Varikunta Obulesu,M.Sudheer Kumar,DOI NO:
Job satisfaction,SBI Banks,Happy workers,Performance,Organization,Abstract
Now a days Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing today’s managers when it comes to managing their employees. Many studies have demonstrated an unusually large impact on the job satisfaction on the motivation of workers, while the level of motivation has an impact on productivity, and hence also on performance of business organizations. Unfortunately, in our regionJob satisfaction has not still received the proper attention from neither scholars nor managers of various business organizations. The Goals of SBI Rayalaseema Division in Andhra Pradesh it is very difficult to improve the employee satisfaction levels and to increase the business also because of more competitors are available in society. Generally the employees perceptions are very different to one to others in Rayal aseema division, because of this area as very difficult to other state peoples more than ninety percent of the people are very illiterates. The present employees job satisfaction measured it is very difficult in the sense of every human being behavior, attitude, Economical status, environment changes, Relationships, societal status, culture, income levels, family impact, and thinking and decision are changes. This study mainly focused on employees level of satisfaction in the present job and employees spouse based satisfaction to the job satisfaction in the present job.Refference:
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