An Overview On the Protection Against Corrosion of Steels


N. M. Yakupov,S. N. Yakupov,M. Rynkovskaya,G. E. Okolnikova,



Adhesion,Corrosion protection,Magnetic field,Protective coating,Thin-walled element,


In paper, mostly unknown problems of corrosion in the presence of mechanical strain and physical fields, as well as the problem of determining the stiffness characteristics of thin-film coatings and adhesive properties of the coating binder which are the barriers against corrosive wear, are considered. To assess the stiffness characteristics of the thin-walled circular samples with a complex structure, the experimentally-theoretical approach is used. There is also a designed experimental - theoretical method for determining the adhesion of coatings. It is noticed that there is an effect of the magnetic field for reducing the corrosive wear, and a new way to protect structures from corrosion is presented as well. Besides, active overlays that create local regions of compression are offered to reduce corrosion levels, as well as a protective coating with shells of complex geometry and a shielding membrane forming blowing film channels.


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