“Quantative Methods in Modern Science” organized by Academic Paper Ltd, Russia
Natalya M. Derkanosova,Elena E. Kurchaeva,Alexander V. Vostroilov,Lyubov G. Khromova,Igor V. Maksimov,Evgeny V. Mikhaylov,DOI:
Probiotic complexes that produce a stimulating effect on an animal’s body, normalize intestinal microbiocenosis and improve resistance of an agricultural animal’s body are widely applied to increase meat production of animals. The purpose of the studies was to examine blood chemistry values of fattening rabbits with inclusion of Vetom 3.0 probiotic supplement into the diet and effect on histological features of the gastrointestinal tract of young rabbits. The effect of Vetom 3.0 biologically active supplement that contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain VKPM B-10642 produced on the basic blood chemistry values and histological structure of the stomach and liver in rabbits was examined. 2 (experimental and control) groups were formed with 10 chinchilla rabbits aged 60 days in each group. Experimental animals were given Vetom 3.0 probiotic supplement once a day at the dose of 75 mg/kg live weight for 60 days. Study of blood composition evaluates an animal’s condition and gives a general idea of environmental adjustment. It also allows us to observe different changes that take place in an animal’s body when it is fed and managed evaluating its total physiological condition. The greatest increase of total protein, albumin and globulin content was noted in an experimental group following 60 days, increasing the non-specific resistance and activating mineral exchange. According to histological studies, the use of Vetom 3.0 probiotic in young rabbits produces a positive effect on the structural organization of the stomach and liver and prevents dystrophic processesKeywords:
Probiotic agent,blood chemistry values,protein exchange,gastro-intestinal tract structural organization,Refference:
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