Alexeyi V. Dubrovskiy,Olesya I. Malygina,Viktor N. Moskvin,Tamara V. Vereshchaka,Valery I. Tatarenko,
The modern organisation of infrastructural facilities and industrial complexes shall be environmentally safe and economically effective. The article poses the problem of creation of a system for the efficient use of and control over the state of water storage basins using geotechnology and Earth remote sensing systems. The Novosibirsk Water Storage Basing, Novosibirsk, Russia is taken as an example. Over the explored area of the water basing, the environmental situation is worsening as a result of the progressing wind and wave erosion of the coast line and intensive washout of soil, plants, trees, chemical fertilisers etc. The article reasonably introduces the concept of technogenic natural territorial complexes (TNTC). By Earth remote sensing, the speed of soil erosion along the whole coast line of the basin is determined. Soil exploration and typing provided materials for a forecast model of wearing away of the coast line.
The plots for geodynamic monitoring and data acquisition periods are defined. The need for bank-protection works and a wider recreational use of the basing water is stated.
Satellite monitoring,technogenic natural territorial complexes,land resources,unmanned aerial vehicles,digital economy,water bodies,
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