Irina Savelyeva,Olga Shirokova,Elena Bukharova,Elena Galyanskaya, Irina Polyanskaya,Elena Krasnikova, NataliyaNosova,DOI NO:
Obesity, placental growth factor, placental insufficiency, lipid metabolism,Abstract
Researchers interest to the problem of extra genital diseases in mothers has increased during the past years. Obesity rate worldwide achieved the level of one of the most significant problems in XXI century. The Purpose of the Study: Evaluation of placental insufficiency syndrome risk development in pregnant women with obesity. Materials and Methods: Prospective controlled study enrolled 494 patients. The 1st group included 262 patients with obesity (mean body weight index 33.1 (31.4; 35.9) kg/m2), aged 30 (27; 34) years old. The 2nd group (control) included 232 patients with normal body weight (mean body weight index 22.6 (21.0; 23.8) kg/m2) aged (25; 31.5) years old. The authors evaluated anthropometric data, conducted coagulotests, assessed lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, performed fetometry and Dopplerometry. All the patients had their level of human placenta growth factor identified (PlGF, pg/ml) in blood serum. Morphological study of secundines was conducted. Results. It was defined that pregnant women with obesity had low level of P1GF in comparison with the women in the control group (р<0.01). Critical level of PlGF in prognosis of placental insufficiency development is considered to be lower than 100 pg/ml. Morphological study of secundines from delivered women with obesity showed significantly higher rate of placenta maturation disorders at low level of P1GF. Conclusion: In pregnant women with obesity the level of P1GF on the 8-9th week of gestation was lower in comparison with the control group. The level of PlGF lower than 100 pg/ml at obesity in mother is considered as a marker of placental insufficiency development risk, which is confirmed by the morphological study of secundines.Refference:
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