
Galina Yu. Rabinovich,Daria V. Tikhomirova,




The Department of Biotechnologies at the VNIIMZ (Tver oblast’, Russia) has developed the method of making new organic biofertilizerBiGuEM based on chicken (poultry) manure and turf. The peculiarity of the new method is that it involves alkalizing the turf-manure mix, followed by adding various kinds of biostimulants. The basic method of making BiGuEm has been patented, and its modified versions are currently being patented one by one. This work was aimed at evaluating the results of screening assays for choosing the best way of producing BiGuEm that had gained an edge on the other processes upon the addition of the new biostimulant to the initial fermented mass. In the end, that biostimulant demonstrated the highest efficiency. The choice of the most efficient BiGuEm production process was made by a set of methods of biochemical, microbiological, and agrochemical analyses conducted, considering their behavior. Three variants of producing BiGuEm were studied, and it was recognized that the best one was a modified process called S3 and run using a complex-component stimulant, including the combination of citric acid and acetic magnesium. That process corresponded to the maximum reductive-oxidative coefficient (ROC) that indicated the active catabolic orientation of transformative conversions, reached 0.91 at the end of bioprocessing, and signaled, through mobilizedmicrobial flora, about the accumulation of available nutrients in the biofertilizer. In addition, a significant increase in the level of invertase activity was observed by the end of fermenting at thesynchronousrecedingactivity of cellulase,which pointed at the advancing replacement of substrates for its activity with low-molecule compounds. It was found out that the highest fractions (% per abs.dr.subs.) in the biofertilizer produced by S3 belonged tosuch fertilizer elements as phosphorus(Р2О5) (2.52) and potassium (К2О) (1.44). The high carbon content of up to 31.85 indicated that the resulting biofertilizer possessed a considerable energy potential. According to the interpretation of the set of the results, the production of BiGuEm using citric acid and acetic magnesium was related to one of the most prospective processes for further elaboration and testing on different agricultural crops.  


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