
Yakov I. Soler,Chi Kien Nguyen,Van Canh Nguyen,



Flat grinding,abrasive wheels,nonparametric statistics,median,measure of dispersion,cluster analysis,


Abrasive wheels are normally classified by the various signs that have to be assured at the manufacture stage. Until now, there has been a lack of the information on the assessment of the impact of abrasive wheels on output parameters of the part surface quality. This study uses the cluster analysis method to group subjects or phenomena under consideration subject to the measures of position (means, medians) and dispersion. Abrasive wheels of 14 types are classified into three groups that have similar cutting power in terms of the quality of 1933Т2 high-strength aluminium alloy ground parts. The first cluster comprises the following wheels:37C46I12VP, 37C(46,60,80)K12VP, 39C(46,80)(I,K)12VP, 08C(46,70)12V01(P01,P02), 63C40L7V; second – 5SG46K12VXP, TGX80I12VCF; third – 39C(46,60)K8VK.It has been established that, other than Russian abrasive tool 63C40L7V, the first cluster comprises high-porous wheels (HPW) by Norton and Molemad of 12th structure that yield the most precise forms and micro-hardness of parts. Cluster 3 comprises two Norton wheels with normal pores (grade 8) that yield the cleanest surface:one-two categorial values (GOST 2789–79) lower than HPW. Cluster 2 wheels were tested and showed the lowest performance.


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