
Sergey A. Borodin,Evgenii A. Andrianov,Aleksei A. Andrianov,Tatiana N. Tertychnaya,



Subteat and interstitial chambers, milking mode,stimulating,capacity,milking machine,massage,


Nowadays, large-scale dairy units, where milking machines are completed with automatic controls for milking mode control, are built alongside with farms with tie-up housing of small groups of cows. In these farms it is expedient to use multi-functional milking machines that allow performing such major process operations as increasing the milk yield of newly-calved cows in the maternity barn and milking the core herd. The goal of this study is to make the machine-based milking of cows more efficient by developing a multi-functional milking machine with substantiated operation modes. The research objectives are to determine the area of upgrades and develop the design and process layout of a multi-functional milking machine; identify the operating parameters of the milking machine’s upgraded vibration pulser; identify the physiological parameters of the milking machine’s effect on the mammary gland in various milking modes and substantiate the operating parameters of the multi-functional milking machine. To stimulatea full milk flow reflex at the beginning and the end of the milking process, the developed design and process layout allows massaging the udder by microscale vibrations of the teatrubber of 1 to 2 mm in amplitude and affecting the udder nipples with a low vacuum pressure of 33 to 38 kPa, taking account of the animals’ physiological features. To identify the operating parameters of the milking machine and determine the physiological parameters of its effect on the mammary gland, laboratory plants with a Pulso Test Comfort vacuum and pulsingmeter and an Artificial-Udder test bench were used. Characteristic curves were derived to show the vacuum pressure-time relation in the interstitial and subte at areas of the teat cups; in addition, these relations were summated to derive the characteristic curve of differential pressure in the chambers. The physiological parameters of the milking excitants’ effect on the mammary glands were calculated. The operating modes of the test machine (single-phase low-vacuum mode with continuous stimulation and three-phase mode with controlled stimulation) and their parameters were set.


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