Special Issue No. – 1, March, 2019

International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Science and Technology. International Conference organized by IPN Education Group, Malaysia and Scientific Research Publishing House, Iran

Tangential Developable Surfaces and Shells: New Results of Investigations


Sergey N. Krivoshapko,Iraida A. Mamieva,Andrey D. Razin,




After publication of a monograph Geometry of Ruled Surfaces with Cuspidal Edge and Linear Theory of Analysis of Tangential Developable Shells (Krivoshapko, 2009) with 386 references, new papers, devoted to geometry, application and strength analyses of thin shells with the middle developable surface were published. Some results of investigations have newness and definite scientific and practical in-terest but some works improve methods presented before or propose new variants of application of tangent developable surfaces. In a paper, new results derived past the last 10 years and connected with needs of engineer practice and architecture of man-ufactured articles, structures, and erections, are analyzed. The analyses of the whole spectrum of investigations of torse surfaces and shells presented in the publications till present time will help researchers concerned to plan further investigations and to economize their time not repeating a conclusion of theorems, equations, and proposi-tions the well-known already.


Tangential Developable,Design of A Torse,Geodesic Curve,ParaBending,Tangential Developable Shell Geometric Modeling,Stress-Strain State ofthe Shell,


I.Al-Ghefari R.A. and Abdel-Baky R.A. (2013). An approach for designing a developable surface with a common geodesic curve. Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, 8(18): 875 –891.

II.Alegre P., Arslan K., Carriazo A., Murathan C. and Öztürk G. (2010). Some special types of developable ruled surface. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 39(3): 319-325.

III.Annenko D.M., Babkin M.S. (2018). An analysis of the shell in the form of Monge’s ruled surface with taking into account geometric nonlinearity. Uralskiy Nauchniy Vestnik, 1, No 2 (167): 036-039.

IV.Belyaeva Z.V., Berestova S.A., Mityushov E.A.(2017).Tangent developable surfaces elements in thin walled structures. Structural Membranes 2017:VIII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, K. Bletzinger , E. Oñate and B. Kröplin (Eds.), 9-11 October,Munich, Germa-ny: 415-426.

V.Berestova S.A., Belyaeva Z.V., Misyura N.E., Mityushov E.A., Roscheva T.A. (2017). Mathematic algorithms of design of developable fragments of spatial thin-walled structures. Fundamental’nie Issledovaniya, 6: 26-30.

VI.Cui Jinglan, Ohsaki Makoto, Nakamura Keigo (July 2017). Shape optimiza-tion of free-form shells consisting of developable surfaces. Journal of Struc-tural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)82(737): 1137-1143. VII.Filipova J.(2016).Comparative analysis of the results of calculation of a thin shell in the form of carved surface of Monge with an application of mem-brane (momentless) theory and finite element method. Structural Mechanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings, 3: 8-13.

VIII.Goldenveizer A.L. (1961). Theory of Elastic Shells. Pergamon Press, 680 p.

IX.Gonzalez-Quintial F., Barrallo Javier, Artiz-Elkarte A.(2015).Freeform sur-faces adaptation using developable strips and planar quadrilateral facets. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, 3(1): 59-70.

X.Kilian M., Flöry S., Chen Z., Mitra N.J., Sheffer A., Pottmann H. (2008). De-velopable surfaces with curved creases. Advances in Architectural Geometry: 33–36.

XI.Körpinar T., Turhan E.(2012).Inextensible flows of tangent developable sur-faces of biharmonic curves in SL2(R). J. Sci. Res., 4(2): 365-371.

XII.Krivoshapko S.N.(2006).Classification of ruled surfaces. Structural Me-chanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings, 1: 10-20.

XIII.Krivoshapko S.N. (2009). Geometry of Ruled Surfaces with Cuspidal Edge and Linear Theory of Analysis of Tangential Developable Shells: Mono-graph. Moscow: RUDNPubl., 358 p. (In Russ.).

XIV.Krivoshapko S.N., Timoshin М.А. (2012). Static stability analysis of an ellip-tic shell of equal slope, two conical shells with the director ellipse and a torse with two ellipses placed in parallel planes.V Int. Scientific-and Practical Conference “Engineering System -2012”: Proc., Moscow:RUDN, April 16-18: 40-46.

XV.Krivoshapko S.N., Ivanov V.N. (2015). Encyclopedia of Analytical Surfaces. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 752 p.

XVI.Krivoshapko S.N. (2017). Two types of governing equations for shells with the middle surfaces given in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates. Structural Me-chanics of Engineering Constructions and Buildings, 1: 15-22.

XVII.Krivoshapko S.N. (2018). Application, geometric, and strength investigation of tangential developable surfaces and shells: A review of works published after 2008. StroitelnayaMehanikai Raschet Sooruzheniy, 2: 19-25.

XVIII.Lawrence Snežana (2011). Developable surfaces: their history and applica-tion. Nexus Network Journal, 13 (3): 701-714.

XIX.Liu Y., Pottmann, H., Wallner J., Yang Y.-L., and Wang W. (2006). Geome-tric modeling with conical meshes and developable surfaces. ACM Transac-tion on Graphics, 25(3): 681-689.

XX.Mamieva I. A., Razin A. D.(2017).Symbol spatial structures in the form of conic surfaces. Industrial and Civil Engineering, 10: 5-11.

XXI.Olevs’kyy V.I.(2011). Features of the calculation of shells with technologi-cal imperfections by the modified method of parameter continuation. Prob-lemi Obchislyuval’noy Mehaniki i Mitsnosti Konstruktsiy, Vip. 17: 219-225.

XXII.ObradovićR., BeljinB., PopkonstantinovićB.(2014). Approximation of transitional developable surfaces between plane curve and polygon. Acta Po-lytechnica Hungarica, 11(9): 217-238.

XXIII.Perez Fr. and Suarez An. (2007). Quasi-developable B-spline surfaces in ship hull design. Comp. Aided Geom. Design, 39: 853-86.

XXIV.Postle B. (2012). Methods for creating curved shell structures from sheet ma-terials. Buildings, 2: 424-455.

XXV.Rynkovskaya M.(2017). Analysis of displacements in beam structures and shells with middle developable surfaces. MATEC Web of Conferences “IC-MAA 2017”, 108, 16001: 4 p.

XXVI.Rynkovskaya M. (2012). Generatrix slope angle influence on the mode of de-formation of open helicoidal shells calculated by analytical small parameter method with three terms of series. Structural Mechanics of Engineering Con-structions and Buildings, 4: 15-17.

XXVII.Rynkovskaya M. (2015). The influence of Poison coefficient to accuracy of analysis of developable open helicoid. Stroitelstvo i Rekonstruktsiya, 4: 51-56.

XXVIII.SavićevićS., IvandićŽ., JovanovićJ., GrubišaL., StoićA., VukčevićM., JanjićM. (2017), The model for helical shells testing. Tehnički Vjesnik 24, 1: 167-175.

XXIX.Soley Ersoy, Kemal Eren (2016). Timelike tangent developable surfaces and Bonnet suefaces. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume2016, Article ID6837543, 7 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6837543

XXX.Solomon J., Vouga E., Wardetzky M., & Grinspun E. (2012). Flexible Deve-lopable Surfaces. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2012. Eitan Grinspun and Niloy Mitra (Guest Editors), 31 (5): 1-10.

XXXI.Tang Ch., Pengbo Bo, Wallner J., Pottmann H. (January 2016). Interactive design of developable surfaces. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 35(2), Ar-ticle 12:12 p.

XXXII.Yi-chao, Eliot Fried (2016). Möbius bands, unstretchable material sheets and developable surfaces. Proc. of the Royal Society. A. Math., Phys. and Engi-neering Sciences. 472 (2192).

XXXIII.Zhao Hongyan, Wang Gupjin(2008). A new method for designing a deve-lopable surface utilizing the surface pencil through a given curve. Progress in Natural Science, 18: 105-110.


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Statistical Assessment of Use of Labour Force in the Countries of Western Europe


Andrew N. Zharov,Nadezhda А,Stashevskaya,




One of the most important factors of economic development of any country is labour force. Thanks to this factor, it is possible to obtain surplus value. The article is devoted to analysis of the labour force in nine countries of Western Europe. The analysis was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, we analyzed the dynamics and structure of the basic indicator of the country's GDP. The second stage was devoted to the analysis of the size and composition of the labour force. Third – the assessment of the impact of the labour force and its productivity on the change of gross domestic product. The study showed the greatest number of labor force is concentrated in Germany and the UK. The main share of the labour force has higher education. GDP growth was described as increase in the labour force and labour productivity.


Economy, GDP ,Productivity Of Labour Force,


I.Future skill needs in Europe: critical labourforce trends. (2016). Available Online: www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/5559_en.pdf

II.International labour organisation. (2018). Available Online: http://www.ilo.org/ilostat/faces/wcnav_defaultSelection;ILOSTATCOOKIE=gh9XRSwhPWS-Yxakr-2CjzAwwmgiBiD9yiH5V0ICA9CCUaoH-HlJ!402478709?_afrLoop=52143828109590&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#!%40%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D52143828109590%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dohrnoky21_4

III.Marino Regini. (2002). Work and Labor in Global Economies. The Case of Western Europe. Available Online: http://www.marinoregini.it/pdf/paper1.pdf

IV.Rainer Münz, Thomas Straubhaar, Florin Vadean, Nadia Vadean. (2007). What are the migrants’ contributions to employment and growth? AEuropean approach. Available Online:https://www.oecd.org/dev/38295272.pdf

V.The Economist Intelligence Unit’s quality-of-life index. (2005). Available Online: http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/QUALITY_OF_LIFE.pdf

VI.The European labor market and technology: employment, inequality, and productivity. (2013). Available Online:https://www.hcss.nl/sites/default/files/files/reports/SC_The_European_labor_market_and_technology_employment,_inequality,_and_productivity.pdf

VII.Walter Nonneman. European Immigration and the Labor Market. (2007). Available Online: URL:https://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwjdkpW30IfZAhUNKewKHV_4CPoQFghHMAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.migrationpolicy.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpublications%2FImmigrationEULaborMarket_72507.pdf&usg=AOvVaw04_frBQJBpj5bQ0lg89zll

VIII.World Bank Group. (2018). Available Online: http://databank.worldbank.org/data/databases.aspx

IX.World Economic Outlook Database, October 2017, Germany. International Monetary Fund. (2017). Available Online:http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2017/02/weodata/download.aspx

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Using Parametric Blocks for Construction of Flat Algebraic Curves in AutoCAD by the Example of Cassini Ovals


Tatyana V. Timofeeva,Marina A. Nesterenko,




Designing surfaces of complex shape is in demand in various industries. Forms of such surfaces are flat curves. However, the variety of these curves remains unclaimed by constructors, architects, designers due to the lack of tools for the rapid construction of these curves in modern graphical systems AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, KOMPAS, etc. The article suggests a convenient and generally available method for constructing any curves defined by mathematical methods in AutoCAD by creating parametric blocks. For example, the lines obtained by the section of the torus by a plane parallel to the axis are chosen (curves of the fourth order are Cassini's ovals). In the process of investigation, the features of fourth-order curves are analyzed as a result of the intersection of the torus by planes parallel to the rotation axis of the torus, the shape dependence of the shape of the curves on the ratio of the parameters. We consider the problem of reconstructing the toric metric and forming a model of a spatial object along the contours of the obtained sections by the methods of descriptive geometry and using 3-d modeling. On the basis of the obtained curves, surfaces with generators or guides, which are Cassini ovals, are constructed.


Parametrization,ParmetricBlock ,Cassini Ovals ,Autocad,


I.Chetveruhin N.F. (1947). Uslovnyeizobrazheniyaiparametricheskijmetodihpostroeniya. In book: Voprosysovremennojnachertatelnoygeometrii, editored by Chetveruhin N.F., Moscow: OGIZ, pp. 188-223.

II.Ivanov V.N. and Krivoshapko S.N. (2014). Oval Kassini, lemniskatailemniskatnyepoverhnosti. Stroitel’nayamekhanikainzhenernyhkonstrukcijisooruzhenij. 5: 3-9.

III.Krivoshapko S.N. and V.N. Ivanov (2015). Enciklopediyaanaliticheskihpoverhnostej. Moscow: Librokom. 260 p.

IV.Lee K. (1999).Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems. Seoul: Addison-Wesley Longman. 582 p.

V.Lyachek Y.T. and A.N. Al’-Shajh (2010). Parametrizaciyakonstruktorskihchertezhej. Informacionno-upravlyayushchiesistemy. 1: 18-24.

VI.Nesterenko M. and Strashnov S. (2017). Design Automation Based on Parametrization of Second Order Curves in CAD Software. In collection: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies. Vol2, 368-371.

VII.Nesterenko M.A. (2015). Influence of the synthesis of engineering and computer graphics disciplines on the formation of professional competencies among students of machine-building directions in the training of universities. In the collection: Proceedings of the

VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Engineering Systems -2015” RUDN University, 359-361.VIII.Polozov V.S. and Budenov O.A., Rotkov S.I. (1983). Avtomatizirovannoeproektirovanie. Geometricheskieigraficheskiezadachi, Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 280.

IX.Rotkov S.I. (1988). Metodikapostroeniyagraficheskihredaktorov. In collection: Proceedings of the III All-Union Conference “Methods and means of processing complex graphic information”. Gorky: Gorky University, pp. 20-22.

X.Ryzhov N. N. (1988). Parametricheskayageometriya. Moscow: MADI, 56 p.

XI.Salkov N.A. (2014). Parametric Geometry in Geometric Modeling. Geometry & Graphics. Vol 2(3): 7-13. DOI: 10.12737/6519.

XII.Savelov A.A. (1960). Ploskiekrivye. Sistematika, svojstva, primeneniya. Spravochnoerukovodstvo. Moscow: Gos. izd. fiz.-mat. Literatury, pp. 146-150.

XIII.Timofeeva T.V. and Kazennova N.V. and Gorshkova E.S. (2016). Ispol’zovanieprincipaparametricheskogomodelirovaniyadlyavypolneniyasborochnyhchertezhej. Uspekhisovremennojnauki. Vol 2, 10: 98-102.
XIV.Timofeeva T.V. and Nesterenko M.A. (2012). About the integration of computer and engineering graphics courses for engineer specialties. Vestnik RUDN: Inzhenernyeissledovaniya (Herald of the RUDN University: Engineering Research), 4: 81-83.
XV.VajnaS. and Weber C., Bley H. (2009). CAxfürIngenieure. EinepraxisbezogeneEinführung. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 550p.
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Teaching Foreign Students Studying Graphic Disciplines in an Innovative Educational Environment


Tatyana V. Timofeeva,Natalia V. Kazennova,Galina N. Oskina,




RUDN University is the most multinational and internationally focused University of Russia. Every year students from more than 145 countries of the world enjoy this University to study and get a degree. Their life and studies in Russia may be really challenging for them due to a number of issues that certainly influence the level of their achievements and quality of the gained educational skills. It’s very important to create comfortable and friendly atmosphere for foreign students studying in Russia because it increases the rating of Russian education abroad. In this article you will find analysis of the academic progress of both Russian and Foreign students, the analysis is based on 3 graphic disciplines: descriptive geometry, engineering graphics and computer graphics. We have consolidated a practical experience of teaching foreign students graphic subjects that involved using of information and communicative technologies in the University of Technical Sciences. The Influence of such factors as integration of descriptive geometry and computer graphics courses, implementation of the telecommunication learning resource system developed on the Moodle platform, the use of control system with tests and “cloud” technologies of AutoCAD A360 on increasing quality of the educational process organization is identified. The training function of this testing system is accurately examined. We have also enlightened the role of mobile versions of information and communication technologies for self-studying process organization.


Descriptive Geometry ,Computer Graphics,Information And Communication Technologies,Cloud Technologies,


I.Aygunyan M.A., Shevchenko D.V. (2017). New Educational Web Resources for the Engineering Course “Descriptive Geometry”. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences,9(7S): 437-446 See also URLhttp://www.jfas.info/index.php/jfas/article/view/3340/1878.

II.Arif Sari. (2014).Influence of ICT Applications on Learning Process in Higher Education. ProcediaSocial and Behavioral Sciences,116: 4939-4935. See also URL https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1053.

III.Avanesov B.C. (1989).Osnovy nauchnoj organizacii pedagogicheskogo kontrolya v vysshej shkole.MISiS,Moskow.

IV.Gorbunova T.N.(2017).Testing Methodology in the Student Learning Process. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 6(2): 254-263.See also URL 10.13187/ejced.2017.2.254.

V.Hejfec, A.L, Loginovskij A.N., Butorina I.V., Vasil’eva V.N. (2015). Inzhenernaya 3D-komp’yuternaya grafika: uchebnikipraktikumdlyaakademicheskogobakalavriata. YUrajt, Moskow.

VI.HejfecA.L. (2013). Reorganizaciya kursa nachertatel’noj geometrii kak aktual’naya zadacha razvitiya kafedr grafiki. Geometriya i grafika, 1(2):21–23.

VII.Ismail Ipek, RushanZiatdinov(2017). New Approaches and Trends in the Philosophy of Educational Technology for Learning and Teaching Environments. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 6(3): 381-389. See also URL10.13187/ejced.2017.3.381.
VIII.Nesterenko M., Strashnov S. (2017). Design Automation Based on Parametrization of Second Order Curves in CAD Software. 11th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, 368-371.
IX.ParvanehAmiripour, John A. Dossey, Ahmad Shahvarani (2017). Factor Analysis of Inertia, Capacities, and Educational Performance of At-Risk Students’ Training Centres According to Their Academic Failure in Mathematics. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 6(3): 461-478. See also URLhttps://doi.org/10.13187/ejced.2017.3.461.
X.Timofeeva T.V., Kazennova N.V., Gorshkova E.S. (2016). Ispol’zovanieprincipaparametricheskogomodelirovaniyadlyavypolneniyasborochnyhchertezhej.Uspekhisovremennojnauki, 10(2): 98-102.
XI.Timofeeva T.V., Nesterenko M.A. (2012). Ob integraciikursovkomp’yuternojiinzhenernojgrafikidlyainzhenernyhspecial’nostej. Vestnik RUDNUniversity (Inzhenernyeissledovaniya), 4: 81–83.
XII.Vishnekov A. V., Ivanova E.M. (2016). Avtomatizaciyavyboratraektoriiobucheniya v srede Smart-obrazovaniya. Infopmacionnyetekhnologii, 22(9): 684-692. See also URLhttp://novtex.ru/IT/it2016/it916_web.pdf.
XIII.Volhin K.A., Astahova T.A. (2014). Problemygraficheskojpodgotovkistudentovtekhnicheskogouniversiteta. Geometriyaigrafika, 2(3): 24-28.
XIV.YoungHoanCho, Hyoseon Choi, Jiwon Shin, Him Chan Yu, Yoon Kang Kim(2015). Review of Research on Online Learning Environments in HigherEducation. Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences,191: 2012-2017. See also URLhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.634.
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Cancer Relapse Prediction from Microrna Expression Data Using Machine Learning


Eliza Razak,Faridah Yusof,Raha Ahmad Raus,




Cancer is a major deadliest disease globally that involve uncontrolled cell growth and invasion-metastasis events. It accounts for around 13% of all deaths worldwide. Statistical reports have pointed out that the cancer occurrence rate is increasing at an alarming rate in the world. Furthermore, cancer relapse rate is also rising mostly due to late cancer diagnosis. Some cancers can recur at the site of origin or the distant site after years of anti-cancer treatment. Therefore, cancer relapse prediction process is of paramount important so that early specific treatments can be sought. Nevertheless, conventional methods for diagnosing cancer relapse rely on invasive and labor intensive biopsy examinations. Circulating miRNAs have gained great interest in medical field because of their higher sensitivity, specificity and potential for minimally invasive sampling procedures. Furthermore, miRNA expression profiling from body fluid samples using high-throughput approaches is a promising technology that could predict cancer relapse. This paper describes a machine learning based approach called one-dependent estimator to predict cancer relapse from miRNA expression data. The proposed framework will predict whether a particular cancer will relapse within cancer recurrence time frame, which is usually 5 years. To select relevant cancer recurrence associated miRNAs, we employ an entropy-based miRNA marker selection approach. This proposed system has achieved an average accuracy of 92.82% in predicting cancer relapse over three datasets, namely glioblastoma, ovarian cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The experimental results exhibit the efficacy of the proposed framework.


Mirna,Cancer Relapse Prediction,Marker Selection,


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Identification of Genes in Soft Coral Scleronephthya Gracillimum Using Next Generation Sequencing


Seonock Woo,Seungshic Yum,




The soft coral Scleronephthya gracillimum is a colonial azooxanthellate coral being dominant in Seoguipo, Jeju Island, Korea (33°24'N, 126°32'E). This coral contributes to the survival and maintenance of the overall biological community in this area by offering a wide variety of habitats for benthic marine animals. Ultimately we aimed the construction of cDNA chip from this soft coral species for the health assessment using its transcriptional changes and we identified the soft coral genes using next generation sequencing (NGS) and searched their gene functions using BLAST algorithm and classified the functional categories based on KOG classification.


Soft Coral ,Scleronephthya Gracillimum, Gene ,Cdna Chip ,Next Generation Sequencing,


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An EPQ Model of Delayed Deteriorating Items with Price And Inventory Level Dependent Demand under Markdown Policy


NurzaharaAtika Kamaruzaman,Mohd Omar,




This paper developed a delayed deteriorating inventory model with price and inventory level dependent demand that applies markdown policy. In this study, we showed that markdown caters the necessity to balance the need to maximize annual profit with the need to clear end of life inventory Utterly deteriorated items are allowed to carry under markdown policy. The salvage value is incorporated to the deteriorated units. We establish a model that gives the best markdown time and at the same time maximizes annual profit. We also discover the relationship between demand depending factors and markdown policy. A mathematical formulation for the model by using differential equations is developed. Numerical exampleis used to illustrate the effectiveness of the model


Inventory Model,Deteriorating Items,Delayed Deterioration, Price and Inventory Level Dependent Demand,Markdown Policy,


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Influence of Reinforcement of Contour High-Strength Reinforcement without Adhesion to Concrete on the Deflections of Monolithic Beams


A.S. Markovich,V.S. Kuznetsov,Yu. A. Shaposhnikova,M.I. Abu Mahadi,




Excessively large deflections in the center of the slab are one of the most significant drawbacks that prevent the spread of monolithic flat ceilings during spans of more than 7 m. The influence of the application of contour prestressed reinforcement (in a shell) without adhesion to concrete on the deflections of plates with the aspect ratio a/b=1÷2 is considered in the article. In the work presented, the rope laying path in the slab is represented by a part of the parabola passing through the supports, with a height that is equal to the deflection, and the length of the rope's diagonal is equal to the distance between the column axes. Knowing the initial equation of the curved axis of the rope, it is possible to calculate the values of the repulsive forces by integrating this parabola equation and obtain a formula for determining the intensity of the repulsion at any point along the length of the rope. With the help of the finite element method, the deflections of a cell of a flat plate were obtained, where the deflection was taken into account in the form of concentrated forces applied at the nodes of the grid of finite elements along the cell contour. According to the results of the study, it is established that the use of a contour high-strength prestressed reinforcement without adhesion to concrete can reduce the deflections of the slab of overlap up to 15% or more. When prestressing only on one side of the cell, it is possible to advise on the installation of prestressed ropes only on the long side of the slab with a ratio of sides a/b=1.3 or more, because the installation on the short side is not advisable.


Monolithic Flat Overlap,Monostrend ,Tensioning Armature, Deflection ,Contour Prestressed Reinforcement,


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The Problem of Numerical Analysis of Rigidity in Binded Reinforced Concrete Elements


M.I. Abu Mahadi,A.S. Markovich,K.S. Akifyeva,D.A.Miloserdova,




As the main method of calculating reinforced concrete structures for strength the modern Russian standards have been using the method of limiting equilibrium, which contains some contradictions. In recent years, a discussion has been developing on the transition to the deformation model of the resistance of reinforced concrete used by European code. However, there are a limited number of studies confirming the consistency of the proposed deformation model. We calculated the deformation of a slab on the basis of the Russian standards for theoretical and deformational model. The calculation was carried out by the finite element method using the model of nonlinear deformation of concrete. Then the analysis of the obtained results and their comparison with the results of calculation according to the theoretical provisions of the norms were performed.


Method of Limiting Equilibrium,Theory of Concrete Deformation,Physical Nonlinearity,Finite Element Method,Bending Elements,


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Generalized Darcy’s Law for Filtration Processes in Porous Media


Yuri P. Rybakov,Nataliya V. Semenova,




The liquid flow in a porous medium is considered for the axially-symmetric case. The generalization of the Darcy's filtration law is suggested and the explanation of the so-called "near-wall" effect is given. The filtration efficiency is estimated for filters of two possible geometries: cylindrical and radial ones. As an illustration we consider also the case of the cylindrical filter with a bi-layer filling.


Darcy's Law, Filtration,Porous Medium,Transverse Diffusion,


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Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in a Chiral Model of Graphene


Yuri P. Rybakov,Medina Umar,Muhammad Iskandar,




Taking into account the 2 sp -hybridization effect for valence electrons in carbon atoms, we introduce a unitary matrix U as an order parameter and suggest a scalar chiral model of graphene for the description of carbon nanotubes. We consider both single-walled and two-walled carbon nanotubes, analyze corresponding solutions to the model equations and estimate the Young’s modulus. We discuss also the possible extension of the model in question to describe fullerenes as three-dimensional hedgehog structures (skyrmions). We find the corresponding Lagrangian density for the spherirically-symmetric chiral angle. The other extension of the model concerns spin and magnetic excitations of graphene-based configurations. To this end, the 8- spinor field should be introduced as a new order parameter (Rybakov, 2015).


Chiral Model,Chiral Current ,Grapheme ,Young’s Modulus ,CarbonNanotubes,


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Surface Electromagnetic TM Waves along the Boundary between Two Nonlinear Anisotropic Dielectrics


Yuri P. Rybakov,Bijan Saha,




It is shown that the Maxwell’s equations for surface electromagnetic TM waves, propagating along the plane boundary between two nonlinear dielectrics with arbitrary diagonal tensor of dielectric permittivity, depending on 2 | | E  , can be integrated in quadratures. For the TM plane wave the magnetic intensity has only the transverse component, but the electric intensity has both transverse and longitudinal ones. This fact permits one to find the first integral of the Maxwell’s equations and eliminate the magnetic intensity. The resulting equations for the electric intensity can be simplified and integrated, if one uses the transverse permittivity as the independent variable. Finally, we consider the Kerr dielectrics, with the permittivity being a quadratic function of the electric intensity. In this case the quadratures can be reduced to the elliptical integrals.


Maxwell’s Equations,Surface Waves,Dielectric Permittivity ,KerrDielectrics,


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On the Deflection of Light by a Charged Rotating Black Hole


M. L. Fil’chenkov,Yu. P. Laptev,




The Kerr-Newman, Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordström, Kerr and Lense-Thirring metrics have been presented. The deflection of light by Kerr–Newman’s black hole has been evaluated. Expressions for the law of motion and trajectory of light have been obtained. The black hole is assumed to be slowly rotating. The light impact parameter is considered to be much superior to the gravitational radius and classical radius of the black hole. The deflection of light is both due to attraction by the black hole mass and due to repulsion by its charge and specific angular momentum.


Kerr–Newman Black Holes ,Relativistic Deflection of Light,


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Simulation of Quantum Cryptographic System


Zar Ni Aung,ChanMyae Hein,T.F. Kamalov,N.V. Samsonenko,




Quantum key distribution protocols and the questions of their protection were studied. There were estimated mutual influences between legitimate users and for any types of cracker attack. For example, BB84 protocol is shown to be unconditional security protocols using photon polarization between outlying channels. Secret keys share between spatially separated (removed or remote) legitimate users. A simple method of generating a dichotomy signal has also been accomplished. In fact, this method can open the way of probabilistic quantum states. We argue that quantum cryptographic systems can be partially simulate on a classical computer with finite degrees of freedom. Quantum entanglement is a basic tool of communication and processing of the information.


Quantum Cryptography ,Entangled State,


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Analysis of Abrikosov Vortices by the Superconductivity Model at the Twin Boundaries


V.A. Chizhov,V.L. Bychkov,F.S. Zaitsev,N.V. Samsonenko,




The work is devoted to the study of Abrikosov vortices using the superconductivity model at the twin boundaries (MSC-TB) proposed in the works of V.А. Chizhov. The new model allows a deeper understanding of the mechanism of formation, evolution, and destruction of Abrikosov vortices and associated creep currents. A quantitative comparison of theoretical estimates of MSC-TB with experimental data is carried out. A good correspondence is shown. Methods of fighting with the creep current are sug-gested. Materials are described, including new ones, which, in accordance with the theory of MSC-TB, should have improved properties of superconductivity of the second kind. Perspective directions of further research are formulated.


Superconductivity,Abrikosov Vortices,Fluxoids,Twin Boundaries,


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