G. Chandana Swathi,G. Kishor Kumar,A. P. Siva Kumar,DOI NO:
Internet of Things,Security,Collaborative attack,Abstract
Internet of Things (IoT) is distinct as a paradigm wherein things armed with sensors, actuators, and embedded processors connect with everyone to help significant determinations. Secure communication in IoT is a demanding issue since IoT suffers from different vulnerabilities. Low memory capabilities, limited power supply, constrained resources are unique characteristics but at the same time these are making IoT prone to various attacks. These attacks turn into more effective when introduced with collaboratively. Various protocols and secure algorithms are developed to make the communication problem free from intruders. However, the existing protocols are not providing absolute solutions to the security issues for evergrowing IoT applications. This paper tries to figure out the performance issues by evaluating routing protocols AODV, LOADng, RPL, and CORPL under collaborative attacks.Refference:
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