
Aurang Zeb,Abdul Farhan,Ashfaq Ahmad,Syed Khaliq Shah,Mujahid Khan,




plastic wastes,binding property,road construction,Ecological criteria,


Plastic which is toxic in nature is found to be nearly 5% in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).A major problem now a days is the disposal of plastic wastes. These wastes are non-biodegradable in nature causing environmental pollution and hygiene problems. The experimentation at several institutes indicated that waste plastic can be utilized in asphalting of roads. The use of these wastes in the road construction is based on Economic, Technical and Ecological criteria. Taking an example of PAKISTAN (Karachi) several million metric tons plastic wastes are produced every year. If these wastes can be suitably use in road construction, the disposal and pollution, problems can be minimized to a large extent. In road making process bitumen is used as a binder. The bitumen can be modified with plastic wastes forming a mix which can be used as a top layer of flexible pavement, showing better binding property, stability, density and which is more resistant to water. In this project we use waste plastic in bitumen by 0%, 3%, 5%, 8% and 10%. We conclude from all test results that with addition of plastic penetration and ductility value decreases while softening point, flash & fire point increases.


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IPCBEE vol.28(2012) © (2012)IACSIT Press, Singapoore.

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