
Vladimir N. Polyakov,Yuriy A. Kotenev,Vyacheslav Sh. Mukhametshin,Shamil H. Sultanov,Kamil T. Tyncherov,Aleksandr P. Chizhov,




Oil and gas wells,control and management method,technological processes,production string cementing,wellbore hydromechanical hardening,synchronization of drilling processes,


The urgency of the issue under consideration is stipulated by the fact that the technologies of casing string cementing traditionally applied while developing oil fields do not always provide the necessary long-term impermeability of casing support.  Therefore, this article is aimed at solving the mentioned key technological problem of well drilling. The Multi-technololgy Complex of the Wellbore Hydromechanical Hardening (KMGUS) is proposed as a basic research method.  The methodological basis for the research is the synchronization (simultaneity) of well drilling and the hydromechanical hardening of wellbores by jetting out a drilling fluid at wellbore walls. The following particular problems have been solved: maintaining stability of the uncased wellbore and hydraulic drilling conditions, ensuring maintaining of natural reservoir properties of productive formations, forming a long-term tightness of casing support and wellbore screen. The proposed method has been partially introduced into production. The results of industrial pilot tests have proved the high efficiency of KMGUS, which prevents the appearance of most problems when constructing oil and gas wells: absorption; gas, oil, and water shows, hydraulic fractures and instability of the exposed rock formations, kicks and blowouts. In addition, during the well operation, the complex provides the prevention of annular fluid shows and cross flows. As a result, the production rates for wells drilled with use of KMGUS are 2 and more times higher compared with traditional well construction technologies, water cut is lower by more than 2 times, and as a positive effect is a non-linear increase in the oil recovery factor. The article can be useful for specialists in the field of construction of oil and gas wells, scientists and graduate students studying the casing strings cementing problems


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