“Quantative Methods in Modern Science” organized by Academic Paper Ltd, Russia
MaralZh.Yergazina,Rudolf Yu. Tsun-Shu,Zhanagul I. Rysbayeva,DOI:
The relevance of the present study is explained by the fact that periodontal diseases appear in younger age and their aggressive forms develop in childhood, as well as high sensitivity of parodont structures in children to the impact of factors of the external and internal environment. The aim of the present study was to identify the peculiarities of cytological alterations in the parodont ofprimary school-aged children who live in the crisis zone of the Aral Sea region. The studies of morphology and functions of the organs ofthedentoalveolar apparatus in the population of the crisis zone of the Aral Sea area in the age-related aspect were not performed. The leading approach to the investigation of this issue was a comparative analysis of a cytogram of gingival fluid in children with chronic periodontitis who live in the Aral Sea region and in an ecologically favorable region of Talgar city. It was established that, cytologically, chronic localized periodontitis in the examined children who live in the polluted zone of the Aral Sea region was characterized by a higher degree of the parodont damage than in the comparison group. The identified peculiarity of the parodont damage in children was explained by a complex influence of unfavorable factors in the Aral Sea region on a child organism (increased content of sulfates and chlorides, heavy metals and pesticides in the environment and food products). Materials of the article can be important for the diagnostics, therapy, and monitoring of inflammatory conditions of parodont and can be useful for dentists. Based on the obtained data, a program of the prevention of periodontal diseasesin ecologically unfavorable regions of Kazakhstan will be developed.Keywords:
Cytogram,parodont,gingival fluid,chronic localized periodontitis,ecology,Refference:
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