
Alexandra A. Zakharova ,Sergey V. Razumnikov,




Cloudtechnologies,strategy,fuzzymodels,SWOT-analysis,decision-making, risks,information security,efficiency,methods,assessment,factors of external and internal environment of the enterprise,


The relevance of the research issues is due to the popularity of implementation of cloud technologies within enterprises. The decision on implementation becomes strategic, as it is often associated with major changes in the business processes and infrastructure of the company, the implementation of these decisions requires financial resources, and the consequences of wrong decisions can be critical to the survival of the company. The purpose of the article is to undertake a SWOT-analysis of strategic directions on the basis of fuzzy decision-making models for the formation of strategy and setting tasks in implementingthe cloud technologies. The leading approach to the study of this issue is fuzzy SWOT-analysis used to justify strategic decisions in implementing the cloud technologies. The results of practical application to develop an implementation strategy for the cloud technologies at PJSC “Rutelecom” are presented in the study. Fuzzy SWOT-analysis results enabled estimates of the importance related tosome factors of the external and internal environment, as well as their combinations, to take them into account in the formation of the strategy of cloud technology implementation. The paper discusses the main strategic directions, based on the analysis, as well as the target-setting for the next stages of development of the strategy of PJSC “Rutelecom”. The study presents the research results based on the possibility of using fuzzy SWOT-analysis to form a strategy and set tasks for the implementation of cloud technologies. The materials of the article can be useful for enterprises planning to implement cloud technologies in their activities to justify their application, reliability and value, as well as researchers in the field of strategic management, fuzzy systems and cloud technologies.


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