Liliya A. Mityaeva,Maxim A. Lyashkov,Anna O. Matvienko,Yulia Yu. Ariskina,DOI NO:
Treated stock-breeding wastewater,irrigation system,irrigation mode,drop irrigation,subterranean irrigation,Abstract
This study aims to improve the process flow design of the moistening fertilizer irrigation system using treated stock-breeding wastewater. To irrigate perennial grass, it is necessary to make three applications of stock-breeding wastewater at a rate of 60 m3/ha and natural water at a rate of 1 640 m3/ha in which case the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will be 970, 180, and 944 kg/ha, respectively. The irrigation of corn for ensilage requires making four applications of treated stock-breeding wastewater at a rate of 46 m3/ha and natural water at a rate of 654 m3/ha, whereas the amount of nutrient enrichment shall be N776P187K566. The combined process flow design of moistening and fertilizing with treated stock-breeding wastewater allows ensuring the input of a preset irrigation rate to the drop irrigation system simultaneously with the input of organic mineral fertilizer to the subterranean irrigation system. According to the agroecological assessment of the soil cover, the new system makes the soil more fertile. It is noted herein that the humus, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrate nitrogen content rose by 0.03 to 0.09 %, 30, 10, and 110 %, respectively. The increase in the metabolic calcium content from 64 to 75 % on average in the 0 to 60 cm layer and the reduction in the metabolic sodium content by 2.3 % of the total SAC decreased the intensity of salt accumulation in the soil.Refference:
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