Tabassum Feroz,Uzma Nawaz,DOI NO:
Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE),Filtering and Thresholding Techniques,Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN),Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR),Fast ICA,Whitening,Centering,Abstract
This study proposed a correlation analysis of two recent approaches. The FAST ICA technique is used for the separation of the multimodal data (i.e, mixture of audio, noise and image signal) and the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) is used for the removal of white noise from the audio signal. Initially, multimodal data will be formed by combining all the three signals (i.e. a mixture of audio, noise and image signals). For creating an ideal situation and for SNR comparisons, separation of the signals will be performed using the Fast ICA technique. ICA, Independent element analysis is a recently developed technique in which the goal is to seek a linear interpretation of non-Gaussian knowledge for the elements to be as statistically free as possible. Such representations record the key structure of the data in several applications, including signal quality and signal separation. ICA learns a linear decay of the data. ICA can find the basic elements and sources included in the data found where traditional methods fail. After the separation of the mixed data, denoising will be performed using the MMSE technique. The main purpose of the MMSE technique is to remove White Noise from the unmixed audio signal which will be further used for overall and segmental SNR comparisons for quality enhancement. Based on the designed algorithms, both of these techniques are real-time data-driven programs. These techniques are explored with standard De-noising methods using several different estimation methods like signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Experimental results prove that the proposed MMSE technique works well for both noise segmentation and overall consideration of noise distortion signals. These statistical techniques can be used in many applications, such as in different communication systems to eliminate background noise and in channels to reduce channel interference between different applications in speech communicationsRefference:
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