
Victor G. Krasnov,Alaybek D. Obozov,Yuriy I. Kazarinov,Daryua V. Zolotukhina,Yegor А. Kolosov,



Systems,hydraulic flow,momentum, energy extraction,hydraulic gradient,generator,polymers,


Due to depletion of such natural non-renewable energy sources, as oil and gas, the problem of using renewable resources is especially acute nowadays. Utilising river flows as a source of energy is one of the directions for solving the problem. The paper reflects the objectives and problems, that can be resolved through a sustainable use of the river flow energy. An impact of various factors on interaction between energy and extraction systems has been shown. The essence of the new approach to making hydroelectric units using the quantity-related component of the flow, and the prospects for creating hydroelectric units in this direction are represented. The presented analysis of some developments incorporates the specific features of the utilised working organs of free-flow micro HPSs in their interacting with the river flow. It serves a basis for suggesting a new trend in their developing and the use of a quantity-related flow component, i.e. the momentum, in particular.


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