Jawad K. Tahir,DOI NO:
Mathematical modeling,differential equation,crowd linear density,speed,discharge capacity,Abstract
The article considers the possibility to simulate, using a differential equation, the behavior of the crowd in extreme situations. The author demonstrates the very possibility to develop a mathematical model that describes the changes in the main parameters of the crowd at each time moment. This study is conducted to predict the behavior of the crowd in a particular room, for a more efficient location of escape routes there. The simulation results show that the force of internal friction of the crowd decreases as the speed of the crowd moves from the center to the outskirts. That is, the probability that a person suffers from excessive crowd pressure is higher in the center than on the periphery. This study will be useful in such areas of human activities as building design, engineering, etc. The data obtained by the calculations can be used to arrange emergency exits in buildings to avoid human casualties in case of an emergency.Refference:
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