Forecasting the Compressive Strength of Thermal Treated Self-Compacting Concrete during Cast-in-Situ Construction


Makhmud Kharun,Issa Shooshpasha,Dmitry D. Koroteev,Vera V. Galishnikova,



Self-Compacting Concrete ,Thermal Treatment ,CompressiveStrength,


Thermal treatment (TT) of concrete can significantly accelerate the strength growth during cast-in-situ construction. Forecasting the compressive strength of thermal treated self-compacting concrete (SCC) is one of the pillars of the technical safety of buildings. To this end we carried out a study of strength development issue of SCC during TT. For our study, we used SCC of grade C25. Test samples were cured with TT by infrared radiators for 7, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 24 hours. Then warmed samples were tested for compressive strength after 0.5, 4, 12 and 24 hours of cooling period. Study was carried out on the basis of analyzing, generalizing and evaluations of experimental data. A mathematical model for determining the compressive strength of SCC after one day of curing of SCC with TT is proposed, which allows to forecast the concrete behavior in a real cast-in-situ construction of SCC structures immediately after one day of curing with TT. This paper also presents a technology of TT of structures for cast-in-situ construction with SCC. The proposed technology can be used for mass cast-in-situ construction. Application of this technology allows to reduce the turnover of formwork, the labor costs for construction, and the construction period.


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