Special Issue No. – 1, March, 2019

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Science and Technology. International Conference organized by IPN Education Group, Malaysia and Scientific Research Publishing House, Iran

The Numerical Solution of the Rayleigh-Plisset Equation for Spark Cavitation and Calculation of the Maximum Temperature and Pressure in a Cavity


Nikolay Yu. Kravchenko,




We study the processes typical for liquids under the influence of powerful impulses of electric current. The maximum temperature and pressure arising in cavitation bubbles at such processes are calculated. To this aim, the main equation of cavitation (Rayleigh - Plisset's equation) is solved numerically. The maximum amplitudes of fluctuations of temperature and pressure in a cavity are calculated during a collapse. The analysis of the process shows the existence of the extreme value of pressure above which the cavitation is not observed. Before the limiting pressure being achieved, the cavity increases several times, collapses and comes back to the initial radius, oscillating near it. The increasing of the maximum value of the bubble radius yields, therefore, the increasing of the extreme values of temperature and pressure in a bubble at a collapse. It is established that the maximum amplitude of a bubble during spark cavitation can reach values of the order 200. This fact gives the evidence of large local pressure and temperature in the cavity at the time of a collapse. These temperature and pressure have been calculated in this work. The main conclusion is made that in a liquid metal's phase the intensive cavitation, with local increasing temperature and pressure in a cavity, is possible. Therefore, the process in question can initiate reactions of nuclear fusion in a liquid metal's phase.


Spark Cavitation ,Rayleigh's Equation,Cavity,


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IX.Martynyuk M.M., Kravchenko N.Yu.(2003). Nuclear fusion reaction in metaphase substance in the process of electrical explosion. Applied Physics. 1: 79.

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Bi-variational Evolutionary Systems and Approximate Solutions


Vladimir M. Savchin,Svetlana A. Budochkina,




The use of variational methods for the construction of sufficiently accurate approximate solutions of a given system requires the existence of the correspondent variational principle - a solution of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations. In the frame of the Euler’s functionals there may not exist variational principles. But if we extend the class of functionals then it could allow to get the variational formulations of the given problems. There naturally arises the problem of the constructive determination of the corresponding functionals – in general non-classical Hamiltonian actions – and their applications for the search of approximate solutions of the given boundary value problems. Its solution may not be unique. In particular, there can exists a bi-variational system, i.e. generated by two different Hamiltonian actions. The main aim of the paper is to present a scheme for the construction of indirect variational formulations for given evolutionary problems and to demonstrate the effective use of the non-classical Hamiltonian actions for the construction of approximate solutions with the high accuracy for the given dissipative problem. In the paper there are used notions and methods of nonlinear functional analysis and of modern calculus of variations.


Bi-Variationality,Potentiality ,Hamiltonian Action,Dissipative Systems,Approximate solutions,


I.Budochkina S., Savchin V.(2012).On direct variational formulations for second order evolutionary equations. Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 3(4):23–34.

II.Budotchkina S., Savchin V.(2007).On indirect variational formulations for operatorequations. Journalof Function Spaces and Applications, 5(3): 231–242.

III.Filippov V., Savchin V., Shorokhov S. (1994). Variational principles for non-potential operators.Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 68(3): 275–398.

IV.Mikhlin S. (1971).Numerical performance of variational methods. Wolters-Noordhoff publishing,Groningen, the Netherlands.

V.Morse P., Feshbach H. (1953).Methods of Theoretical Physics. McGraw-Hill Book Company INC, New York, Toronto, London.

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Modeling the Accumulation Kinetics of Anionic Photo-sensitizers in Tumor Cells with Different Trans-membrane Potentials


Kamila Z. Askarova,Galina I. Morozova,Andrey A. Anoshin,




The accumulation of photo-sensitizer (PS) mainly in tumor cells (TC) is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT). The purpose of this work is the modeling of the accumulation kinetics of anionic PS in TC differing in energy metabolism and trans-membrane potentials (TMP). The kinetic model (KM) including a system of linear differential equations describing the accumulation of PS in some model system based on Nernst theory, is suggested. This system consists of four parallel-sequential compartments separated by permeable membranes with different electric field gradients. These potentials include negative plasma and the mitochondrial TMP as well as energy-dependent positive TMP of the nuclear membranes. The model in question accounts for the phenomenon of reduction of plasma and mitochondrial TMP in TC due to their more rapid division in comparison with normal cells. The KM is constructed for TC of tumor areas sites under hypoxic or oxygen conditions. We conclude that the accumulation kinetics of anionic PS (chlorin E6) in the tumor cells mainly depends on the relationship between the transfer rate constants through their plasma and mitochondrial membranes, these constants being functions of TMP.


Photodynamic Therapy,Kinetic Model,Photo-Sensitizers-Anions,Tumor Cells,Trans-Membrane Potential,


I.Allison RR, Sibata CH. (2010). Oncologic photodynamic therapy photo-sensitizers: a clinical review.Photo-diagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy,7: 61–75.

II.Araujo R. P., McElwain D. L. S. (2004). A History of the Study of Solid Tumor Growth: The Contribution of Mathematical Modeling. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 66: 1039–1091.

III.Askarova K. Z., Morozova, G. I., Anoshin, A. A. (2016) Prediction of the efficiencyof PDT on the basis of kinetic model of the distribution of photo-sensitizer in the cells of malignant tumors with different levels of trans-membrane potentials.Mathematics. Computer. Education. Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium. Section: Biophysics of complex biological systems,Joint Institute for NuclearResearch, Dubna, January, p.92.See also URL http://www.mce.su

IV.Astanin S. A., Kolobov A.V., Lobanov A. I., Pimenova T. P., Polezhaev A. A., Solyanik G. I. (2008). Influence of spatial heterogeneity of the medium on tumorgrowth and invasion. Analysis by methods of mathematical modeling. Medicine in the Mirror of Computer Science. Moscow, p.p.188-223.

V.Borisov V.A., Guseva O. A., Grigoryan S. S., (2009). The use of selective chrono-phototherapyimmunity, the head and neck: features of cellular immunity, Journal of Oncosurgery, 1(2): 86.

VI.Byrne H. M., King J. R., McElwain D. L. S., Preziosi L. (2003). Atwo-phase model of solid tumor growth.Applied Mathematics Letters, 16: 567–573.

VII.Castano A.P, Demidova T.N, Hamblin M.R. (2005). Mechanisms in photodynamic therapy: part three: photo-sensitizer pharmacokinetics, bio-distribution, tumor localization and modes of tumor destruction.Photo-diagnosisandPhotodynamic Therapy,2: 91–106.

VIII.Chin W. W., Heng P.W., Bhuvaneswari R, Lau W.K., Olivo M. (2006). The potential application of chlorinE6-polyvinylpyrrolidone formulation in photodynamic therapy.Photochemical & Photo-biological Sciences,5:1031–1037.

IX.Dobretsov G. E. (1989). Fluorescent probes in study of cells, membranes and lipoproteins. Nauka, Moscow.
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XII.Hamblin MR, Newman EL. (1994) On the mechanism of the tumor-localising effect in photodynamic.Journal of Photochemistry and Photo-biology B: Biology,23: 3–8.
XIII.Khairullin M., Mikheeva N. A., Semenova M. A., Terentyuk G. S., Mikheev V. A., Stolbovskaya O. V., Gal’chyn A. V. (2015). The gold nanoparticles effect on mitochondrial potential and concentration of active oxygen of tumor cells in various periods of the cell cycle in vitro. Modern Problems of Science and Education, (4): 56-59.
XIV.MorozovaG. I., Kornilaeva G. V., Podchernyaeva R. Y., Kulinich T. M., Bozhenko V. K. (2014). A study of the influence of EHF-millimeter radiation on the membranes of T-lympho-blastoid cells in the culture with using fluorescent probe DSM. Biomedicine Radio-engineering, 11: 31-37.
XV.Morozova G.I.,Parkhomenko T. V.,Klitsenko O. E., Thomson V. V, (2007).Stimulating effect of erythropoietin on thymocyte energetics established in vitro with a potential-sensitive fluorescent probe,Biological Membranes, 24(6): 472-478.
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XVII.Tarnopol’skaya O. V., Nepomnyashchaya E. M., Birbraev V. M., Tarbeeva M. L., Makarova E. I. (2014). Average membrane potential of tumor cellsof five histo-types. International Journal of Appliedand Fundamental Research, (10): 108-109.
XVIII.Vereninov A. A., Malakhova I.I. (1986).Transport of ions in cells in culture. Mir, Leningrad.
XIX.Zorina T. E., Yankovsky, I. V., Zorin V. P. (2012).Intracellular localization and accumulation of esterified derivatives of chlorineE6.Medical and Biological Foundations of Life. Minsk, pp.153-155.
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Discharge Curves Q=f(H) as an Active Factor of Riverbed-Forming Processes


Evgeniy K. Sinichenko,Ilya I. Gritsuk,Fedor V. Rekach,Leonid E. Schesnyak,




The discharge curve Q=f (H) is a complex characteristic of run-of-river mode, which takes into consideration both: peculiar properties of the river bed and peculiar properties of the riverbed-forming activity. The discharge curve Q=f (H) is on the one hand the basis for the transition from levels to discharges and calculation with the help of them of all flow characteristics, on the other hand a kind of integral characteristic of the river channel mode. This article deals with the actual issue of constructing a curve, establishing relation between discharges and levels for shots of rivers when there aren`t or there are few hydrological field observations. The article analyses the peculiarities of the hydrological and run-of-river mode of Russian rivers and are defined the generalized characteristics for construction of discharge curves. The relation of the generalized indicator αF/αM with the type of river channel regime is established.


Discharge Curve ,Run-Of-River Mode,Riverbed-Forming Process ,


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V.Saleh Yousefi, Somayeh Mirzaee, Saskia Keesstra, Nicola Surian, Hamid Reza Pourghasemi, Hamid Reza Zakizadehf, Sahar Tabibian (2018). Effects of an extreme flood on river morphology (case study: Karoon River, Iran). Geomorphology, 304: 30-39.

VI.P. Cienciala,G.B. Pasternack (2017). Floodplain inundation response to climate, valleyform, and flow regulation on a gravel-bedriverin a Mediterranean-climate region. Geomorphology,282: 1-17.

VII.Oliver T. Coomes, Michel Lapointe, Michael Templeton, Geneva List (2016). Amazon river flow regime and flood recessional agriculture: Flood stage reversals and risk of annual crop loss. Journal of Hydrology, 539: 214-222.

VIII.Cuan Petheram,Thomas A McMahon,Murray C Peel (2008). Flow characteristics ofriversin northern Australia: Implications for development. Journal of Hydrology,357(1–2):93-111.

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Schematization Methods of Project Thinking


Olga Kalinina,Natalia Kalinina,




The article presents researches of the thinking activity of project schematization. Often, work on the project is done without understanding the problem. The solution appears accidentally and unconsciously. The quality of the result depends on the algorithm of conscious plans. Techniques of thought schematization allow us to more consciously approach design. This technique has been tested in design practice by three project teams. We investigated the technique of schematization of thought on five educational projects. The research was carried out in three project groups using the example of training projects. The results of the research showed the best effectiveness in the group, which conducted a reflexive analysis and worked with the technique of the schematization described in the article. The results of the group that worked on this technique were better than the rest. One of the basic concepts is reflexive analysis, which allows both identifying and mastering the actualization of the design process. The group that made the reflexive analysis also showed better results. This is part of the methodology of schematization, which is described in the article. The algorithm of thought activity and the actualization of the techniques of schematization in project thinking are disclosed.


Scheme,Schematization,Project Thinking, Reflection,


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Development of design education in Russia: history and contemporary problems


Anna V.Solovieva,Tatiana S.Semichevskaya, Oleg V.Bik,Elizaveta S. Terekhina,




The article discusses particularities of the development of design education in modern Russia. The necessity of interrelation between classical art and design, academic art and engineering education, traditional craft and applied art was identified and represented by variety of opinions of Russian and foreign researchers. It shows the evolution of opinions on the methods of formation a creative vision in the process of professional training of future designers. Article contains a detailed analysis of the history of educational activities and creative concepts of innovative design trends and activities. It shows the specific place and role of art universities, as well as the contribution of individual masters in the development of modern design education. Today in Russia, the graduate preparation of designers is determined by the federal state standard, but the alternative system of design education on the basis of non-state private educational institutions is becoming more competitive. The results of the analysis show that the formation of a creative vision in the process of professional training of future designers implies the multidimensionality and unity of design education.


design history,design education,russian design,professional competency,professional training,


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The Importance of Academic Education in Contemporary Architectural and Sculptural Practice


I.V. Portnova,T.V. Portnova,




The subject of the article is to consider the importance of academic education which played a key role in the history of architecture and fine arts. Academic traditions based on the ancient classics as the perfect art which during the XVIII and XIX centuries developed stable norms and paragons, and found the reflection in the concept of a modern architectural and sculptural image. The article considers historical factors, the situation of the postmodern epoch contributing to the concentration of artists efforts to reflect the key themes and images, namely, a man, his place in the universe. As before, a person and the spiritualized world of phenomena and objects get an interpretation in the new graphic aspects, techniques and methods of the younger generation masters works.


architectural image,plastic, principles of imitation, pattern classic,


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Hydraulic Characteristics of the Locking Element in the form of a “Curved Drop” for Water Supply Fittings


Alexander P. Svintsov,Nikolay A. Konoplev,




The efficient design of valves for the water supply system requires knowledge of the parameters and regularity of change in the hydraulic characteristics of the locking pair. The article contains the results of a study of regularity of change in the hydraulic characteristics of the locking element in the form of a "curved drop" for plumbing fittings. The numerical values and the patterns of change in the hydraulic characteristics of liquid outflow through the hole in the form of a "curved drop", made in a thin wall defined. The patterns of change in water discharge identified, and the comparison of characteristics for different bore shape. The ability to adjustment the flow of water depends on the shape of through hole. The values and regularity of change in the hydraulic characteristics of the locking element in the form of a " curved drop" for water reinforcement obtained on the basis of theoretical and experimental studies. The results of the study are of interest in the theoretical and practical aspects for the design and manufacture of valves for water supply. The results of theoretical and experimental studies show that the form of "a curved drop" for plumbing fittings allows to have a linear change in water consumption depending on the opening tap. The coefficients allow us to design the plumbing fittings valve type with a high regulating capacity. The use of the locking element with a hole in the shape of a "curved drop" allows to reduce the loss of tap water of drinking quality. Water savings for the house for three persons is 12-15% compared to valves of other types. The study is in the continuation.


Water fittings,Valve,Water flow (discharge),,Closure member -disc pair,Hydraulic characteristic,


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Geometrical Aspects of the Equilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics


Yuri G. Rudoy,Olga I. Chekmareva,




The geometrical approach due to Gibbs in the equilibrium phenomenological, or Clausius, thermodynamics (CTD) is generalized for the statistical case (STD), which is naturally stipulated by the stochastic nature of the thermal contact between the TD-object and the external surrounding (thermostat). To this end the probabilistic measure p is introduced into the affine space of finite-dimensional space of basic TD-variables, which is parametrized by means of the intensive variables of the thermostat. For the case of strongly additive extensive TD-variables the measure p possess the exponential, or canonical Gibbs form. The ordinary Clausius TD-variables are then Gibbs TD-variables averaged with the measure p and of primary interest are the relevant spontaneous fluctuations; in particular, they determine the accuracy of Zeroth Law of TD fulfillment.


Gibbs theory,Fisher−Rao−Cramer theorem ,Information theory ,


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Magnetization Dynamics at Elevated Temperatures: Beyond the Molecular Field Approximation for Critical Points


Olga A. Kotelnikova,Vladimir G. Morozov,Yuri G. Rudoy,




Some refinements to the values of magnetic critical points are proposed in order to improve the applicability universal molecular field approximation (MFA) which usually describes the equilibrium, or static, part in the non-equilibrium equations of magnetization dynamics. We show the results for the Curie and some other critical points calculated within the random phase approximation (RPA) for anisotropic Heisenberg models.


magnetic friction, critical point,


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Contribution to Refined Basalt in Modern Nigerian Civil and Structural Engineering


Vera V. Galishnikova,Paschal C. Chiadighikaobi,




This paper looked into the effectiveness of refined basalt in the Nigerian civil and structural engineering world. Current technology has been in search in the development of new type of composites which are made to measure the required conditions. A general problem of new types of structures made from high performance materials is their behavior in certain specific conditions and situations. Temperature in Nigeria keeps increasing every season. The specific gravity, tensile strength, elastic modulus, rupture strain and melting point of basalt materials are the properties in consideration for the use of the basalt material listed below in use. This increase in temperature has been an issue of concern to scientists and engineers. This concern brought about the use of basalt made materials in the construction of utilities and buildings. Basalt which is a natural resource with the ability to contain high and low temperature was looked into in this paper. The three basalt formations discussed in this paper out of other formations found in Nigeria are: Bachit Basalt Rock Formation, Kahwang Rock Formation and Ikom Columnar Basalt. Basalt fiber wool, rebar, sandwich panels, roving and roofing sheet are the basalt materials discussed in this paper for proper utilization in the Nigerian structural construction.


basalt rock,refined basalt,high performance material,basalt for construction,


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Formation of Latin American Baroque Architecture


Andrey Ivin,Salem Khalabi,Vasiliy Shuvalov,Olga Plotnikova,




This work explores the ways that brought the development of Latin American architecture to the highest extent of morphologic complexity. Understanding the evolution of forms and fusion of different traditions we can research the possibility of the progress of classical forms and ways of further possible development of the architecture and culture overall. An objective of this work is to prove that the formation of the Latin American Baroque was not an accidental combination of influences but a conscious elaboration of a universal architectural concept enabling convergence of East and West and confluence of the most various cultures in one unity. The main emphasis is put on the correspondence between the processes happening in Latin American and in Russia featuring the Eurasianist principles of cultural formation in both cases. The similar circumstances that induced the generation of progressive architecture are investigated in order to figure out the universal formation principles applicable to any kind of architectural innovation.


Baroque architecture,Latin America,Churrigueresque,Mineiro Baroque,


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Modern Approaches to Preservation and Reconstruction of Historical Industrial Facilities


Salem M. Khalabi,Dmitry S. Chayko,Olga G. Plotnikova,Massimode Maria,Aleksandr S. Chikunov ,




This article discusses the problems of reconstruction and integration of historical monuments of industrial architecture and production facilities apart from the monuments. The problem of preservation and utilization of industrial projects, their integration into the urban environment is particularly acute in modern cities not only of Russia but of the whole world. Simultaneously, the changes in the social, political, and economic spheres of society occurring in the last decades mean a necessity to develop new positions in understanding of the effectiveness and appropriateness of the use of all that huge building, scientific-technical, technological and cultural potential, created in the period of formation and development of industrial companies. Increasingly there is a tendency of growth of any consideration of the production facility from the point of view of not only material but also social and aesthetic values. The article provides examples of both Russian and foreign practices of preservation and integration of industrial facilities explaining in details how this problem is solved in the course of experimental design by students of Russian architectural universities.


Integration,Humanization,Industrial Architecture,Social-Cultural Problems,Reconstruction of Industrial Heritage,


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Use of Calcium and Magnesium Salts for Wastewater Treat-ment of Textile Enterprises


E.V. Alekseev,A.P. Svintsov,S.L. Shambina,




Wastewater from water softening stations contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium salts. The results of studies aimed at using these waters as natural solutions of calcium and magnesium ions in the processes of reagent purification of other categories of wastewater are presented. The conditions for the formation of sparingly soluble calcium and magnesium compounds during their alkali treatment using potentiometric titration were studied. According to the results of potentiometric titration of solutions of magnesium and calcium salts with alkali, the ranges of the active reaction of the medium are established, corresponding to the formation of pre-cipitates in the form of hydroxides for magnesium and calcium. The potentiometric titration curves have sufficient selectivity for the quantitative evaluation of the com-pounds formed with acceptable accuracy. It is established that the interaction of pollu-tants of real sewage with freshly formed precipitation of calcium and magnesium hy-droxides occurs according to the adsorption mechanism. Data on the sorption proper-ties of calcium and magnesium hydroxide precipitation in relation to pollutants of textile enterprises are presented. The greatest efficiency of water purification is achieved by solid dispersed impurities absorbed by hydroxides at the time of structure formation and by dyes. The extraction of hydrocarbons, such as petroleum products and surfactants, does not exceed 40%.


water softening,wastewater,Ca and Mg salts, sediment formation, purifi-cation,


I.Adeyemo A.A., Adeoye I.O., Bello O.S. (2017). Adsorption of dyes using different types of clay: a review. Applied Water Science, 7 (2): 543 -568.

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VI.Ramesh T.N., Kirana D.V., Ashwini A., Manasa T.R. (2017). Calcium hydroxide as low cost adsorbent for the effective removal of indigo car-mine dye in water. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 21 (2): 165 -171.

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Alexander P. Svintsov,Svetlana L. Shambina,




One of the most important ways to increase the thermal and energy efficiency of buildings is to improve their thermal insulation. Thermal insulation of external walls is relevant not only for climatic conditions with a cold period of the year, but also for climatic regions with increased heat input into the premises. At present, the insulation of external walls with placing of cladding on some distance from the wall (ventilated facades) is increasingly used to improve the thermal efficiency of the enclosing structures of buildings intended for various purposes. Using of thermal insulation of external walls with placing of cladding on some distance from the wall allows to get significant reduction of energy costs not only for heating buildings in winter, but also for their cooling during the summer period of the year. It is most expedient to check the effectiveness of thermal insulation with the use of thermal imaging equipment. This allows us to obtain actual data on the thermal radiation of the enclosing structures. As part of thermal imaging survey of the building’s facade is determined the heat-and-energy efficiency of the made insulation of the enclosing structures was determined. Also areas with increased thermal radiation due to the poor quality of the heat-insulation works were identified. As a result of the thermal imaging survey, the assessment of the thermal energy efficiency of the insulation with placing of cladding on some distance from the wall was made, and areas with increased thermal radiation were identified.


thermal radiation, heat losses,insulation,thermal insulation,enclosing structures,


I.Anđelković A.S., Gvozdenac-Urošević B., Kljajić M., Ignjatović M.G. (2015). Experimental research of the thermal characteristics of a multi-storey naturally ventilated double skin façade. Energy and Buildings, 86: 766-781.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.11.007

II.Aparicio-Fernández C., Vivancos J.-L., Ferrer-Gisbert P., Royo-Pastor R. (2014). Energy performance of a ventilated façade by simulation with experimental validation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 66(1–2): 563-570.


IV.Barbosa S., Ip K. (2016). Predicted thermal acceptance in naturally ventilated office buildings with double skin façades under Brazilian climates. Journal of Building Engineering, 7: 92-102.

V.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2016.05.006VI.Gracia A., Barzin R., Fernández C., Farid M.M., Cabeza L.F. (2016). Control strategies comparison of a ventilated facade with PCM –energy savings, cost reduction and CO2mitigation. Energy and Buildings, 130: 821-828.VII.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.09.007

VIII.Gracia A., Navarro L., Castell A., Cabeza L.F. (2013). Numerical study on the thermal performance of a ventilated facade with PCM. Applied Thermal Engineering, 61(2): 372-380.


X.Iribar-Solaberrieta E., Escudero-Revilla C., Odriozola-Maritorena M., Campos-Celador A., García-Gáfaro C. (2015).Energy Performance of the Opaque Ventilated Facade. Energy Procedia, 78: 55-60.


XII.Kulikova Y.S., Goikalov A.N. (2015). Evaluation of modern methods of solutions for the insulation of facades of buildings during their reconstruction. Scientific Bulletin of Voronezh State Architecture and Construction University. Series: High technology. Ecology, 1: 348-354.

XIII.López F.P., Santiago M.R. de Adana. (2015). Sensitivity study of an opaque ventilated façade in the winter season in different climate zones in Spain. Renewable Energy, 75:524-533.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2014.10.031

XIV.Marinosci C., Semprini G., Morini G.L. (2014). Experimental analysis of the summer thermal performances of a naturally ventilated rainscreen façade building. Energy and Buildings, 72: 280-287.


XVI.Nizovtsev M.I., Beliy V.T., Sterliagov A.N.(2015). New thermal insulation facade system of buildings on the basis of panels with ventilated channels. News of higher educational institutions. Civil Enginering, 10(682): 25-32.

XVII.Pudovkin A.N. (2014). The choice of the way of warming of external walls as one of ways of increase of efficiency of buildings and constructions. Bulletin of the UGAES. Science, education, economics. Series: Economy, 1(7): 169-170.

XVIII.Soloshenko S.S. (2011). Influence of a ventilated gap on the thermophysical characteristics of external insulation systems of facades of buildings with the use of thin-layer plaster.Magazine of Civil Engineering,2: 39-41.

XIX.Tusnina O.A., Emelianov A.A., Tusnina V.M. (2013). Thermotechnical properties of various structural systems of hinged ventilated facades. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 8(43): 54-63.

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