A. G. Ganeshkumar,KG. Thirugnanasambantham,S. Siranjeevi,S. Sanjit Kanna,M. Ahildev,DOI NO:
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer composites,woven glass fiber,Ewaste,recycling,polycarbonate,hand lay-up,vacuum bag moulding,Abstract
The Electronic wastes are one of the major problems faced by the world due to its unregulated accumulation. The recycling and reusing are the effective ways to reduce the E-waste accumulation in the environment. The E-waste stream consists of Compact Discs /DVDs wastes. The polycarbonate is the main element used for the manufacturing of Compact Discs. Polycarbonate in landfills is definitely an environmental nightmare since it contains the Bisphenol-A which is a toxic material. So these wastes should be properly recycled and it can be used in polymer composites. Fiber-fortified polymeric composites have across the board applications including designing ideas, because of main properties of light mass, solidness and high quality weight proportion. While dealing with the polymer composites the reinforcement used is glass fiber due to its availability and cost effectiveness. The effect of addition of Compact Disc particles as filler in woven glass fiber-epoxy composites has been investigated. The hand lay-up and vacuum bag moulding processes are used for the preparation of the test specimens. The tensile and flexural strength was improved with the filling of Compact Disc particles in the woven glass fiber composites.Refference:
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