as accounting, analyzing and planning grows increasingly. More and more frequently the cost management functions are integrated into the single informational system of an enterprise which represents a foundation for taking tactical and strategic managerial decisions. Production accounting is of prime importance for any enterprise. At that the system of production accounting of costs should be integrated with the system of current norms and standards in accordance with the modern economic conditions of economy management of enterprises. It should represent a complex of regulatory quantitative and cost indicators of rational using of economic resources ensuring managerial objectives. Thus, the paper is devoted to cost management on one of the types of food productions - baking industry enterprises of different production capacities (from 1.5 to 90 tons per day). In the course of the research it was revealed that over the recent years the range of output losses upon production of bakery products has expanded depending on flour moisture content, dough moisture content, mass of bakery items, baking loss value, and drying loss value; whereas the norms of flour consumption and coefficients of converting bakery products to raw materials considerably increased.Application of scientifically grounded coefficients of converting bakery products in accordance with the codes of the Russian Classification of Products by Economic Activities 2 and commodity nomenclatureof the foreign economic activityof Eurasian Economic Union (CN FEA EEU) into raw materials allows food industry enterprises to decrease the tax basis by 3.4 - 4.2% and ensure production profitability at the level from 27.8% to 34.6%.


Costs,raw materials,bakery products,range,flour,


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Michael V. Teplyakov,Margarita D. Loshenko,




Methods of controlling the condensate formation in electrical equipment are of particular importance to thedeep-sea topics, namely to the ship pressure-seal feed-throughs, whose parts are in different temperature conditions. There are various reasons for the condensate formation in the pressure-seal feed-throughs, includingconditions of the pressure-seal feed-throughs installation,the vessel hull sweating and the electrical conductors heating and their subsequent cooling. The article covers the mathematical description of the condensate deposition model in the feed-through feed-throughs, and the events to control this phenomenon.


Electrical equipment,pressure-seal feed-through,condensate,condensing point,Mendeleev-Clapeyron law,insulating jacket integrity,capillary effect,


I. PoluninV.М.,SychyovG.Т. Physics. The main notions and laws: Guidance manualfor theengineer occupation students /Kursk State Technical University. Kursk, 2002. 156 p.[Polunin V.М., Sychyov G.Т.Fizika. Osnovnyeponyatiaizakony: Uchebno-metodicheskoeposobiedlyastudentovinzhenerno-tekhnicheskikhspetsialnostei /Kursk. gos. tekhn. un-t. Kursk, 2002. 156 s.] Полунин В.М., Сычев Г.Т. Физика. Основные понятия и законы: Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов инженерно-технических специальностей /Курск. гос. техн. ун-т. Курск, 2002. 156 с.

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Mels T. Oshakbaev,Ersin A. Tusipkaliyev,MizambekN. Baimbetov,Zhaniya N. Kaynarbaeva,Gulim D. Baybatyrova,Bekzat K. Abayyldanov,




Over the past decades, environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources in the conditions of development and rapid growth of industrial production, especially in the oil and gas industry, have become the most pressing problems. In this regard, the issues of sparingof oil and gas resources and recycling of waste into target products, the introduction of non-waste technology in the Mangystau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are considered to be of paramount importance. The present study on the production monitoring of oil-saturated wastessoil cover in the Mangystau oil field and the subdivisions of OzenMunayGazJSC of the Mangystauregion of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out on the basis of “Methodological recommendations for conducting comprehensive research and assessing environmental pollution in areas that are likely to be affected by intense anthropogenic impact.”The use of oil resources, transportation of oil and oil products is accompanied by the emergence and wide spread of various environmental problems causing technological, biological and other negative effects to the environment. In the fields of oil and gas production, tens of thousands of tons of oil sludge are formed annually, a certain part of this amount beingstored in sludge collectors or in special areas designated for this purpose. Oil sludge is waste generated during the extraction, transportation and refining of oil from which it is possible to produce target products. The chemical composition and physical-mechanical properties of various groups of oil sludge are very diverse.The organic part of oil sludge contains 80% of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, of which paraffin-naphthenic hydrocarbons make up 74-75%, resins - 21-22% and asphaltenes -3-4%. The organic fraction of oil sludge contains phenols in the amount  of 0.075-0.0144 mg/dm3. In bituminous soils, on the contrary, 75% is the inorganic part of the soil cover. The organic part contains organometallic compounds, where vanadium and titanium have the highest content (1,990-2,000 mg/kg and 970-1,000 mg/kg, respectively). In this regard, there is a need to monitor the area and to implement a set of effective measures to protect it against the adverse effects on public health and the environment. This article presents the main components of the organic and inorganic parts of oil sludge and bituminous soilsof the landfills of JSC “OzenMunayGas.” The organic part of sludge contains paraffin hydrocarbons, resinous compounds and organometallic complexes. The analysis of oil sludge shows the potential of its use for the production of paraffins, bitumen and the extraction of metals.


Oil sludge,bituminous soil,fractional distillation;gas chromatography,infrared spectrometry,atomic absorption spectroscopy,


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Anatoliy N. Boitsov,EvgeniyV.Osipov,AnatoliyI.Shevchenko,SvetlanaV.Lisienko,VladimirE.Valkov,




A Special Issue on “Quantative Methods in Modern Science” organized by Academic Paper Ltd.,Russia.  
The flexible spreading device for replacing the boards in the trawl fishing systems was developed at the beginning of the 1990s and, as a result, the these devices could be used only during the coastal fishery, since the device was developed by means of experimental research. However, the flexible spreading devices failed to get a more widespread use because there were no calculation methodologies. So, this paper is aimed at developing the calculation methodologies of the flexible spreading devices and their control system. Two methodologies of calculating the flexible spreading devices are offered, the first methodology makes it possible, with the knowledge of an area and hydrodynamic characteristics of the trawl boards, to calculate the design characteristics of the flexible spreading devices, while the second methodology makes it possible, with the use of the aggregate trawl resistance with the specified design values, to calculate the design characteristics of the flexible spreading devices. The results of calculating the projected areas of the flexible spreading devices on two methodologies are coinciding with each other, which confirms the adequacy of the offered methodologies of calculating the projected areas of the flexible spreading devices, since the trawl developers took into account the tractive and speed characteristics of the vessels and the characteristics of the trawl boards as a whole. The results of calculating the control system of the flexible spreading devices on the methodology, which is offered in the paper, in comparison with the experimental research conducted are differing in 2%. As the methodologies are convenient, the factory workers were able to calculate and to made the flexible spreading devices according to these methodologies, and the fishery with those devices made it possible to increase the trawling speed by 1 knot and, as a consequence, to increase the takes by 10-15%.  


Flexible spreading devices,trawl system,trawl system control,


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VII. Ming-Fu Tang, Guo-Hai Dong, Tiao-Jian Xu1, Yun-Peng Zhao, Chun-Wei Bi. Numerical Simulation of the Drag Force on the Trawl Net/ Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 17:1219-1230(2017)
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Lyudmila V.Osipova,Tatiana A. Kurnosova,Irina A.Bykovskaya,Maria T.Mukhina,




Obtaining stable yields of spring barley grain in conditions of global climate change is possible only with the use of highly resistant varieties that are responsive to the use of mineral fertilizers.Physiological and biochemical studies are necessary for an objective assessment of the varieties resistanceto stresses, developing during the critical period of the generative organs forming, which leads to theyield shortage. These studies are also necessary for developing ways to increase productivity. The purpose of this work was to study the physiological and biochemical reactions of varieties to the effects of stress, changes in the background of mineral nutrition and the use of biogenic elements of selenium and silicon. Studies were performed during laboratory and vegetative experiments. The objects of the study were two varieties of spring barley:NurandMoskovsky2, which were different in initial resistance. Abiotic stress was modeledin laboratory experiments using an osmotic active solution of sucrose, as well as in vegetative experiments by stopping watering at the sixth stage of organogenesis (watering was resumed after reaching permanent wilting point). Different levels of mineral nutrition were created by adding salt when establishing vegetative experiment. There were two mineral nutritionbackgrounds: background I –NPK(100mg/kg of soil) and background II – NPK(300 mg/kg of soil). Theseedspretreatmentwas carried out in the control with water, in experimental variants with solutions of sodium silicate (0.15%) and sodium selenite (0.01%), taken in equal proportions in the amount of 5% of thetreated seeds weight. The complex of physiological and biochemical parameters was determined, including the level of free-radical oxidationby the content of malondialdehyde, the content of photosynthetic pigments, the exoosmos of leaf electrolytes, the absorbing activity of the roots by the ability to absorbthetagged nitrogen, the linear dimensions of the apex and its water content, water-holding capacity of the leaves. Studiesrevealed differences in the reaction of seedlings to stress. The growth function of the Moskovsky 2 varietywasosmoticallyinhibited to a greater extent and the content of malondialdehydeincreased, indicating a lower adaptability of theMoskovsky2 variety, compared to theNur variety. It was revealed that the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers depends on the varietal specificity of barley, due to the genetic characteristics of plants, as well as on the level of mineral nutrition. Thus, a high level of mineral nutrition contributed to the rapid recovery of the physiological functions of the Nur variety after stress and did not affect the recovery of the Moskovsky 2 variety. It was also established that the seeds pretreatment with selenium and silicon increased the productivity of the varieties, both under optimal growing conditions and under the action of stress for both varieties. The obtained results also show that the physiological and biochemical parameters allow us to quickly and accurately determine the effect of stress on the plant. The obtained data can be used to optimize nutrition in the cultivation of the above-mentioned varieties without loss of yield under stress conditions.


Spring barley,stress,productivity,nutrients,


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Zhamal T. Igissinova,Almash A. Kitapbayeva,Anargul S. Sharipkhanova,Alexander L. Vorobyev,Svetlana F. Kolosova,Zhanat K. Idrisheva,




Due to ecological preferences among species of the genus GageaSalisb, many plants are qualified as rare and/or endangered. Therefore, the problem of rational use of natural resources, in particular protection of early spring plant species is very important. However, literary sources analysis only reveals data on the biology of species of this genus. The present research,conducted in the spring of 2017-2019, focuses on anatomical and morphological features of two Altai species: Gagealutea and Gagea minima; these features were studied, clarified and confirmed by drawings and photographs. The anatomical structure of the stem and leaf blade was studied in detail. The obtained research results will prove useful for studies of medicinal raw materials and honey plants. The aforementioned species are similar in morphological features, yet G. minima issmaller in size, and its shoots appear earlier than those of other species


Flora,gageas,Altai species,vegetative organs.,


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Victor K. Dridiger,Roman S. Stukalov,Rasul G. Gadzhiumarov,Anastasiya A. Voropaeva,Viktoriay A. Kolomytseva,




This study was aimed at examining the influence of succession cropping on the economic efficiency of no-till field crop rotations on the black earth in the zone of unstable moistening of the Stavropol krai. A long-term stationary experiment was conducted to examine for the purpose nine field crop rotation patterns different in the number of fields (four to six), set of crops, and their succession in crop rotation. The respective shares of legumes, oilseeds, and cereals in the cropping pattern were 17 to 33, 17 to 40, and 50 to 67 %. It has been established that in case of no-till field crop cultivation the economic efficiency of plant production depends on the set of crops and their succession in rotation. The most economically efficient type of crop rotation is the soya-winter wheat-peas-winter wheat-sunflower-corn six-field rotation with two fields of legumes: in this rotation 1 ha of crop rotation area yields 3 850 grain units per ha at a grain unit prime cost of 5.46 roubles; the plant production output return and profitability were 20,888 roubles per ha and 113 %, respectively. The high production profitabilities provided by the soya-winter wheat-sunflower four-field and the soya-winter-wheat-sunflower-corn-winter wheat five-field crop rotation are 108.7 and 106.2 %, respectively. The inclusion of winter wheat in crop rotation for two years in a row reduces the second winter wheat crop yield by 80 to 100 %, which means a certain reduction in the grain unit harvesting rate to 3.48-3.57 thousands per ha of rotation area and cuts the production profitability down to 84.4-92.3 %. This is why, no-till cropping should not include winter wheat for a second time


No-till technology,crop rotation,predecessor,yield,return,profitability,


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Mikhail A. Abaturov,Yuriy V. Sirotinskiy,




This paper is concerned with solving one of the issues of the general problem of designing geophysical equipment for the natural climatic environment of the Arctic. The relevance of the topic has to do with an increased global interest in this region. The paper is aimed at considering the basic principles of developing and the procedure of testing seismic instruments for use at ultralow climatic temperatures. In this paper the indicated issue is considered through the example of a seismic module designed for petroleum and gas exploration by passive seismoacoustic methods. The seismic module is a direct-burial portable unit of around 5 kg in weight, designed to continuously measure and record microseismic triaxial orthogonal (ZNE) noise in a range from 0.1 to 45 Hz during several days in autonomous mode. The functional chart of designing the seismic module was considered, and concrete conclusions were made for choosing the necessary components to meet the ultralow-temperature operational requirements. The conclusions made served for developing appropriate seismic module. In this case, the components and tools used included a SAFT MP 176065 xc low-temperature lithium cell, industrial-spec electronic component parts, a Zhaofeng Geophysical ZF-4.5 Chinese primary electrodynamic seismic sensor, housing seal parts made of frost-resistant silicone materials, and finely dispersed silica gel used as water-retaining sorbent to avoid condensation in the housing. The paper also describes a procedure of low-temperature collation tests at the lab using a New Brunswick Scientific freezing plant. The test results proved the operability of the developed equipment at ultralow temperatures down to -55°C. In addition, tests were conducted at low microseismic noises in the actual Arctic environment. The possibility to detect signals in a range from 1 to 10 Hz at the level close to the NLNM limit (the Peterson model) has been confirmed, which allows monitoring and exploring petroleum and gas deposits by passive methods. As revealed by this study, the suggested approaches are efficient in developing high-precision mobile seismic instruments for use at ultralow climatic temperatures. The solution of the considered instrumentation and methodical issues is of great practical significance as a constituent of the generic problem of Arctic exploration.


Seismic instrumentation,microseismic monitoring,Peterson model,geological exploration,temperature ratings,cooling test,


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Yuriy V. Lartsev,Dmitrii A. Rasputin,Sergey D. Zuev-Ratnikov,Pavel V.Ryzhov,Dmitry S. Kudashev,Anton A. Bogdanov,




The article considers the problem of surgical correction of the second metatarsal bone length. The article analyzes the results of treatment of patients with excess length of the second metatarsal bones that underwent osteotomy with and without osteosynthesis. The results of treatment of patients who underwent metatarsal shortening due to classical Weil-osteotomy with and without osteosynthesis were analyzed. The first group consisted of 34 patients. They underwent classical Weil osteotomy. The second group included 44 patients in whomosteotomy of the second metatarsal bone were not by the screw. When studying the results of the treatment in the immediate postoperative period, weeks 6, 12, slightly better results were observed in patients of the first group, while one year after surgical treatment the results in both groups were comparable. One year after surgical treatment, there were 2.9% (1 patient) of unsatisfactory results in the first group and 4.5% (2 patients) in the second group. Considering the comparability of the results of treatment in remote postoperative period, the choice of concrete method remains with the operating surgeon.


Flat feet,hallux valgus,corrective osteotomy,metatarsal bones,


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Roman A. Tcygansky,Irina I. Nekrasova,Angelina N. Shulunova,Alexander I.Sidelnikov,




Purpose.To determine the quantitative echogenicity indicators (and their ratio) of the layers of stomach and small intestine wall in healthy dogs. Methods. A prospective 3-year study of 86 healthy dogs (aged 1-7 yrs) of different breeds and of both sexes. Echo homogeneity and echogenicity of the stomach and intestines wall were determined by the method of Silina, T.L., et al. (2010) in absolute values ​​of average brightness levels of ultrasound image pixels using the 8-bit scale with 256 shades of gray. Results. Quantitative echogenicity indicators of the stomach and the small intestine wall in dogs were determined. Based on the numerical values ​​characterizing echogenicity distribution in each layer of a separate structure of the digestive system, the coefficient of gastric echogenicity is determined as 1:2.4:1.1 (mucosa/submucosa/muscle layers, respectively), the coefficient of duodenum and jejunum echogenicity is determined as 1:3.5:2 and that of ileum is 1:1.8:1. Clinical significance. The echogenicity coefficient of the wall of the digestive system allows an objective assessment of the stomach and intestines wall and can serve as the basis for a quantitative assessment of echogenicity changes for various pathologies of the digestive system


Ultrasound (US),echogenicity,echogenicity coefficient,digestive system,dogs,stomach,intestines,


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