Special Issue Policy

The Journal Publishes National or International Conference Papers organized by University, Institute, College, or Any Recognized  Organization of the World. Conference Papers are Reviewed by Guest Editors along with regular Reviewers. All the review reports, articles after review revision will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences for the consideration of the Board of Editors of the journal. The final decision regarding Acceptance or Rejection of the paper/papers of the conference will be taken by the Board of Editors of the journal. The Conflict of Interest regarding peer review, papers after review revision, and the decision of the Editorial Board is followed by COPE guidelines. Regarding academic matters the ‘Special Issue’ of the journal, the decision of the Board of Editors of the journal is final.

Article Processing Charge per Paper of Special Issue is Rs 10000.00 (INR)  or $120 (USD) (equivalent / approx). Article Processing Charge once paid is non-refundable. Based on the recommendation of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal the Executive Committee of the Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences (Publisher) can waive partially or completely. Regarding the financial matters of the ‘Special Issue’ of the journal, the decision of the Executive Committee of the institute (Publisher) is final.