Statistical Assessment of Use of Labour Force in the Countries of Western Europe


Andrew N. Zharov,Nadezhda А,Stashevskaya,



Economy, GDP ,Productivity Of Labour Force,


One of the most important factors of economic development of any country is labour force. Thanks to this factor, it is possible to obtain surplus value. The article is devoted to analysis of the labour force in nine countries of Western Europe. The analysis was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, we analyzed the dynamics and structure of the basic indicator of the country's GDP. The second stage was devoted to the analysis of the size and composition of the labour force. Third – the assessment of the impact of the labour force and its productivity on the change of gross domestic product. The study showed the greatest number of labor force is concentrated in Germany and the UK. The main share of the labour force has higher education. GDP growth was described as increase in the labour force and labour productivity.


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