
Sergey S. Kulikov,Vladimir N. Derevianko,Dmitrii O. Karpeev,Mikhail I. Bocharov,Ekaterina A. Moskaleva,Nikolai M. Radko,



Suspended graph,vertex,traffic,algorithm,


This paper proposes a method of transformation of network models, taking into account their topological properties and weight characteristics. The method is intended for the networks with a large number of vertices. Social information networks, mustering millions of users, should be considered as the most illustrative example of such. Simulation of similar networks structures takes tremendous calculation expenditures and, therefore, the authors set themselves a task to transform the initial network by means of size reduction, yet retaining its properties. Since modern corporate and global networks are suspended (all vertices and arcs have different weights – specific traffic) and heterogeneous (the number of vertices bonds varies significantly), therefore, the authors aim to (when transforming the graph) preserve all above-mentioned topological properties and weight characteristics of the analysed network. Some equivalent transformations are formalized in the form of algorithm of the researcher’s actions. Software based on this algorithm confirmed efficiency of the proposed approach. Adduced examples illustrate the peculiarities of the proposed algorithm of transformation of networks models. Emphasized results of the research are the following: for the first time an algorithm of similarity transformation offers an opportunity to reduce an initially large network into a considerably smaller network that is convenient to use in the analysis of social networks and epidemic processes of content distribution; resulting assessments of metrics and characteristics of suspended networks, in contrast to analogues, give an opportunity to consider weight properties of the network and present an apparatus for studying properties of harmful content distribution in suspended heterogeneous social networks; in this case, discrete macro-models of the epidemic process differ from the analogues, they specifically simulate a suspended heterogeneous social network, including filler of the vertices (agents quality) and network bandwidth (the traffic that passes along the communication lines of the network).


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