
Galina E.Okolnikova,Elena F. Shaleeva,




Timber,nailed connection,load bearing capacity,deformation property,condition load effect factor,


The article presents the results of experimental studies of two types of nailed connections on metal plates: compounds without sleeves and joints modified with pressed fiberglass sleeves; Recommendations for the calculation of nailed connections with sleeves have been developed. The tests used mathematical planning methods of the experiment, which allowed to significantly reduce the number of test samples of compounds and to obtain a mathematical relationship as a response function for the condition load effect factor  , taking into account the increase in the bearing capacity of the nailed connection due to the presence of a pressed fiberglass sleeve, from three factors: the angle between the direction of the current force and the direction of the wood fibers, the diameter of the dowel and the wall thickness of the glass-plastic howl sleeves. The dependence obtained allows us to determine the coefficient values  ​​for the nailed connections with bushings, without testing. In accordance with the plan of the experiment, 15 series of compounds were tested with pressed-in fiberglass bushes and 9 series of traditional nailed connections without bushings. According to the test results, the authors determined the destructive loads for two types of connections  соединенияand ; loads and   corresponding to the upper boundary of the elastic behavior of the connection; determined the coefficient of condition load effect factor   experimentally and obtained a mathematical relationship to determine the coefficient of condition load effect factor ; The bearing capacity of the nailed connections with pressed-in fiberglass bushes has been evaluated; A comparison of the deformability of the two types of joints was made, a method was proposed for finding the calculated bearing capacity of nailed connections with sleeves, recommendations were developed for making calculations for nailed connections on metal plates with fiberglass sleeves pressed into the drift sockets


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