Pravesh Soti,Vivek Kumar Pathak,DOI NO:
Corporate Governance,India,CSR,value creation,society,shareholders,Abstract
Corporate governance is aunified, systematic, comprehensive and an integrated mechanism which helps the organization to be transparent. Basically, Its erves as a watch dog for an organization through its monitoring process and create values for itself, share holders and for the society at large. This piece of work aims at a chronological study of corporate governance in Information Technology sector and its impact on society for value creation.A range of studies that have applied in 20-year period are examined in a non-exhaustive review of the literature. These studies are selected from authenticated sources mainly from well-known national and international journals. The paper discusses and summarizes numerous theoretical aspects followed by conceptual criticisms of corporate governance structures/ policies/ framework. Despite these criticisms, the paper concludes that corporate governance remains an useful instrument for industry-oriented research. The author has focused her approach purely from corporate perspective based on her diagnostic studies that is clearly reflected on this paper. The nature and scope of corporate governance is vast and ever evolving. The genesis of the corporate governance reveal that Corporate governance matters are complex that combines its matters like web. The term “governance” designated initially as government dealing with economic and social resources than as a process by which corporate decisions are made or implemented. Corporate governance has become a very effective mechanism which has helped the organizations to create value and stand as a pillar for the growth of Indian economy.The paper provides a useful source of information on corporate governance and its applications. In particular, the paper summarizes a trend of corporate governance over a period of time in India and it is beneficial to the academics, practitioners and researchers.Refference:
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