
Denis G. Plotnikov,Anna S. Pakhomova,Vladimir M. Pitolin,Oksana V. Pozdysheva,Dmitry N. Rahmanin,Sergey A. Ermakov,



Information network,network conflict,network potential,network resource,sensitivity,


The essence of the problem is that modern communications have a pronounced network character, that causes a dramatic increase in the risk of network conflicts. It has been shown that the traditional conflict with its conceptual and analytical framework in the description of conflicts in general and of information conflicts in particular is not focused on the network and the formalization of network conflicts needs to be developed. In this regard, it is expected to build on the evaluations of weighted networks, bearing in mind that the modern network is a graph with a disjoint set of vertices (users) and edges (links) on which the network filler is circulating. Its volumes and values form a statistical (accumulated) resource (filler) on the vertices of the network and a dynamic (traffic) resource (filler) passing through the edge in a unit of time. The maximum values of these resources indicate the capacity of network elements. Even the resources dynamics of conflicting networks are considered in the context of a bilateral conflict. And the changes are proposed to be evaluated by the relative sensitivity functions that provide an inseparable assessment of the parameters of interest. Evaluations of the fundamental conflict from this approach are proposed through the deflection of the conflicting resources at the appropriate time sampling. As a result of the proposed approach, analytical expressions of the sensitivity factors that allowed for a weighted classification of network conflicts were obtained. Consideration was also given to the value and volume of fillers that make up the resources of network elements. The stages of the dynamics conflict have the same interpretation. Possible attacks by the parties in the course of their conflict interaction are also being considered. Then, the article deals with the practical value of the results obtained. In this regard, we consider the possible applications for the proposed methodology. Information networks are growing in popularity, that is why we analyze the application of the results in the context of the use of malicious software and destructive content in conflicts, where a step-by-step assessment of the dynamics of conflicting resources will make it possible to produce the necessary conflict analysis. At the interconnectivity level, a possible field of application of the article results can be a competing social network, as well as a intranet impact of antagonistic content within those networks.


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