Virtually Essence Effect Creator Prototype Development Effort- A Case Study


Zinkar Das,Himanshu Rai,Sudipta Ghosh ,Saswata Das ,Dipyaman Goswami ,Biswarup Neogi,



Essence effect,Internet technology,Odour,Image,Prototype,


Introducing modern transmission technology, it is possible to transmit some human sensual theme (sound, video, and picture) with support of signal processing aspects. It is quite difficult to transmit aroma introducing signal processing effort. We attempt to contribute a short prototype, which create a virtual effect of essence in receiving section. This paper mainly focuses with a case study manner towards the prototype development in techno commercial features. The specific patent review in this field is added it’s important. In addition, art work representation to working model based approaches is presented chronologically with appropriate technical information. Developed prototype and image processing technology behind this project is presented. The involvement of several interdisciplinary facts is carried towards the development of this prototype. Overall, this paper presents a case study towards the performance of one challenging product based preliminary prototype generation.


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Author(s): Zinkar Das, Himanshu Rai, Sudipta Ghosh , Saswata Das , Dipyaman Goswami and Biswarup Neogi View Download