Special Issue No. – 10, June, 2020

“Quantative Methods in Modern Science” organized by Academic Paper Ltd, Russia



Natalya M. Derkanosova,Elena E. Kurchaeva,Alexander V. Vostroilov,Lyubov G. Khromova,Igor V. Maksimov,Evgeny V. Mikhaylov,




Probiotic complexes that produce a stimulating effect on an animal’s body, normalize intestinal microbiocenosis and improve resistance of an agricultural animal’s body are widely applied to increase meat production of animals. The purpose of the studies was to examine blood chemistry values of fattening rabbits with inclusion of Vetom 3.0 probiotic supplement into the diet and effect on histological features of the gastrointestinal tract of young rabbits. The effect of Vetom 3.0 biologically active supplement that contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain VKPM B-10642 produced on the basic blood chemistry values and histological structure of the stomach and liver in rabbits was examined. 2 (experimental and control) groups were formed with 10 chinchilla rabbits aged 60 days in each group. Experimental animals were given Vetom 3.0 probiotic supplement once a day at the dose of 75 mg/kg live weight for 60 days. Study of blood composition evaluates an animal’s condition and gives a general idea of environmental adjustment. It also allows us to observe different changes that take place in an animal’s body when it is fed and managed evaluating its total physiological condition. The greatest increase of total protein, albumin and globulin content was noted in an experimental group following 60 days, increasing the non-specific resistance and activating mineral exchange. According to histological studies, the use of Vetom 3.0 probiotic in young rabbits produces a positive effect on the structural organization of the stomach and liver and prevents dystrophic processes


Probiotic agent,blood chemistry values,protein exchange,gastro-intestinal tract structural organization,


I. 4.Trubchaninova N. S., Prokhodnya G.S., Fedorchuk E. G., Eremenko E. P., Zdanovich S. N. Use of HydroLactiV probiotic in diets for rabbits// Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. 2014. No. 1. P.49-51.

II. Chernenkov E. N., Mironova I. V., Gizatov A. Y. Effect of Biogumitel probiotic on the hematological values in rabbits//News of OGAU. 2015. No.3 (53). P.203-205.

III. Effect of probiotic bacterium on growth and biochemical parameters of shrimp litopenaeusvannamei Sandeepa.MG1* and Ammani.K2 International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research Vol. 6, Issue, 2, pp. 2871-2875, February, 2015

IV. Effect of probiotic supplementation on growth performance, nutrient utilization and carcass characteristics of growing Chinchilla rabbits. R. S. Bhatt, A. R. Agrawal, A. SahooJournal of Applied Animal Research.2017; 45(1): 304. Doi:10.1080/09712119.2016.1174126.

V. Effects of probiotic supplement (Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus acidophilus) on feed efficiency, growth performance, and microbial population of weaning rabbits Thanh Lam Phuoc and UttraJamikorn, Asian-Australas J AnimSci Vol. 30, No. 2:198-205 February 2017. doi.org/10.5713/ajas.15.0823. pp. 198-205.

VI. Gorkovenko L. G. Effective use of Bacell-m diet probiotic supplement in rabbits. – Gorkovenko L. G., Yurina N. A., Omelchenko N. A., Omelchenko N. N. – Kubam veterinary medicine. 2016. No. 1. P. 19-21.

VII. Karabanova L. V., Efremov A. P., Knaub A. S., Narits A. S. Morphological blood values in young rabbits of different breeds as a factor of physiological condition.//Bulletin of OmGAU. 2014. No.4 (16). P.31-33.

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IX. Kotsubenko A. A. Morphological and biochemical blood values of rabbits grown using different technologies. – Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Agricultural University. 2013. No.1 (26). P. 57-61.

X. Kravtsova O. A. Effect of Selerol with microelement salts on the morphological values of blood and weight of rabbits. – Ural Agricultural Bulletin. 2013. No. 3 (109). P. 24-26.

XI. Lesnyak A.N., Dobudko A. N. Effective growing of rabbits under different care conditions in the Central Black Earth Region//Bulletin of BUNK. 2006. No. 3 (18).- P. 93–94.
XII. Methods of morphological studies. Edition 2, revised and enlarged./Suleymanov S. M. et al. GNU VNIVIPFiT. – Voronezh, 2007. – 87 pages.

XIII. Mironova I. V. Blood values in rabbits when Biogumitel probiotic supplement is included into a diet. – Mironova I. V., Chernenkov E. N., Chernenkova A.A. – News of the Orenburg State Agricultural University. 2017. No. 1 (63). P. 212-215.

XIV. Mironova I. V., Chernenkov E. N. Natural resistance of rabbits fed with Biogumitel probiotic supplement// News of OGAU. 2017. No. 1 (63). P.115-117.

XV. Nozdrin G. A. Morphological and biochemical blood values in rabbits when using Veles 6.59 probiotic/ Nozdrin G. A., Gromova A. V., Ivanova A. B., Nozdrin A. G., Lelyak A. A. //Achievements of science and technology of the agricultural sector. 2012. No. 10. P. 53-55.

XVI. Physiological, biochemical and biometric normal values in experimental animals. Guide. SPB: LEMA, 2013.- 116 p.

XVII. Productive performance of broiler rabbits fed diets supplemented with probiotic and enzymes under two systems of housing* Sarat Chandra1 , M. Mahender, M. GnanaPrakash, T. Raghunandan and K. Kondal Reddy – Indian J. Anim. Res., 48 (4) : 355 – 361, 2014. Doi:10.5958/0976–0555.2014.00455.5

XVIII. Skryabin S. O. Effect of Vetoma 1.1 and Enterocyn probiotics on the production indices in rabbits. – Rabbit and animal breeding. 2010. No. 5. P. 16-17.

XIX. The Influence of the Probiotic “Rescue Kit” On the Growth and Development of Accelerated Rabit Youngsters under the Conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. Laura M. Burshakbayeva, Yessenbay I. Islamov, NurlybayZh. Kazhgaliyev, Makhabat B. Saginbayeva, and Sansyzbay S. Rashitov.- Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. – May – June 2016 RJPBCS 7(3) Page No. 1575- 1585.

XX. Vorobyov A. V. Veterinary and sanitary values of rabbit meat affected by experimental biological agents// Issues of veterinary sanitation, hygiene and ecology. 2012. No. 1. P. 210-215.

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Sergey S. Semenov,Alexander V. Poltavskay,Alexander A. Burba,Andrey N. Polokhov,




In conditions of keencompetition in the markets for goods and services, a huge emphasis is put on the stages of subject-wise planning, issuing design specification, and front-end engineering designwhen manufacturing new products. These stages are primarily responsible for the key technical and economic products’ characteristics that directly identify the product conceptual design and marketability. Current information and analytical systems (IAS)that dictate a choice of perspective directions to develop newly created products and their most preferred specimens basically use knowledge of experts about the value of estimation indicators. The latter usually serve as a basis for opting the best specimens of the newly designed technical systems. Evaluation of quality and technical level (TL) of complex technical systems using the created IAS often involves value functions (for instance, Fishburn function), which imply that a dialogue with a decision-maker (DM) produces information about his views of “value systems” or “preference systems”, used to construct value functions. Developers of new products experience considerable difficulties in choosing a value function of estimation indicators when working with IAS. The paper proposes to determine a value function for numerical indicators using the newly designed information model, based on expert estimations consistent with estimation of truck TL. A technical device and algorithm to determine value functions of unit estimation CTS indicators were developed according to the method. An invention was registered, and a patent was issued. The method also implies taking random factors into account when evaluating CTS TL for, as an example, “reliability” as the key estimation indicator.Two patents of the Russian Federation were obtained for invention of a time digitizer and a device for estimating effectiveness of various systems through sampling random values. The suggested method of generating a value function enables a scientist to choose the type and nature of a value function that will allow to increase the degree of CTS TL evaluation reliability, and optimize the cost of obtaining initial information when predicting CTS reliability due to evaluation of adaptive digitalizationof random processes initiated in IAS. The paper materials may be of service to designers of complex systems at the initial stages of developing thereof in evaluating possible alternatives of CTS implementation, and determining TL at all stages of CTS life cycle.


Complex technical systems (CTS),information and analytical system (IAS), value functions, unit estimation indicators,technical level,concordance coefficient,random process,digitalization,reliability,


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XII. PoltavskiyA.V. Modelofmeasurementsystemincontrollingdroneaircraft // Information-measurementandcontrolsystems. – 2009. – No. 10. – pp. 73-77 / Полтавский А.В. Модель измерительной системы в управлении БЛА // Информационно-измерительные и управляющие системы. – 2009. – № 10. – С.73-77.
XIII. PoltavskiyA.V., BurbaA.A., AverkinA.E., Maklakov V.V., Makarov V.V. Multifunctional complexes of drone aircrafts. Under editorship of E.Y. Rubinovich. – М.: Institute of Control Sciences of RAS, 2015. – 204p./Полтавский А.В., БурбаА.А., Аверкин А.Е., Маклаков В.В., Макаров В.В. Многофункциональные комплексы беспилотных летательных аппаратов. Под ред. Рубиновича Е.Я. – М.: ИПУ РАН, 2015. – 204 с.

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Alexandra A. Zakharova ,Sergey V. Razumnikov,




The relevance of the research issues is due to the popularity of implementation of cloud technologies within enterprises. The decision on implementation becomes strategic, as it is often associated with major changes in the business processes and infrastructure of the company, the implementation of these decisions requires financial resources, and the consequences of wrong decisions can be critical to the survival of the company. The purpose of the article is to undertake a SWOT-analysis of strategic directions on the basis of fuzzy decision-making models for the formation of strategy and setting tasks in implementingthe cloud technologies. The leading approach to the study of this issue is fuzzy SWOT-analysis used to justify strategic decisions in implementing the cloud technologies. The results of practical application to develop an implementation strategy for the cloud technologies at PJSC “Rutelecom” are presented in the study. Fuzzy SWOT-analysis results enabled estimates of the importance related tosome factors of the external and internal environment, as well as their combinations, to take them into account in the formation of the strategy of cloud technology implementation. The paper discusses the main strategic directions, based on the analysis, as well as the target-setting for the next stages of development of the strategy of PJSC “Rutelecom”. The study presents the research results based on the possibility of using fuzzy SWOT-analysis to form a strategy and set tasks for the implementation of cloud technologies. The materials of the article can be useful for enterprises planning to implement cloud technologies in their activities to justify their application, reliability and value, as well as researchers in the field of strategic management, fuzzy systems and cloud technologies.


Cloudtechnologies,strategy,fuzzymodels,SWOT-analysis,decision-making, risks,information security,efficiency,methods,assessment,factors of external and internal environment of the enterprise,


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Svetlana A. Dvinskikh,Adeliya A. Shaydulina,Aleksandr B. Kitaev,Aleksandr T. Zinov`ev,




The paper deals with the specific features of hydrological regime of valley reservoir in the variable-backwater zone. The emphasis is on the level regime, used to identifythree sections within the zone in question: upstream section (river conditions prevail), midsection (there are both river and reservoir conditions), downstream section (basic reservoir conditions). The distinctivecharacteristicsofvelocitieswithintheidentifiedsectionswereassessed through analyzing actual velocities and comparing them with the scouring ones. A non-dimensional coefficient was suggested that exhibits tendencies in the processes of transforming water facility basin. 3D hydrodynamic model was designed using Navier-Stokes equations. It takes into consideration turbulent exchange, special features of hydrological regimeof a reservoir and grain size of sediments.Model testing using actual material showed that it can be utilized for applied purpose: to design the navigable channel project and forecast the reservoir basin topography in the variable-backwater zone.


Reservoir,variable backwater,modelling,water level,velocities,direction of flows,grain-size analysis,bed sediments,basin topography/relief,


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Eduard V. Kotlyarsky, Naum B. Uriev, Yury E. Vasilev3, Vladimir I. Kochnev,Igor Yu. Sarichev,




At present, the quality of bitumen-mineral mixtures both,inRussia and abroad, is estimated by a set of empirical methods based on many years of experience in using asphalt concrete in road building. Numerous attempts havebeen made over the years to theoretically substantiate the basic behavior patterns of the material under the influence of various factors. Thus, the creation of optimal conditions for the formation of microstructural contact bonds in a highly concentrated polymineral polydispersion system significantly contributes to the formation of asphalt mixes with necessary processing properties and asphalt concrete with required transport and performance characteristics. The article describes the solution of this problem according to the basic provisions of physical chemical mechanics of highly concentrated dispersion systems, taking into account peculiarities of contact interactions. The studies have allowed finding the quantitative correlations of indicators of physical mechanical and structural rheological properties being formed at compaction of bitumen mineral mixes as well as quantitative connections between formative and destructive factors with structural mechanical and construction technical properties of asphalt in road coverings.It has been established that the structural changes in asphalt concrete in road coverings under the influence of operational factors are physical chemical in nature and reliably described, taking into account the basic provisions of physical chemical mechanics and the theory of contact interactions.


Bitumen mineral mixes,structuring,contact interactions,physical chemical and structural rheological properties,


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Inna M. Derbeko,




The aim of this study is to examine the changes in the petrogenetic model of Late Mesozoic magmatism and the geodynamic evolution of the eastern edge of the Mongol-Okhotsk sector of the Pacific fold belt. The paper presents new Sr-Nd isotope and geochemical data, which were integrated with previously obtained results. It was found that magmatic events experienced three stages: Late Jurassic to 120 Ma; 105–101 Ma; and 95–90 Ma. All rocks are impoverished in Ta, Nb, Sr, Zr. Rocks of the first stage differ from later formations by low concentrations of Rb, Th, U. The isotope characteristics vary within the following values: (87Sr/86Sr)t = 0.7064–0.7089; (143Nd/144Nd)t = 0.5123–0.5126.The model age is T(DM-2) ~1.25 Ga. The sequence of magmatic rock formation in the Mongol-Okhotsk sector of the Pacific folded belt is proposed, and sources of igneous melts are identified. It is shown that the Mongol-Okhotsk sector had subduction setting in the Late Mesozoic.


Magmatism,subduction, Mesozoic,geochemistry,isotopic data,Mongol–Okhotsk orogenic belt,, Pacific folded belt.,


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XI. Derbeko I.M. Pozdnemezozoyskiy vulkanizm Priamur’ya (veshchestvennyy sostav, geokhronologiya, geodinamicheskiye obstanovki) [Late Mesozoic volcanism of the Amur River region (material composition, geochronology, geodynamic conditions)]. PhD Dissertation. Blagoveshchensk: Institute of Geology and Nature Management of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 159 p. (in Russian)
XII. Derbeko I.M. Skhema formirovaniya magmaticheskikh kompleksov Selitkanskoy vulkano-plutonicheskoy zony vostochnogo flanga Mongolo-Okhotskogo orogennogo poyasa (Rossiya) po geokhimicheskim dannym [The Selitkan volcano-plutonic zone, the eastern flank of the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt (Russia): Evidence from geochemical data]. Geokhimiya. 2009. V.11. P. 1155–1172. (in Russian)
XIII. Derbeko I.M., Agafonenko S.G., Kozyrev S.K., Vyunov. D.L. Umlekano-Ogodzhinskiy vulkanogennyy poyas (problemy vydeleniya) [The Umlekan-Ogodzha volcanic belt (the problem of separation)]. Litosfera. 2010. V.3. P. 70–77. (in Russian)
XIV. Derbeko I.M., Sorokin A.A., Agafonenko S.G. Geokhimicheskiye osobennosti kislogo magmatizma severo-zapadnogo flanga Khingano-Okhotskogo vulkano-plutonicheskogo poyasa (Ezopskaya i Yam-Alinskaya zony) [Geochemical features of acid magmatism of the northwestern flank of the Khingan-Okhotsk volcano-plutonic belt (Aezop and Yam-Alin zones)]. Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya. 2008. V.1. P. 61-71. (in Russian)
XV. Derbeko I.M., Sorokin A.A., Ponomarchuk V.A., Travin A.V., Sorokin A.P. Pervyye geokhronologicheskiye dannyye dlya lav kislogo sostava Ezop-Yam-Alinskaya vulkano-plutonicheskaya zona Khingano-Okhotskogo vulkanogennogo poyasa [The first geochronological data for acid lavas of the Aezop-Yam-Alin volcano-plutonic zone of the Khingan-Okhotsk volcanic belt]. Doklady Akademii Nauk. 2008. V.419. Iss.1. P.95–99. (in Russian)
XVI. Derbeko I.M., Sorokin A.A., Salnikova Ye.B., Kotov A.B, Sorokin A.P., Yakovleva S.Z., Fedoseyenko A.M., Plotkina Yu.V. Vozrast kislogo vulkanizma Selitkanskoy zony Khingano-Okhotskogo vulkano-plutonicheskogo poyasa (Dalniy Vostok Rossii) [Age of persilicic volcanism in the Selitkan zone of the Khingan-Okhotsk volcano-plutonic belt (the Far East of Russia)]. Doklady Akademii Nauk. 2008. V.418. Iss.2. P.221–225. (in Russian)
XVII. Frost B.R., Barnes C.G., Collins W.J., Arculus R.J., Ellis D.J., Frost C.D. A geochemical classification for granitic rocks J. Petrology. 2001. V. 42. P. 2033–2048.

XVIII. Guo F., Fan W., Gao X., Li Ch., Miao L., Zhao L., Li H. Sr-Nd-Pb isotope mapping of Mesozoic igneous rocks in NE China: Constraints on tectonic framework and Phanerozoic crustal growth. Lithos. 120. 2010. Pp. 563–578.
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XXI. Khanchuk A.I., Ivanov V.V. Mezo-kaynozoyskiye geodinamicheskiye obstanovki i zolotoye orudeneniye Dal’nego Vostoka [Meso-Cenozoic geodynamic conditions and gold mineralization of the Far East]. Geologiya i Geofizika. 1999. V.40. Iss.11. P.1635–1645. (in Russian)
XXII. Le Bas M., Le Maitre R.W., Streckeisen A., Zanettin B. A chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total-silica diagram. J. Petrology. 1986. V. 27. P. 745–750.
XXIII. Lebedev Ye.L. Stratigrafiya nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Toromskogo progiba (Zapadnoye Priokhot’ye) [Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Torom trough (West Near-Okhotsk Sea district]. Sovetskaya. Geologiya. 1969. V. 8. P. 27–36. (in Russian)
XXIV. Martynyuk M.V., Ryamov S.A., Kondratyeva V.A. Obyasnitel’naya zapiska k skheme raschleneniya i korrelyatsii magmaticheskikh kompleksov Khabarovskogo kraya i Amurskoy oblasti [Explanatory note to the scheme of dismemberment and correlation of magmatic complexes of Khabarovsk Krai and Amur Oblast]. Khabarovsk: TSTP PGO Dalgeologiya, 1990. 215 p. (in Russian)
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XXVIII. Pearce J. A., Harris N. B., Tindle A.G. Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. J. Petrol. 1984. V. 25. P. 956–983.

XXIX. Puzankov Yu.M., Volynets O.N., Seliverstov V.A. et al. Geokhimicheskaya tipizatsiya magmaticheskikh i metamorficheskikh porod Kamchatki [Geochemical typification of magmatic and metamorphic rocks of Kamchatka]. Novosibirsk: Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990. 259 p. (in Russian)
XXX. Rudnick R.L., Gao S. The Composition of the Continental Crust. Oxford: Elsevier/Pergamon, 2003. V. 3. P. 1–64.
XXXI. Shcheglov A.D. (ed.) Vulkanicheskiye poyasa vostoka Azii. Geologiya i metallogeniya [Volcanic belts of East Asia. Geology and metallogeny]. Moscow: Nauka, 1984. 503 p. (in Russian)
XXXII. Sorokin A.A., Kotov A.B., Kovach V.P., Ponomarchuk V.A., Savatenkov V.M. Istochniki pozdnemezooyskikh magmaticheskikh assotsiatsiy Severo-Vostochnoy chasti Amurskogo mikrokontinenta [Sources of Late Mesozoic magmatic associations of the North-Eastern part of the Amur microcontinent]. Petrologiya. 2014. V.22. Iss.1. P.72–84. (in Russian)
XXXIII. Sorokin A.A., Sorokin A.P., Ponomarchuk V.A., Travin A.V. Vozrast i geokhimicheskiye osobennosti vulkanicheskikh porod vostochnogo flanga Umlekano-Ogodzhinskogo vulkanoplutonicheskogo poyasa (Priamurye) [The age and geochemistry of volcanic rocks on the eastern flank of the Umlekan–Ogodzha volcanoplutonic belt (Amur region)]. Geologiya i Geofizika. 2010. V.51. Iss.4. P.473–485. (in Russian)
XXXIV. Sorokin A.A., Sorokin A.P., Salnikova Ye.B., Derbeko I.M., Kotov A.B., Yakovleva S.Z. Geokhronologiya riolitov unerikanskogo kompleksa vostochnogo flanga Umlekano-Ogodzhinskogo poyasa (Dalniy Vostok) [Geochronology of rhyolites of the Unerikan complex of the eastern flank of the Umlekan-Ogodzha belt (Russian Far East). Proceedings of the III Russian Conference on Isotope Geochronology. June 6-8, 2006. Moscow. V.2. P.311–314. (in Russian)
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Georgy B. Evgenev,




The Digital revolution in industry is supposed to cover all stages of the product life cycle, including product design and planning of manufacturing processes. At these stages, goods and processes are not accomplished as real things but formed as models in the virtual world. Therefore, the Internet of Things concept, the basis of the “Industry 4.0” project, is not sufficient to conduct a full-scale digital revolution. This paper aims to develop an integrated structure of the Internet of Knowledge, which is used in the virtual world, and the Internet of Things. The key methodology to examine this problem is the methodology of artificial intelligence. It provides for comprehensive consideration of the problems that arise at all stages of the life cycle of engineering products. The Internet of Knowledge has an ontological basis and includes meta-ontology, which comprisesthe ontology of objects, the ontology of tasks and the ontology of optimization. The Digital Revolution should give the knowledge carriers without programming skills an opportunity to enter pieces of information into the computer without intermediaries. The materials of the paper are of practical value for the creation of integrated automation systems of engineering products design and production.


Industry 4.0,manufacturing, intelligent systems,computer-aided process planning,computer-aided manufacturing,manufacturing execution system,


I. Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolutsiya [The Fourth Industrial revolution] www.tadviser.ru [in Russian]
II. Digital Factory 4.0 | Industry 4.0 solution | antsolutions.eu‎ //www.antsolutions.eu
III. Evgenev G.B., ChastukhinM.V.Integratsiyasistemproektirovaniya i program irovaniyatekhnologicheskikhprotsessovobrabotki [Integration of design and programming systems for processing processes]. Inzhenernyivestnik, 2015, 10:507–513. URL: http://engsi.ru/doc/816454.html (access date 10.03.2018). [in Russian]
IV. Evgenev G.B. Intellektual’nyesistemyproektirovaniya [Intelligent Design Systems]. Moscow. Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2012, 420 pp.[in Russian]
V. Evgenev G.B. (ed.). Osnovyavtomatizatsiitekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i proizvodstv. T. 1: Informatsionnyemodeli [Fundamentals of technological processes automation and production. Vol. 1: Information Models]. Moscow, Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2015. 441 pp. [in Russian]
VI. Evgenev G.B. (ed.). Osnovyavtomatizatsiitekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i proizvodstv. T. 2: Metodyproyektirovaniya i upravlemiya [Fundamentals of technological processes automation and production. Vol. 2: Methods of design and management]. Moscow, Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2015. 479 pp. [in Russian]
VII. Evgenev G.B., Kokorev A.A., Grishin N.S. Metodavtomatizatsiiproektirovaniya i normirovaniyamekhanicheskoyobrabotkinaosnovestandartov ISO [The method of automation of design and normalization of machining based on ISO standards]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 4:55- 66. [in Russian]
VIII. Evgenev G.B., Kokorev A.A., Pirimyashkin M.V. Intellektual’nyesistemypoluavtomaticheskogoproektirovaniya i bystrogoprototipirovaniyaizdeliymashinostroeniya [Intellegent systems for semi-automatic design and rapid prototyping of engineering products].Evraziyskiy Soyuz Uchenykh, 2015, 9(18):19–25. [in Russian]
IX. Evgenev G.B., Kryukov S.S., Kuzmin B.V., Stises A.G. Integrirovannayasistemaavtomatizatsiiproektirovaniyatekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i operativnogoupravleniyaproizvodstvom [An integrated system for automation of design of technological processes and production operational management]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie., 2015, 4:38- 49 [in Russian]
X. Evgenev G.B., Kuzmin B.V. Metodgeneratsiibazznaniystrukturnogosintezamarshrutnykhtekhnologicheskikhprotsessov [A method of generating knowledge bases for the structural synthesis of routing technological processes]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2013, 5:60- 67 [in Russian]
XI. Evgenev G.B., Kuzmin B.V., Rubakhina V.I. Metody i sredstvaupravleniyazhiznennymtsiklomizdeliymashinostroeniya [Methods and tools of life cycle management of engineering products]. Sistemyupravleniya, svyazi i bezopasnosti, 2015, 4:198-216 [in Russian]

XII. Evgenev G.B. Ontologicheskayametodologiyasozdaniyaintellektual’nykhsistem v mashinostroenii [Ontological methodology for the creation of intelligent systems in engineering]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 6:79-86 [in Russian]
XIII. EvgenevG.B.Sinergeticheskayametodologiyaintegratsiiznaniy. [Synergetic methodology of knowledge integration]. Informatsionnyetekhnologii, 2011, 1:15–23. [inRussian]
XIV. Evgenev G.B. SprutExPro – sredstvogeneratsiimnogoagentnykhsistemproektirovaniya v mashinostroenii [SprutExPro – a tool for generating multi-agent design systems in engineering]. Part 1. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2017, 6:66-77 [in Russian]
XV. Evgenev G.B. SprutExPro – sredstvogeneratsiimnogoagentnykhsistemproektirovaniya v mashinostroenii [SprutExPro – a tool for generating multi-agent design systems in engineering]. Part 2. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroenie., №7, 2017, с.60-71[in Russian]
XVI. Gavrilova T.A., Khoroshevsky V.F. Basyznaniyintellektualnykh system [Knowledge bases of intelligent systems]. St. Petersburg, Piter, 2000, 384 pp. [in Russian]
XVII. Industry 4.0: the fourth industrial revolution – guide to Industrie 4.0. URL: https://www.i-scoop.eu>industry-4-0(access date 28.12.2017).
XVIII. Industry 4.0: the Future of Smart Manufacturing – Praimhttps://www.praim.com › Article
XIX. Industry 4.0: The Journey Toward Perfect Production – Forbeshttps://www.forbes.com.
XX. Industry 4.0 – the Nine Technologies Transforming Industrial Productionhttps://www.bcg.com/…/embracing-industry-4.0-rediscoveri. (access date: 03.01.2017).
XXI. Rubakhina V.I. Sprut-Tekhnologiya: otzhelaniy k voploshcheniyu. [Sprut-Technology: from desires to implementation]. RitmMashinostroeniya, 2013, 3(81):23-25.[in Russian]
XXII. The SPRUT Center. SPRUT Technology. URL: www.csprut.ru (access date 15.01.2018).[in Russian]
XXIII. Siemens | Industrie 4.0‎//www.siemens.com/digital/enterprise‎

XXIV. Smirnov V.V. Development of technological processes in SPRUT-TP system: methodological recommendations for students’ independent work in the training field 151900.62 “Design and technological support of machine-building productions” in the discipline “CAPP”. / Smirnov V.V. 2014. Polzunov Altai State Technical University. Biysk: Altai STU Publishing house, 24 pp. [in Russian]
XXV. SPRUT-Technology: effective CAD / CAM / CAE tools [in Russian]

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Georgy B. Evgenev,




The Digital revolution in industry is supposed to cover all stages of the product life cycle, including design and programming of manufacturing processes. However, at these stages, things and processes are not yet accomplished in reality; they areonly formed as models in the virtual world with the help of the Internet of Knowledge. Therefore, the Internet of Things concept, the basis of the “Industry 4.0” project, is not enough to conduct a full-scale digital revolution.The concept treats the stage prior to production quite meagerly. This paper aims to develop astructure of the Internet of Knowledge as applied to design and programming of technological processes in digital production. The key methodology to examine this problem is the methodology of artificial intelligence. It provides for comprehensive consideration of the problems that arise at all stages of the life cycle of engineering products. The Internet of Knowledge has an ontological basis and includes meta-ontology, which comprises the ontology of objects, the ontology of tasks and the ontology of optimization. The Digital Revolution should give the knowledge carriers without programming skills an opportunity to enter pieces of information into the computer without intermediaries. The materials of the paper are of practical value for the creation of integrated automation systems for thedesign and programming of engineering processes.


Industry 4.0,, digital manufacturing, intelligent systems,computer-aided ,process planning,computer-aided manufacturing,manufacturing execution system,


I. Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolutsiya [The Fourth Industrial revolution] www.tadviser.ru [in Russian]
II. Classifier Models in Intelligent CAPP Systems | SpringerLinkhttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10…/978-3-642-00563-3_3…
III. Digital Factory 4.0 | Industry 4.0 solution | antsolutions.eu‎ //www.antsolutions.eu
IV. Evgenev G.B, KharadzhievA.Kh. (ed.) Programmirovanieobrabotki ns stankakh s ChPU [Programming of processing on CNC machines]. Vol. 1. Moscow. Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2018, 328 pp.[in Russian]
V. Evgenev G.B., KharadzhievA.Kh. (ed.) Programmirovanieobrabotki ns stankakh s ChPU [Programming of processing on CNC machines]. Vol. 2. Moscow. Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2018, 360 pp.[in Russian]
VI. Evgenev G.B., Kokorev A.A., Grishin N.S. Metodavtomatizatsiiproektirovaniya i normirovaniyamekhanicheskoyobrabotkinaosnovestandartov ISO [The method of automation of design and normalization of machining based on ISO standards]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 4:55- 66. [in Russian]
VII. Evgenev G.B., Kryukov S.S., Chastukhin M.V. Obrabatyvayuschierobototekhnologicheskiekompleksy v maschinostroyenii [Processing robotic technology complexes in machine building]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2017, 5:60-71 [in Russian]
VIII. Evgenev G.B., Kuzmin B.V. Metodgeneratsiibazznaniystrukturnogosintezamarshrutnykhtekhnologicheskikhprotsessov [A method of generating knowledge bases for the structural synthesis of routing technological processes]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2013, 5:60- 67 [in Russian]
IX. Evgenev G.B. Intellektual’nyesistemyproektirovaniya [Intelligent Design Systems]. Moscow. Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2012, 420 pp.[in Russian]
X. Evgenev G.B. Ontologicheskayametodologiyasozdaniyaintellectualnykhsistem v mashinostroyenii [Ontological methodology for creating intelligent systems in machine building]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 6:79-86 [in Russian]
XI. Evgenev G.B. Ontologicheskayametodologiyasozdaniyaintellektual’nykhsistem v mashinostroenii [Ontological methodology for the creation of intelligent systems in engineering]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 6:79-86 [in Russian]
XII. Evgenev G.B. (ed.). Osnovyavtomatizatsiitekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i proizvodstv. T. 1: Informatsionnyemodeli [Fundamentals of technological processes automation and production. Vol. 1: Information Models]. Moscow, Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2015. 441 pp. [in Russian]
XIII. Evgenev G.B. (ed.). Osnovyavtomatizatsiitekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i proizvodstv. T. 2: Metodyproyektirovaniya i upravlemiya [Fundamentals of technological processes automation and production. Vol. 2: Methods of design and management]. Moscow, Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2015. 479 pp. [in Russian]
XIV. Intelligent Process Planning: Intelligent CAPP: Business … – IGI Globalhttps://www.igi-global.com/chapter/intelligent…/42629
XV. Industry 4.0: the fourth industrial revolution – guide to Industrie 4.0. URL: https://www.i-scoop.eu>industry-4-0(access date 28.12.2017).
XVI. Industry 4.0: the Future of Smart Manufacturing – Praimhttps://www.praim.com › Article
XVII. Industry 4.0: The Journey Toward Perfect Production – Forbeshttps://www.forbes.com.
XVIII. Industry 4.0 – the Nine Technologies Transforming Industrial Productionhttps://www.bcg.com/…/embracing-industry-4.0-rediscoveri. (access date: 03.01.2017).
XIX. Key Technology Research on Intelligent CAPP System of Automatic …https://www.scientific.net/AMM.48-49.649
XX. Kraskovskiy D.M. Obzorsostoyaniyarynkasistem PLM/TDM/PDM/Workflow [Market overview of PLM/TDM/PDM/Workflow systems]. SAPR i grafika, 2004, 12 [in Russian]
XXI. Manufacturing Knowledge Modeling Based on Artificial Neural …https://www.scientific.net/AMM.127.310
XXII. Rubakhina V.I. Sprut-Tekhnologiya: otzhelaniy k voploshcheniyu. [Sprut-Technology: from desires to implementation]. RitmMashinostroeniya, 2013, 3(81):23-25.[in Russian]
XXIII. Siemens.Industrie 4.0‎//www.siemens.com/digital/enterprise‎
XXIV. Smirnov V.V. Development of technological processes in SPRUT-TP system: methodological recommendations for students’ independent work in the training field 151900.62 “Design and technological support of machine-building productions” in the discipline “CAPP”. / Smirnov V.V. 2014. Polzunov Altai State Technical University. Biysk: Altai STU Publishing house, 24 pp. [in Russian]
XXV. The SPRUT Center. SPRUT Technology. URL: www.csprut.ru (access date 15.01.2018). [in Russian]
XXVI. www.siemens.com/plm

XXVII. www.sprut.ru

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Viktor V.Shepelev,




Water draws attention of researchers due to its ubiquity, the role it plays in natural, technological, social and other processes, and the not ultimately comprehended dynamics of its properties, structure, composition, resources, etc. The author, having systematized the literature data and the results of own research, analyzes the role of phase changes and interphase transfers of natural waters in forming water-exchange cycles.It is argued that natural waters are characterized by the effect of phases mixing, determining the unity of all natural waters and high intensity of interphase transfer.Based on this methodological approach, the author specified the scheme of climatic (hydrological) circulation of natural waters. Besides the well-known atmospheric (atmogenic)cycle, the author identified cryohydrogenic, atmolithogenic, glaciogenic and cryolithogenic cycles, calculated the amountof water annually participating in these cycles and the intensity of water exchange in them. This scheme will promote a more focused research of water resources and various water exchange cycles


Phase change of water,interphase water transfer,water-exchange cycles,climatic cycle of water,


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Izabella Z. Borisova,Aitalina A. Borisova,Antonina A. Vinokurova,Dekabrina M. Vinokurova,Uliana M. Lebedeva,Isabel Bianquis,MilanaN. Petrova,Alena M. Dokhunaeva,Dyulustan V. Borisov,Vasily V. Illarionov,Tuyara V. Illarionova,




The article discusses the studies dealing with history and current state of studyingfood culture of thepeople of Yakutia. The root of the problem is that food culture is underexplored in view of transformation and applied relevance in modern Yakutia. Objective: our study is aimed at the examination of historic base and generalization of the current state of the issue related to traditional nutrition and its role in modern Yakutia. Results obtained in the study will form the basis for making northern nutrition and interdisciplinary studies popular both in theory and in practice. The study of northern nutrition as part of cultural heritage is a new trend of cultural anthropology. In Yakutia, the issue of nutrition as cultural heritage has just been turning into the object of scientific analysis. The article deals with the basic landmarks of northern nutrition studies. Principle studies dealing with the nutritional issue are reviewed; a brief journey is made into the most developed trends of nutrition culture of the peoples of the North.


Northern nutrition,specifics,scientific study,nutrition culture,mutual enrichment,multilayeredness,


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Tatyana N. Batova,Boris A. Varlamov,Yelena A. Pavlova,Nataliia A. Kasatkina,Marina N. Titova,




Since share of algorithmic trading in the global foreign exchange-market increases, justifying an appropriateness and evaluation of economic effectiveness of using a particular automated trading system is becoming increasingly relevant. Considering that automated trading system is a full-featured software, methods for estimating effectiveness of information technologies shall be utilized to identify effectiveness of using thereof. Thus, in this work the methods for estimating effectiveness of information technologies have been analyzed, without regard to the subject area. The following groups of methods have been considered: cost-based methods; methods for estimating a direct result; methods on the basis of estimating ideality of a process; qualimetric methods. It should be noted that there are no methods ready for practical use. The primary challenge here is in choosing parameters and estimating the results of introducing information technologies. With no any uniform approach, the paper suggests that one of methods for evaluating a direct result, namely, Economic value sourceestimation method should be used to estimate effectiveness of automated trading systems. In a general way, this method implies that the four parameters are applied: an increase in income, growth in labor productivity, reduction ofin-service time, minimization of risks. This method cannot be said to be suitable for obtaining an objective and accurate assessment of effectiveness of using automated trading system. Therefore, when adjustment to the particular case and certain conditions associated with trading in the foreign exchange market, is made, the benefits shall be evaluated that accrue from automated trading system for trade expert as compared to manual trading within one time period and one trading strategy. The paper suggests that the conclusions about effectiveness of automated trading system should be made by the following parameters: an increase in trade expert’s income, an increase in the number of transactions made, acceleration of trading process, minimization of risks. A comparison is made between trading results of trade expert and P.Scalp automated trading system after having employed one trading strategy over 4 months. Computations have shown cost-effectiveness of using automated trading system by all parameters: income of automated trading system is higher by 23%; automated trading system made 1.5 times more transactions than a trade expert made; automated trading system 19 days earlier reached the same income as that earned by a trade expert; use ofautomated trading system reduces the risks of losing proceeds more than twice. The practical value of the carried out study lies in justifying an appropriateness of using parameters suggested in the paper to evaluate economic effectiveness of automated trading systems within Economic value source estimation method. To correctly choose effectiveness parameters is essentially equivalent to a proper statement of a problem. It enables to identify an area of feasible solutions


Algorithmic trading,automated trading system,economic effectiveness of information technologies,Economic value source estimation,


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Taisiya D.Chermenskaya,Viktor I. Dolzenko,MaryaO.Petrova,AleksandrB.Laptiev,




The technology of agricultural production involves the use of a significant amount of various pesticides, which is necessary to increase the yield and ensure production quality. In 2014, the consumption of chemical protective meansin Russiaamounted to 54.3 thousand tons, which is 97.3% of the total amount of pesticides consumed. Many specialists consider chemical methods of pest control to be the most effective. However, we should not forget that the preparations used for treating plants are not harmless and do not always completely decompose before harvesting. The aim of the present work was to study the dynamics of residualquantities of alpha-cypermethrin, imidacloprid, and clothianidin, the active ingredients(125+100+50 g/l) of suspension concentrate (SC) of “Batraider”insecticide in fruits and juice of cherry and black currant after treatment of thevegetative culture. The determination of alpha-cypermethrin, imidacloprid, and clothianidinwasperformed by gas-liquid and high-performance liquid chromatography. The study of decomposition dynamics of the active ingredients of the insecticide revealed that their content was rapidly decreasing.On the 20th day after application,italready was at ½ of Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) and further theywere not detected in any of the studied cultures in all of the considered climatic zones. Thus, the use of “Batrider”insecticide (SC) provides reliable protection to crops and allows one to get high-quality and safe products that can be consumed or used for production of juices and baby food.


Insecticide,active ingredient,alpha-cypermethrin,imidacloprid,clothianidin,stonefruit and berry crops,chromatography,


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Tat’yanaG. Zatsarinnaya,KonstantinP. Anikevich,AlexandrA. Skidan,SvetlanaA. Kachur,KirilB. Matuzaev,YuriyV. Braslavskiy,




First and foremost, operation of nuclear power facilities is inseparably linked with solving the problems of their safety. To enhance safety, assure high reliability and effectiveness of controlling power units, software and hardware (SH) for computer-assisted control over a power unit [VIII, IX, XIV, V] are introduced, with electronics of electro-hydraulic governing systems of turbines (EHGS). EHGSis the principal system, which ensuresfunctioning of turbine in all stationary and intermittent operationmodes. Quality and reliability of supplying power to consumers directly depend on one function of the system for governing turbine, namely, on automatic frequency-capacity control. According to the existing standards of document [XVIII], regulation of frequency is specified by: the value of and time for mobilizing reserves, frequency droop, and dead-band of automatic control system (ACS). A response from power unit to changes in frequency shall be such that, when the value of drooping is fixed, a half of the required alteration in the power unit capacity is to be made within 10s, and 100% – within 30s. The standard specification prescribes the following recommended frequency droops for NPP turbines: 4…6%, recommended dead-band of the primary frequency regulation: a maximum of 0.02 Hz. Such requirements may bemet rather well, when using turbines equipped with electronic speed controller (ESC), which eliminates frequency deviations withhigh accuracy and makes it possible to promptly adjust the degree of irregularity and dead zone of frequency controller.Hence, to introduce standard primary and automatic secondary controlson the involved NPPs, pursuant to the modern requirements, a need has arisen to modernize their equipment. The design schemes of the systems for controlling steam turbines of NPPs had undergone changes, related to making electronics more sophisticated and simplifying hydraulics. However, in general, modernization has enhanced efficiency and reliability of the turbines’ ACSs. The data of rough calculation of structural reliability of the designed and newly modernized hydraulic systems, presented in this article, prove the results of quantitative assessment of reliability. A comparative analysis is given of standby and design ACSs of turbine К–1000–60/1500–2 considering major technical parameters and functional capabilities.


Automatic control system,power unit,modernization,turbine installation,frequency,turbine generator,electronic speed controller,efficiency,reliability,automation,safety,


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Liliya A. Mityaeva,Maxim A. Lyashkov,Anna O. Matvienko,Yulia Yu. Ariskina,




This study aims to improve the process flow design of the moistening fertilizer irrigation system using treated stock-breeding wastewater. To irrigate perennial grass, it is necessary to make three applications of stock-breeding wastewater at a rate of 60 m3/ha and natural water at a rate of 1 640 m3/ha in which case the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will be 970, 180, and 944 kg/ha, respectively. The irrigation of corn for ensilage requires making four applications of treated stock-breeding wastewater at a rate of 46 m3/ha and natural water at a rate of 654 m3/ha, whereas the amount of nutrient enrichment shall be N776P187K566. The combined process flow design of moistening and fertilizing with treated stock-breeding wastewater allows ensuring the input of a preset irrigation rate to the drop irrigation system simultaneously with the input of organic mineral fertilizer to the subterranean irrigation system. According to the agroecological assessment of the soil cover, the new system makes the soil more fertile. It is noted herein that the humus, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrate nitrogen content rose by 0.03 to 0.09 %, 30, 10, and 110 %, respectively. The increase in the metabolic calcium content from 64 to 75 % on average in the 0 to 60 cm layer and the reduction in the metabolic sodium content by 2.3 % of the total SAC decreased the intensity of salt accumulation in the soil.


Treated stock-breeding wastewater,irrigation system,irrigation mode,drop irrigation,subterranean irrigation,


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Liliya K. Dobrodeeva,Anna V.Samodova,Svetlana N. Balashova,




The present article describes a comparative study on the cellular reactions in capillary and venous blood in northerners under general hypothermia in a climatic chamber during different photoperiods. The authors examined 108 relatively healthy people that lived in Archangelsk (80 women and 28 men aged 21 to 50 years old). It was established that total neutrophil count in venous blood was lowerby 8.07±0.41%, monocyte count – by 51.32±1.03% and basophil count – by 50.21±1.24% than in capillary blood, but the lymphocyte count was higher by 25.23±0.41% due to smaller forms that are known to be recirculating. After a 5-minute period in a climatic chamber (“USHZ-25N”, Russia) at -25º,25 volunteers (27.53%)during a polar night and 16 volunteers during a polar day had elevated levels of neutrophils in the venous blood due to the increase in the levels of TNF-α in blood and decrease in noradrenaline, adrenaline, and irisin.During a summer period, the increase in monocyte count contributed to the reactions of neutrophils. The volunteers that reacted to short-term general hypothermia with an increase in the neutrophil count had the following peculiarities in the venous blood: general neutrophil count and their phagocytic activity, lymphocyte count, including CD71+, ATP in lymphocytes, adrenaline, TNF-α and irisin levels were higher in blood serum. The content of endothelin-1 did not change significantly.


Cold,photoperiod,venous blood,capillary blood,neutrophils,lymphocytes,monocytes,cytokines,irisin,


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