Solving The Beam Deflection Problem Using Al-Tememe Transforms


Emad Kuffi,Elaf Sabah Abbas,Sarah Faleh Maktoof,



Complex AL-Tememe transform,AL-Tememe transform,deflection of the beam,differential equations,famous function,Inverse of AL-Tememe transform,Inverse of complex AL-Tememe transform,uniform distributed load,


In this paper, an enhancement to the beam deflection problem is performed through the substitution of 𝑞(𝑥)by 1/x4, this substitution is performed to reduce the beam load intensity, also the enhanced beam deflection problem is solved using two new transforms, which are complex AL-Tememe and AL-Tememetransforms. the results (solutions) from complex AL-Tememe and AL-Tememe transforms are compares to each other, both transforms have the ability to solve the enhanced problem of the beam deflection.


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