Special Issue No. – 1, March, 2019

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Science and Technology. International Conference organized by IPN Education Group, Malaysia and Scientific Research Publishing House, Iran

Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in a Chiral Model of Graphene


Yuri P. Rybakov,Medina Umar,Muhammad Iskandar,




Taking into account the 2 sp -hybridization effect for valence electrons in carbon atoms, we introduce a unitary matrix U as an order parameter and suggest a scalar chiral model of graphene for the description of carbon nanotubes. We consider both single-walled and two-walled carbon nanotubes, analyze corresponding solutions to the model equations and estimate the Young’s modulus. We discuss also the possible extension of the model in question to describe fullerenes as three-dimensional hedgehog structures (skyrmions). We find the corresponding Lagrangian density for the spherirically-symmetric chiral angle. The other extension of the model concerns spin and magnetic excitations of graphene-based configurations. To this end, the 8- spinor field should be introduced as a new order parameter (Rybakov, 2015).


Chiral Model,Chiral Current ,Grapheme ,Young’s Modulus ,CarbonNanotubes,


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Surface Electromagnetic TM Waves along the Boundary between Two Nonlinear Anisotropic Dielectrics


Yuri P. Rybakov,Bijan Saha,




It is shown that the Maxwell’s equations for surface electromagnetic TM waves, propagating along the plane boundary between two nonlinear dielectrics with arbitrary diagonal tensor of dielectric permittivity, depending on 2 | | E  , can be integrated in quadratures. For the TM plane wave the magnetic intensity has only the transverse component, but the electric intensity has both transverse and longitudinal ones. This fact permits one to find the first integral of the Maxwell’s equations and eliminate the magnetic intensity. The resulting equations for the electric intensity can be simplified and integrated, if one uses the transverse permittivity as the independent variable. Finally, we consider the Kerr dielectrics, with the permittivity being a quadratic function of the electric intensity. In this case the quadratures can be reduced to the elliptical integrals.


Maxwell’s Equations,Surface Waves,Dielectric Permittivity ,KerrDielectrics,


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On the Deflection of Light by a Charged Rotating Black Hole


M. L. Fil’chenkov,Yu. P. Laptev,




The Kerr-Newman, Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordström, Kerr and Lense-Thirring metrics have been presented. The deflection of light by Kerr–Newman’s black hole has been evaluated. Expressions for the law of motion and trajectory of light have been obtained. The black hole is assumed to be slowly rotating. The light impact parameter is considered to be much superior to the gravitational radius and classical radius of the black hole. The deflection of light is both due to attraction by the black hole mass and due to repulsion by its charge and specific angular momentum.


Kerr–Newman Black Holes ,Relativistic Deflection of Light,


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Simulation of Quantum Cryptographic System


Zar Ni Aung,ChanMyae Hein,T.F. Kamalov,N.V. Samsonenko,




Quantum key distribution protocols and the questions of their protection were studied. There were estimated mutual influences between legitimate users and for any types of cracker attack. For example, BB84 protocol is shown to be unconditional security protocols using photon polarization between outlying channels. Secret keys share between spatially separated (removed or remote) legitimate users. A simple method of generating a dichotomy signal has also been accomplished. In fact, this method can open the way of probabilistic quantum states. We argue that quantum cryptographic systems can be partially simulate on a classical computer with finite degrees of freedom. Quantum entanglement is a basic tool of communication and processing of the information.


Quantum Cryptography ,Entangled State,


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Analysis of Abrikosov Vortices by the Superconductivity Model at the Twin Boundaries


V.A. Chizhov,V.L. Bychkov,F.S. Zaitsev,N.V. Samsonenko,




The work is devoted to the study of Abrikosov vortices using the superconductivity model at the twin boundaries (MSC-TB) proposed in the works of V.А. Chizhov. The new model allows a deeper understanding of the mechanism of formation, evolution, and destruction of Abrikosov vortices and associated creep currents. A quantitative comparison of theoretical estimates of MSC-TB with experimental data is carried out. A good correspondence is shown. Methods of fighting with the creep current are sug-gested. Materials are described, including new ones, which, in accordance with the theory of MSC-TB, should have improved properties of superconductivity of the second kind. Perspective directions of further research are formulated.


Superconductivity,Abrikosov Vortices,Fluxoids,Twin Boundaries,


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The Numerical Solution of the Rayleigh-Plisset Equation for Spark Cavitation and Calculation of the Maximum Temperature and Pressure in a Cavity


Nikolay Yu. Kravchenko,




We study the processes typical for liquids under the influence of powerful impulses of electric current. The maximum temperature and pressure arising in cavitation bubbles at such processes are calculated. To this aim, the main equation of cavitation (Rayleigh - Plisset's equation) is solved numerically. The maximum amplitudes of fluctuations of temperature and pressure in a cavity are calculated during a collapse. The analysis of the process shows the existence of the extreme value of pressure above which the cavitation is not observed. Before the limiting pressure being achieved, the cavity increases several times, collapses and comes back to the initial radius, oscillating near it. The increasing of the maximum value of the bubble radius yields, therefore, the increasing of the extreme values of temperature and pressure in a bubble at a collapse. It is established that the maximum amplitude of a bubble during spark cavitation can reach values of the order 200. This fact gives the evidence of large local pressure and temperature in the cavity at the time of a collapse. These temperature and pressure have been calculated in this work. The main conclusion is made that in a liquid metal's phase the intensive cavitation, with local increasing temperature and pressure in a cavity, is possible. Therefore, the process in question can initiate reactions of nuclear fusion in a liquid metal's phase.


Spark Cavitation ,Rayleigh's Equation,Cavity,


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Bi-variational Evolutionary Systems and Approximate Solutions


Vladimir M. Savchin,Svetlana A. Budochkina,




The use of variational methods for the construction of sufficiently accurate approximate solutions of a given system requires the existence of the correspondent variational principle - a solution of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations. In the frame of the Euler’s functionals there may not exist variational principles. But if we extend the class of functionals then it could allow to get the variational formulations of the given problems. There naturally arises the problem of the constructive determination of the corresponding functionals – in general non-classical Hamiltonian actions – and their applications for the search of approximate solutions of the given boundary value problems. Its solution may not be unique. In particular, there can exists a bi-variational system, i.e. generated by two different Hamiltonian actions. The main aim of the paper is to present a scheme for the construction of indirect variational formulations for given evolutionary problems and to demonstrate the effective use of the non-classical Hamiltonian actions for the construction of approximate solutions with the high accuracy for the given dissipative problem. In the paper there are used notions and methods of nonlinear functional analysis and of modern calculus of variations.


Bi-Variationality,Potentiality ,Hamiltonian Action,Dissipative Systems,Approximate solutions,


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Modeling the Accumulation Kinetics of Anionic Photo-sensitizers in Tumor Cells with Different Trans-membrane Potentials


Kamila Z. Askarova,Galina I. Morozova,Andrey A. Anoshin,




The accumulation of photo-sensitizer (PS) mainly in tumor cells (TC) is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT). The purpose of this work is the modeling of the accumulation kinetics of anionic PS in TC differing in energy metabolism and trans-membrane potentials (TMP). The kinetic model (KM) including a system of linear differential equations describing the accumulation of PS in some model system based on Nernst theory, is suggested. This system consists of four parallel-sequential compartments separated by permeable membranes with different electric field gradients. These potentials include negative plasma and the mitochondrial TMP as well as energy-dependent positive TMP of the nuclear membranes. The model in question accounts for the phenomenon of reduction of plasma and mitochondrial TMP in TC due to their more rapid division in comparison with normal cells. The KM is constructed for TC of tumor areas sites under hypoxic or oxygen conditions. We conclude that the accumulation kinetics of anionic PS (chlorin E6) in the tumor cells mainly depends on the relationship between the transfer rate constants through their plasma and mitochondrial membranes, these constants being functions of TMP.


Photodynamic Therapy,Kinetic Model,Photo-Sensitizers-Anions,Tumor Cells,Trans-Membrane Potential,


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Discharge Curves Q=f(H) as an Active Factor of Riverbed-Forming Processes


Evgeniy K. Sinichenko,Ilya I. Gritsuk,Fedor V. Rekach,Leonid E. Schesnyak,




The discharge curve Q=f (H) is a complex characteristic of run-of-river mode, which takes into consideration both: peculiar properties of the river bed and peculiar properties of the riverbed-forming activity. The discharge curve Q=f (H) is on the one hand the basis for the transition from levels to discharges and calculation with the help of them of all flow characteristics, on the other hand a kind of integral characteristic of the river channel mode. This article deals with the actual issue of constructing a curve, establishing relation between discharges and levels for shots of rivers when there aren`t or there are few hydrological field observations. The article analyses the peculiarities of the hydrological and run-of-river mode of Russian rivers and are defined the generalized characteristics for construction of discharge curves. The relation of the generalized indicator αF/αM with the type of river channel regime is established.


Discharge Curve ,Run-Of-River Mode,Riverbed-Forming Process ,


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Schematization Methods of Project Thinking


Olga Kalinina,Natalia Kalinina,




The article presents researches of the thinking activity of project schematization. Often, work on the project is done without understanding the problem. The solution appears accidentally and unconsciously. The quality of the result depends on the algorithm of conscious plans. Techniques of thought schematization allow us to more consciously approach design. This technique has been tested in design practice by three project teams. We investigated the technique of schematization of thought on five educational projects. The research was carried out in three project groups using the example of training projects. The results of the research showed the best effectiveness in the group, which conducted a reflexive analysis and worked with the technique of the schematization described in the article. The results of the group that worked on this technique were better than the rest. One of the basic concepts is reflexive analysis, which allows both identifying and mastering the actualization of the design process. The group that made the reflexive analysis also showed better results. This is part of the methodology of schematization, which is described in the article. The algorithm of thought activity and the actualization of the techniques of schematization in project thinking are disclosed.


Scheme,Schematization,Project Thinking, Reflection,


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