Thermal-Aware Real-Time Task Schedulabilty test for Energy and Power System Optimization using Homogeneous Cache Hierarchy of Multi-core Systems


Hamayun Khan,Muhammad Rehan usman,Bilal Ahmed,M. Usman Hashmi,ZeeshanNajam,Sheeraz Ahmad,



Storm,Dynamic Power Management,Multicore Devices,Real-time systems,


Microprocessors design consist of many micro level chips that reaches to a state where thermal upsurge occurs due to rapid processing of data and effect (reduce) their efficiency in many different aspects. That production of heat can cause disintegration which makes the chips disable of doing many function they are assign to perform. Embedded devices are designed to combine hardware and software, software integration can insert to hardware to perform some specific function. Multicore embedded devices are in different shapes and dimension. It has various applications on larger scale in networking and nuclear powerhouses to small multimedia players printers, automobiles, cameras mobile handset due to higher demand of power the energy becomes the major concern of the multicore devices for this a thermal aware scheduling algorithm has been proposed that consider the migration of load from higher state to that of lower state and considers all type of tasks and forecast them according to the priority by maintaining the previous history. The proposed technique also considers various thermal values by consulting the previous priorities of task on multicore systems. Migration policy is used to share load from one core to another the algorithm efficiently decreases almost 3℃ temperatures at 40% utilization and the energy utilization is 221.3 J which is 3.12 % improved as compare to the global EDF.


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