Izabella Z. Borisova,Aitalina A. Borisova,Antonina A. Vinokurova,Dekabrina M. Vinokurova,Uliana M. Lebedeva,Isabel Bianquis,MilanaN. Petrova,Alena M. Dokhunaeva,Dyulustan V. Borisov,Vasily V. Illarionov,Tuyara V. Illarionova,DOI NO:
Northern nutrition,specifics,scientific study,nutrition culture,mutual enrichment,multilayeredness,Abstract
The article discusses the studies dealing with history and current state of studyingfood culture of thepeople of Yakutia. The root of the problem is that food culture is underexplored in view of transformation and applied relevance in modern Yakutia. Objective: our study is aimed at the examination of historic base and generalization of the current state of the issue related to traditional nutrition and its role in modern Yakutia. Results obtained in the study will form the basis for making northern nutrition and interdisciplinary studies popular both in theory and in practice. The study of northern nutrition as part of cultural heritage is a new trend of cultural anthropology. In Yakutia, the issue of nutrition as cultural heritage has just been turning into the object of scientific analysis. The article deals with the basic landmarks of northern nutrition studies. Principle studies dealing with the nutritional issue are reviewed; a brief journey is made into the most developed trends of nutrition culture of the peoples of the North.Refference:
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