Weather Prediction by the use of Fuzzy Logic


Sudipta Ghosh,Arpan Dutta,Suman Roy Chowdhury ,Gopal Paul ,



Fuzzy Logic ,atmospheric temperature ,Atmospheric Pressure ,Relative Humidity ,probability of temperature,


In this paper, a Fuzzy Knowledge – Rule base technique is used to predict the ambient atmospheric temperature. The present study utilizes historical temperature as well as database of various meteorological parameters to develop a prediction process in fuzzy rule domain to estimate temperature. Daily observations of Rain, Atmospheric Pressure, and Relative Humidity are analyzed to predict the Temperature. The topic of Fuzzy Logic as a decision-making technique is introduced. It is recommended that applications of this technique could be effectively applied in the area of operational meteorology. An example of such an application, the forecast of the probability of temperature, is discussed and examples of the method are presented. Other possible meteorological applications are suggested. Additionally, a software package which aids in the development of such applications is briefly described.


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Author(s) : Sudipta Ghosh, Arpan Dutta, Suman Roy Chowdhury and Gopal Paul View Download