Elimination of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise in Video through Modified Cascaded Filter


B. Karthik,T.Krishnakumar,M.Sundararajan,M.Sriram,




Noise Elimination,MCF,IEF,PSNR,


Video are degraded through Impulse Noise (salt and pepper noise- SPN). This methodology that produces the noisy to noise free video frames. Median filters are recognized for their ability to eliminate impulse noise and protects original type. This system is to differentiate between noisy pixels and therefore the noisy free pixels. We have projected an algorithm known as modified Cascaded filter (MCF) algorithm for the restoration of color or gray scale video frames which could be significantly degraded by using salt and pepper noise. This planned algorithmic rule indicates higher results than few best algorithms. To verify the algorithmic rule with varied color video frames and it offers higher outcome with high IEF and PSNR.


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