
Georgy B. Evgenev,



Industry 4.0,manufacturing, intelligent systems,computer-aided process planning,computer-aided manufacturing,manufacturing execution system,


The Digital revolution in industry is supposed to cover all stages of the product life cycle, including product design and planning of manufacturing processes. At these stages, goods and processes are not accomplished as real things but formed as models in the virtual world. Therefore, the Internet of Things concept, the basis of the “Industry 4.0” project, is not sufficient to conduct a full-scale digital revolution. This paper aims to develop an integrated structure of the Internet of Knowledge, which is used in the virtual world, and the Internet of Things. The key methodology to examine this problem is the methodology of artificial intelligence. It provides for comprehensive consideration of the problems that arise at all stages of the life cycle of engineering products. The Internet of Knowledge has an ontological basis and includes meta-ontology, which comprisesthe ontology of objects, the ontology of tasks and the ontology of optimization. The Digital Revolution should give the knowledge carriers without programming skills an opportunity to enter pieces of information into the computer without intermediaries. The materials of the paper are of practical value for the creation of integrated automation systems of engineering products design and production.


I. Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolutsiya [The Fourth Industrial revolution] [in Russian]
II. Digital Factory 4.0 | Industry 4.0 solution |‎ //
III. Evgenev G.B., ChastukhinM.V.Integratsiyasistemproektirovaniya i program irovaniyatekhnologicheskikhprotsessovobrabotki [Integration of design and programming systems for processing processes]. Inzhenernyivestnik, 2015, 10:507–513. URL: (access date 10.03.2018). [in Russian]
IV. Evgenev G.B. Intellektual’nyesistemyproektirovaniya [Intelligent Design Systems]. Moscow. Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2012, 420 pp.[in Russian]
V. Evgenev G.B. (ed.). Osnovyavtomatizatsiitekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i proizvodstv. T. 1: Informatsionnyemodeli [Fundamentals of technological processes automation and production. Vol. 1: Information Models]. Moscow, Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2015. 441 pp. [in Russian]
VI. Evgenev G.B. (ed.). Osnovyavtomatizatsiitekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i proizvodstv. T. 2: Metodyproyektirovaniya i upravlemiya [Fundamentals of technological processes automation and production. Vol. 2: Methods of design and management]. Moscow, Bauman MGTU Publishing house, 2015. 479 pp. [in Russian]
VII. Evgenev G.B., Kokorev A.A., Grishin N.S. Metodavtomatizatsiiproektirovaniya i normirovaniyamekhanicheskoyobrabotkinaosnovestandartov ISO [The method of automation of design and normalization of machining based on ISO standards]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 4:55- 66. [in Russian]
VIII. Evgenev G.B., Kokorev A.A., Pirimyashkin M.V. Intellektual’nyesistemypoluavtomaticheskogoproektirovaniya i bystrogoprototipirovaniyaizdeliymashinostroeniya [Intellegent systems for semi-automatic design and rapid prototyping of engineering products].Evraziyskiy Soyuz Uchenykh, 2015, 9(18):19–25. [in Russian]
IX. Evgenev G.B., Kryukov S.S., Kuzmin B.V., Stises A.G. Integrirovannayasistemaavtomatizatsiiproektirovaniyatekhnologicheskikhprotsessov i operativnogoupravleniyaproizvodstvom [An integrated system for automation of design of technological processes and production operational management]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie., 2015, 4:38- 49 [in Russian]
X. Evgenev G.B., Kuzmin B.V. Metodgeneratsiibazznaniystrukturnogosintezamarshrutnykhtekhnologicheskikhprotsessov [A method of generating knowledge bases for the structural synthesis of routing technological processes]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2013, 5:60- 67 [in Russian]
XI. Evgenev G.B., Kuzmin B.V., Rubakhina V.I. Metody i sredstvaupravleniyazhiznennymtsiklomizdeliymashinostroeniya [Methods and tools of life cycle management of engineering products]. Sistemyupravleniya, svyazi i bezopasnosti, 2015, 4:198-216 [in Russian]

XII. Evgenev G.B. Ontologicheskayametodologiyasozdaniyaintellektual’nykhsistem v mashinostroenii [Ontological methodology for the creation of intelligent systems in engineering]. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2014, 6:79-86 [in Russian]
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XIV. Evgenev G.B. SprutExPro – sredstvogeneratsiimnogoagentnykhsistemproektirovaniya v mashinostroenii [SprutExPro – a tool for generating multi-agent design systems in engineering]. Part 1. Izvestiyavysshikhuchebnykhzavedeniy. Mashinostroenie, 2017, 6:66-77 [in Russian]
XV. Evgenev G.B. SprutExPro – sredstvogeneratsiimnogoagentnykhsistemproektirovaniya v mashinostroenii [SprutExPro – a tool for generating multi-agent design systems in engineering]. Part 2. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroenie., №7, 2017, с.60-71[in Russian]
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XXV. SPRUT-Technology: effective CAD / CAM / CAE tools [in Russian]

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