R. N. Farah,K. Jayalakshmi,DOI NO:
chip mental arithmetic,addition, subtraction, whole number, teaching tools,Abstract
This research is done to establish the usage of the Chip Mental Arithmetic for the teaching of the addition and subtraction in the whole number combination for Year 1 pupils. Besides that, it also to find out the level of efficiency in the usage of this Chip together with its module based on the performance of the Year 1 pupilson the topics mentioned above. The method used is inference analysis. After using the Mental Arithmetic Number Chip together with its module, it showed the significant differences in the Pre and Post test. The respondents of this project are Year 1 pupils of a school in Selangor who were divided into two groups, the experimental and experimental groups. The data were analyzed by using t-test to determine the differences between pupils of the control group and the experimental group. The findings showed a significant difference of 11.89 with the value [t = 2.084., p <0.05] between the pre and post test for the control group and 51.32 with [t = 2.175, p <0.05] between the pre test and post test for the experimental group. The findings of this research should reflect the usage of this Chip Mental Arithmetic as teaching aids and materials in the classroom, plays as an essential role in enhancing the performance of year 1 pupils as they learn theRefference:
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