Photo-Protective and Anti-Oxidative Potential in the Leaves of Three Different Melastomataceae Family Species


Nur Fauwizah Azahar,Siti Salwa Abd Gani,Uswatun Hasanah Zaidan,Paiman Bawon,



Melastomataceae,Photoprotective ,Antioxidant ,Sun ProtectionFactor ,Leaves,


Melastoma is the family of Melastomataceae species which consists of total more than 4000 species and the most common are Melastoma malalabthricum, Clidemia hirta and Melastoma decemfidum. Continues exploration from the leaves of melastoma plant has been extensively probe for its therapeutic value. Therefore, this work aimed to investigate the photo-protective ability and antioxidant potential using DPPH-free radical scavenging assay, total phenolic content and FRAP-reducing power assay. The results show all Melastoma family species have wide range of absorbance such as UVA, UVB and UVB radiation and exhibit good SPF number where Clidemia hirta leaves extract ethyl acetate recorded to have highest SPF value among others. Meanwhile, the three of antioxidant assay shows that Clidemia hirta ethyl acetate displays higher antioxidant activity against DPPH radical and contain higher phenolic and FRAP value as compared to other Melastoma species. Therefore, it can conclude that Melastoma especially from Clidemia hirta species could be one of the potential source of antioxidants as sunscreen products and also for utilization for cosmeceutical, neutraceuticals and medicinal use in the future to overcome various diseases.  


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