Andrey D. Razin,Fedor G. Rekach,Svetlana L. Shambina,DOI NO:
Calculation Schemes,Structural Elements,Mass Of The Structure,Ten-sions,Abstract
The paper considers one of the most difficult problems of determining the de-sign schemes for architectural designs. The analysis of existing methods of compiling calculation schemes is carried out depending on the composition of structural ele-ments, the material of the structure and its configuration. The criteria for the corre-spondence of the design scheme of the real structure and its elements are revealed. The results of the study make it possible to conclude that the criterion of conformity is introduced by the quantitative index for the mass of the structure and its elements. It is proposed to introduce the mass of the structure or its elements as the main set pa-rameter for determining the calculation system in the stretching or compression zone.Refference:
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