Strategic Human Resource Management & Digitisation of HR for Sustainable Development


P. Janakiram,Lakshmi Narayanamma,



Strategy,Business Strategy,Technical Human Resource Management,Strategic Human Resource Management,Sustainable Competitive Advantage,


In the competitive world that is driven by sheer quality and performance, building a business that is sustainable and growth oriented requires strong strategic management practices coupled with continual improvement of 4Ps namely, Policies, Processes, Practices and People, which drive the sustainability and growth. With robust strategic management practices; the organisational policies, processes and systems strengthen the business from within and enable the business to face challenges posed by external environment. Human Resources (people) are the most critical resources for the Business. Whatever be the level of modernisation and mechanisation the Processes might have undergone, the Human competencies for managing the processes is always critical, like that of formulating policies. To strengthen the organisation from within, the Strategic Human Resource Management is critical. SHRM can be effective only when it undergoes modernisation according to times. For sustainable business growth, the HR Practices also need to be robust and flexible. One of the critical aspects is Digitisation of HR Practices. As it is known “What cannot be recorded cannot be measured and what cannot be measured cannot be improved”, Digitisation of Human Resource function serves the purpose of recording the information and provides the analytics, paving a way for continual improvement. Only caution being, the IT shall be used only as a decision and process enabling tool for Human Resource Management and benevolence aspect shall not be lost in digitisation of Human Resource Management. With SHRM getting digitised, it provides required inherent strength to the business to be successful. Hence required focus needs to be laid on SHRM and its digitisation with added caution to ensure continual growth of the business for sustainable development.


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XV. Read more:
XVI. Year 2013, Corporate Policy-its Determinants and Importance in Present
Corporate Scenario by Dr. D.C. Johri*, Dr.VikasSaraf ** and
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XVIII. Year 2018, A Study of Digitalization in HRM and its Effectiveness in Execution
of HR Strategies and Policies *1Mruthyanjaya RaoMangipudi, 2 Rajesh Vaidya
XIX. Year 2019, Importance of Competency based Training Management System –
with focus on Government Organisations, by P. JanakiramandDr. Lakshmi

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