Eduard V. Kotlyarsky, Naum B. Uriev, Yury E. Vasilev3, Vladimir I. Kochnev,Igor Yu. Sarichev,DOI NO:
Bitumen mineral mixes,structuring,contact interactions,physical chemical and structural rheological properties,Abstract
At present, the quality of bitumen-mineral mixtures both,inRussia and abroad, is estimated by a set of empirical methods based on many years of experience in using asphalt concrete in road building. Numerous attempts havebeen made over the years to theoretically substantiate the basic behavior patterns of the material under the influence of various factors. Thus, the creation of optimal conditions for the formation of microstructural contact bonds in a highly concentrated polymineral polydispersion system significantly contributes to the formation of asphalt mixes with necessary processing properties and asphalt concrete with required transport and performance characteristics. The article describes the solution of this problem according to the basic provisions of physical chemical mechanics of highly concentrated dispersion systems, taking into account peculiarities of contact interactions. The studies have allowed finding the quantitative correlations of indicators of physical mechanical and structural rheological properties being formed at compaction of bitumen mineral mixes as well as quantitative connections between formative and destructive factors with structural mechanical and construction technical properties of asphalt in road coverings.It has been established that the structural changes in asphalt concrete in road coverings under the influence of operational factors are physical chemical in nature and reliably described, taking into account the basic provisions of physical chemical mechanics and the theory of contact interactions.Refference:
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