G. Vijaya Kumar,Arcot Purna Prasad,L. M. Vinathi Priyadarshini,DOI NO:
Social media,Marketing campaign,Customer relationship,Effective engagement strategies,Abstract
Today’s Business scenery is influenced by Social media propagation. The companies need the information about the How, when and where the business to exit , where the customer exist and needs of the customer changes significantly because of implementation of social web. In relationship marketing previous studies proposes before going to purchase of any product customer will need the information the product will going to be right or wrong to him and to maintain the product for a long period through commitment and responsible and emotional bonding with the company. Therefore, the success of any marketing campaign is depending on trust, commitment, responsibility and bonding of the customer with the company. Indian Corporate has just begun to invest in Social media and are thinking of effective engagement strategies with their audience. The study revealed certain important implications for practicing managers.Refference:
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